I guess I better explain what I mean. Women are everywhere. At the corner, in the stores, at the supermarket, at resturants:
last summer I was at hard rock resturant. there was this blond giving choosing signals. Instead of paying with my buddy I went over and handed her my card and said give me a call sometime.
she called.
turns out she was a travelling nurse (I'd never heard of one before) and she was living in a town near mine,but was leaving in 3 weeks.
we made the most of those 3 weeks. she even asked me if I would move with her.
so end of that field experience. like I was saying they are everywhere, just get out and open your eyes for opportunities.
I do hope you guys have cards, even if you just have your name and a cell number on it (college & highschool dudes). You can even make them on your computer and print them out if professional is too much.
go out and hand out that card bro. It's a numbers game:
"Wayne Ross's Dating Tips Newsletter"
I'm sure you've heard the saying before that
"Dating is a numbers game".
Well in this issue, you're going to learn how
this principal applies in the real world, and how you
can use it to improve your ability to meet women.
First of all, what does that mean... dating is
a numbers game? How does that actually work in the real
The reason you'll hear so many people talking
about dating as a numbers game is because of this
simple truth. The more doors you knock on, the more
will open.
Now there's two ways to increase the amount of
women in your life. The first one is to simple knock on
more doors, and statistically... you will get more
doors that open for you.
What that means is... the more women you
approach, and ask out... the more women you are going
to have saying yes. The flip side of that is you will
also have more women saying "no" too.
The second way to get more women is to learn
how to get a higher percentage of those doors to open.
Let's say you approach 20 women, and only 1 of them is
interested in seeing you for a first date.
That's a 5% "yes ratio". Now, you could just
approach 100 women, and get 5 "yes's", and that would
be fine. You'd have 5 women in your life, and you'd be
But let's be honest, do you really want to have
to go through 95 "no's" to get to 5 "yes's"?
I didn't think so.
But what if you could learn how to get 4 or 5
yes's for every 20 women you talked to? Wouldn't that
be much easier, and smarter than bulldozing your way
through 100 women?
So what should I focus on first Wayne?
The first thing to work on is your approach, of
course. The more women you approach, the more chances
for first dates you will have.
Try experimenting with these aspects of the
approach to see what combination works best for you.
* Try smiling when you walk up VS. smirking.
* Try saying "Hi there" instead of just "Hi"
* Try complimenting her on a specific feature, instead
of just telling her she's beautiful.
Mod's if it's against the rules to post this newsletter just edit it out...thanks.