Plan to create wingmen in college


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
A major setback to a higher caliber college is that a majority of the population, and not to offend anyone because this is in my situation, are a load of geeks.

The frat population is even laughable to me because it's a group of geeky guys that become better with women because of high social proof.

My roommate in community college and I grabbed chicks right and left while we were wingmen for each other, but he had to go back home because he couldn't get accepted.

Plan: I've been trying to train a couple guys that I've made friends with to have potential as assertive men, and to not say stupid shyt in public around women, and to not make me look like a douche for hanging out with them. Like the movie Hitch. Kind of.... I've been trying to improve their vernacular, the way they dress, and what they say and do in certain situations.

Trust me, this isn't some selfish venture to make robots and followers. They ask me all the time for advice as they see me succeed in seduction.

This will get me WINGMEN as a benefit and improve their lives as well. I've already gotten one of them laid... yeah, it was mostly just putting him in the right situation at the right time.

Dilemma: My friends won't totally commit to following my lead and they take the first opportunity they think they can grab (bottom of the barrel), the way they act is SLOWLY improving at not nearly the rate I'd like, and it's not helping me at all (though I'm still here for them as a friend). I still have to play my own technique with sarging, head games, and club manuevers.

I'd like anyone with experience to training DJs to post here (because lets face it, some people just don't want to read hours and hours of seduction material when they have too much work to do).


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
You can always meet people outside of your college. There HAS to be non-geeks at your school. Go to the gym, make friends there.

I work in a totally geeky company, I've made alot of non-nerd friends playing basketball/football etc...

the d-rock

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
you have to watch trying to convert people who do this stuff. If they dont fully want to improve their life or really want to get women they will eventually hold you back.

I also think there is a site its like PUA link and you can find wings in your area.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
I need a wingman in my area, probably 70% of the college population is female, but I don't lone wolf. :p