Plan to emotionally shock and control a woman


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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So 2 weeks ago I banged this late-30s divorced chick on the first date. It was actually great sex. She's a 6 but is excellent in the sack. And she made me breakfast the next morning. I was willing to do her again but not put much work into it.

First date we went out for drinks and then back to her place and banged it out all night. Both she and I were unavailable for almost 2 weeks thereafter but made plans to see each other again tonight.

We've texted on and off infrequently during those weeks. So last night (when I was hanging out with my 6-month girlfriend) she texts and says:

HER: So what's the plan? I've been waiting 2 weeks for this!!!
ME: Hmm let me think.. let me think.. why don't we get nude.
HER: Well yes we have all night for that, is that the only thing on your agenda?

At this point I thought "uh oh, this chick is now expecting me to put in some effort and take her out."

ME: Hadn't thought of anything else, why?
HER: Let's go out and do something.

So on one hand I had the option of saying "No let's just f*ck" but I had a feeling we'd butt heads on that and it would be the end.

So I'm trying a slightly different, more aikido-like approach. Not sure it'll work but it will be a little bit interesting either way I hope.

ME: Want me to pick you up at 7PM?
HER: Yes

Now I'm going to stand her up. I have a feeling she'll text and then call me, frustrated and confused. I won't respond.

Then late tonight I'll text her saying, "Sorry about tonight, it just seemed like you were more interested in going out than you were in me."

She'll say something like "Of course I'm interested in you, I just wanted to do something fun blah blah blah."

Then I'll attempt to turn it into a late-night lay with only sex and no going out. If it works, it will set a precedent for future interactions. Hopefully sex only for a few weeks until she starts to rebel and I have to drop the hammer again. And if it fails, it's no big loss anyway since she's not hot enough for me to want to buy her dinner and sh*t.

I believe I need to stand her up because that will put her into an emotional state, which will allow me to influence her more effectively. But I have to time it right so I send my text when she's worked herself into a state of despair but before she's completely emotionally closed the door.

Possible pitfalls are that she simply calls up another guy or a friend and goes out with them. Or she has low IL and doesn't really care about me much either and my plan doesn't work. Another issue is that she doesn't have that many free nights, so she might be looking for a guy who will take her out whenever she does. If that's the case then I'm not that guy anyway.



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I really don't think it is too much to ask to take a girl out for a few drinks before you go home to sex. Doing the plan you suggested is part of the reason its getting harder and harder for men out there in the dating world.

But besides all of that. You have a gf. I assume you are exclusive?

So you plan on hurting two girls tonight. Cmon man, you are better than this.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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cordoncordon said:
I really don't think it is too much to ask to take a girl out for a few drinks before you go home to sex. Doing the plan you suggested is part of the reason its getting harder and harder for men out there in the dating world.

But besides all of that. You have a gf. I assume you are exclusive?

So you plan on hurting two girls tonight. Cmon man, you are better than this.
i second that


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah bro I agree with cordon as well, what you are planning to do doesn't sound cool. The woman hasn't put you down or insulted you, she just wants to spend time with you and is picking you up to boot.

To emotionally shock a woman should only be required when they play games, screw around behind your back or put you down. When they are on the up and up and generally like you, gotta respond in kind.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Could work...
Definitely counter-intuitive, and feels Zarky-style.

I have no expectations until it happens. The path to truth is not words, but action.

Please report back.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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cordoncordon said:
I really don't think it is too much to ask to take a girl out for a few drinks before you go home to sex. Doing the plan you suggested is part of the reason its getting harder and harder for men out there in the dating world.

But besides all of that. You have a gf. I assume you are exclusive?

So you plan on hurting two girls tonight. Cmon man, you are better than this.
If you'be read his other posts, you'll see he has 3 girlfriends, all non exclusive

Report back zarky bro


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
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all the white knights go piss off and save a puppy


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
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divorced women are just as if not more cunning and cut throat, and to handle them without dragging them by the hair in one hand And weilding a big wooden club in other is to manipulate thier emotions

evolution is funny huh? stone age men vs the watered down feminized men of today


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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georgie24 said:
divorced women are just as if not more cunning and cut throat, and to handle them without dragging them by the hair in one hand And weilding a big wooden club in other is to manipulate thier emotions

evolution is funny huh? stone age men vs the watered down feminized men of today
There is a big, BIG difference between being a mature, active, mans MAN, and just being a D!CK.

Some men, like you, think being a man means being an azzhole. So go forward, be an azzhole. How is it workin' out for ya so far?


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
It's funny how everyone here brags when a woman is divorced with a child that it's her own fault. What if her dear hubby was a great man, went into drugs/alcohol and changed himself, but in meantime she got a child.

It's her fault and she's a *****, right ?


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Danger said:
What is more common, an unwed woman with a child who let some guy knock her up?

Or a woman with an amazing man who turned bad and left her?

I think we all know the answer. Too many girls you see now have children, even if they are under 25.
I completely agree.

Though, it's dumb to immediately mark woman as a slut because she got a child.
It's like stereotyping every single one.

And yes, be cautious with single moms, especially when they are YOUNG.


Don Juan
May 7, 2012
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I am not talking to Dander but I just see a few questions on here and I'm just thinking/typing to myself about some of these questions (because I don't have an agenda to even try to control the lives of everyone else in the world by pushing my own values/lifestyle on to everyone else, I don't have double-standards and I never would b*ng a chick and then turn around and call her a sl*t/wh*re in person or on sites, I never try to sh*me women or men, I don't attack others by calling them names because I think that would make me look weak and insecure, and I am not trying to make some "perfect according to me/my beliefs" so-called utopia that even if created would probably only last a few years because of human nature anyway, I don't view women as an enemy (where I'm from people who are constantly fighting women are seen as weak girlie-men because they can't handle women), I'm sure if I was in court all of the guys from SS would be right there to defend me from women where really they would probably say to lock me up so so much for my so called strong Men's Rights friends, I'm not bitter/angry and even this free speech here is not even an angry rant because it's in a neutral thinking tone, I like women and women are attracted to me, etc.
The guys and (usually older) women who constantly say things against "unwed m*thers/and so-called according to the self-appointed authority invested in THEMSELVES as being a c*nservative/beta guy or (older) women 'illegitim*te children' are usually either extremely religious or have the values involving marriage that THEY want everyone else in the world to also have just like they do that children should according to them be had in marriage/so-called wed-lock because that is what THEY believe. I dislike p*litics and I have NO p*litical (or even social) agenda and I will never work in g*vernment. I will leave it to some of the other posters to go save the world. Historically, what was the exact year when marriage started (and thus when according to their beliefs everyone HAD to be married to ever have children)? I don't know, could it be out of hundreds of thousands of years of human history that (some or most, but not ALL) people have been "getting married" for only a few thousands of years? In some of the posters DNA, was there ever ANY genetics EVER passed on from any "inferior relatives who were G*d forbid who were NOT married" going back tens of thousands of years? Considering the history of humans from the beginning of human existence (do only people conceived in so-called marriage have a "right to exist"), at what age did the majority of women have children? I don't know, but from what I have heard it sounds like up until a few hundred years ago most girls had children in their teenage years (even some of the figures in the religion of millions of people who then say things against teenage mothers were had when the girls were teenagers), and many people died by their 30's so children were had at earlier ages, and it has only been within around the last 70 years that more women were having children AFTER their 30's (if at all because of college/careers), so some posters may sound judgmental about almost everything(because they have the authority and control and are always correct in their minds) and "d*mned if they do and d*mned if they don't" (maybe because they want every woman and child and everyones life to be THEIRS, and everyone has to have children after say age 30 or whatever they make-up, but well not to push my beliefs onto other independent people). Was any person in the world ever had under the age of 30, yeah right, welcome back to the real world. I hope to G*d that I NEVER control the world

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Dude, who's going to read that mess? Use paragraphs.

Yes, I am the grammar police, in case you're wondering. You're being charged with reckless endangerment to the English language.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Zarky said:
I believe I need to stand her up because that will put her into an emotional state, which will allow me to influence her more effectively. But I have to time it right so I send my text when she's worked herself into a state of despair but before she's completely emotionally closed the door.
She may emotionally close the door by the next morning if you don't text her. Doing it late at night (when you're ready to get laid) is likely the perfect time to do it. However, I'd change this:

Then late tonight I'll text her saying, "Sorry about tonight, it just seemed like you were more interested in going out than you were in me."
That will just keep her emotions in the negative which will make her resent you. You want to offset that with something positive like telling her "Sorry, something important came up. Do you still want to see me tonight?" She'll most likely say 'yes' unless she made other plans.

You want her emotions going up and down like a rollercoaster. If you create a negative, you need to offset it with a positive shortly afterwards.


Don Juan
May 7, 2012
Reaction score
OK, thanks Moderator, FYI, if this by AS is about me, unfortunately to have to get off the topic of other comments, (is this a run-on sentence or hopefully it's acceptable for a sentence), aside from posting a quick message on a forum, a reason why I kindly didn't type in paragraphs is what I previously thought was being RESPECTFUL because I didn't want to take up the entire screen with just a quick comment because after typing into this smaller box I didn't know how much of the screen it would end up taking up. To a regular person if they did not like that something was not typed on a forum in neat paragraphs it would seem like they would not have to waste their time even trying to read it then. I don't think the real issue is paragraphs though as I figured my spelling is above average from many incorrectly typed words I've read on a bunch of other posts before, but I will try to get better at typing in paragraphs. So if this is the Moderator's site, sorry my typing is not good enough, and to think in school I got mostly A's too, so this is enlightening to me that I am being taught how to type better. I think in this paragraph I am typing better, so it appears that I have improved fastly (is that a word, I'm the dude who brought fastly back). Respectfully in a happy tone, Thanks again for helping me, and Peace out to the Mods and other posters on SS. Good day.

Paragraph 2 (I'm a fast learner, in part thanks to my awesome education here on SS). In this case it did not sound overly pushy so, I would not have done an expensive dinner, but I probably still would have gone out for drinks and maybe also do something fun (like bowling, dancing, pool, music, etc) because I even like to have "regular" fun when I go out with women too.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
It'll be interesting to see how this expierment works out,but in my opinion,this kinda makes you look like a lazy bum to be honest.

Couple reasons why I say that....

Zarky said:
So 2 weeks ago I banged this late-30s divorced chick on the first date. It was actually great sex. She's a 6 but is excellent in the sack. And she made me breakfast the next morning. I was willing to do her again but not put much work into it.

You said this chick was excellent in bed,PLUS she made you breakfast the next morning. So you're getting GREAT SEX and the chick is cooking for you NOW,the way things CURRENTLY ARE.......WITHOUT this little plan you got cooked up.

Well damn dude,you're getting great sex and the girl is cooking for you. Ok....why in the HELL do you want to tinker with that? What else do you want?

All it cost you was taking her out for drinks,and THAT was too much of an investment? You're not willing to invest drinks for getting GREAT SEX and breakfast cooked for you in return?

That just seems so damn cheap and petty to me.

HER: So what's the plan? I've been waiting 2 weeks for this!!!
ME: Hmm let me think.. let me think.. why don't we get nude.
HER: Well yes we have all night for that, is that the only thing on your agenda?

At this point I thought "uh oh, this chick is now expecting me to put in some effort and take her out."

Here she asked what was on the agenda for the night,and you said you two should get nude. Did you see how she responded? She was like,"Well yes,we have all night for that",as if the sex was a GIVEN.

From a female point of view,that would seem kinda tacky. You two hadn't seen each other in two weeks cause of your schedules,and when you do finally get a chance to see each other,your *BIG PLAN* for the two of you that night was sex. That's it?

I think she was looking at sex as being the "BIG FINISH" of a fun night,not the whole night itself.

ME: Want me to pick you up at 7PM?
HER: Yes

Now I'm going to stand her up. I have a feeling she'll text and then call me, frustrated and confused. I won't respond.

Then late tonight I'll text her saying, "Sorry about tonight, it just seemed like you were more interested in going out than you were in me."

This may emotionally shock her. Probably confuse her too. Cause it makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever.

That,"you seemed like you were more interested in going out than you were in me" line is just flat out FOOLISH. She was interested in going out WITH YOU,in spending time WITH YOU,not going out just to be going out.

I don't know how much control this tactic may give you,but it'll definately have her scratching her head.

Then I'll attempt to turn it into a late-night lay with only sex and no going out. If it works, it will set a precedent for future interactions. Hopefully sex only for a few weeks until she starts to rebel and I have to drop the hammer again. And if it fails, it's no big loss anyway since she's not hot enough for me to want to buy her dinner and sh*t.
You might get by once or twice with this,but sooner or later her ASD is going to kick in and put a stop to it.

You're getting sex and breakfast RIGHT NOW. Seems to me your goal with this is to continue getting sex and her doing things for you without giving ANYTHING in return.

Once,twice......maybe three times,but sooner or later,she's going to "feel" that all she's doing is giving and getting nothing back. She's gonna feel like she's being taken advantage of. And it's not like she's asking to go to fancy $100 dinners,just to spend a little time together OUTSIDE the bedroom,but because she's a "6",that's too much for you to give. Hmmf.'ll still be interesting to see what happens though.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 28, 2003
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from now on all the alpha threads will be booby trapped with an extemly thin placed chicken wire only alphas can see, it will be blind spot for the betaknights :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Zarky hasn't responded,

could be interpreted as a sign that the operation went badly?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I love it. I'd try it. I don't think it makes you an *******. I think it makes you a man living in the real world.

Good luck.