You , Sir , are the perfect example of what is wrong. I think you miss the point, pro-abortion people (apparently like yourself) claim that a baby in the womb is just a clump of cells. If that were true then why harvest organs? The babies aren't human but their organs are?
So if the pro-abortion people finally admit to themselves that the babies they advocate killing are actual human beings, then maybe they won't sleep so well.
We do abort babies, but, in order to render this industrialized mass murder superficially acceptable, we dehumanize them by calling them fetuses. All great crimes begin with the dehumanization of the victims, and abortion is no different. All honest people, however, know exactly what a baby is, and know that abortion is the deliberate killing of human babies, on a mass scale.
All fetuses eventually become babies. If you apply the most basic mathematical theory of association then A = B therefore it stands that B = A, it cannot be otherwise. If all fetuses become babies then it stands to reason that all Babies were at one time fetuses and hence all fetuses are babies. Unless you can prove that the fetus in the woman womb is going to end up being a Dyson vac or a Harley Davidson motorcycle or something else.
If unborn baby seals or unborn baby whales (or God forbid unborn Delta Smelts) were routinely harvested for parts, the screaming and outrage from the Left would be deafening. Unborn children however? ( S I L E N C E )