Thought y'all would like this for ****s and giggles. I don't really care too much, I already smashed her a few times but thought it was somewhat funny nonetheless. Got into a debate about politics after we smashed. I go home and get a text from her saying she's too passionate about her beliefs and wishes me good luck.
Any of you others have other BS reasons why things didn't work out well with plates?
I've dated men with whom I have different political beliefs. I'm also friends with the occasional liberal (I'm quite conservative.)
The problem isn't different beliefs. It is the intolerance of an alternative viewpoint that many people can't handle. People who can't tolerate an alternative perspective are ideologues. Ideologues get so wrapped up in their belief system that it becomes akin to religious ideology. And someone who is an ideologue to that degree simply cannot rationally discuss opposing points of view nor can they have a level headed conversation on the merits.
I don't know about the rest of you...but I won't date someone who is an ideologue like I describe above. Discourse makes life interesting & intellectually stimulating. Some of the most interesting conversations I've had have been with people I disagree with in the arena of political viewpoint or religious belief.
And afterward we liked & respected each other all the more.
It is possible to hold beliefs passionately and still be able to rationally discuss the merits with an opposing view. It can be entertaining as well.
People who can't handle that would be kicked to the curb for being either intellectually vacuous or lazy; or for lack of emotional calibration.
So I think the issue noted by the OP is actually an indicator of low intellect or poor emotional calibration...those issues are both things I think are legitimate things to drop a dating interest over.
Life is too short for dealing with shrill people who lack intellect and/or emotional stability.