places to go out with a woman,perhaps creative ideas?


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
Berlin, Germany

I have been dating this girl for 5-6 times now, most of the time we ended up at her place making out etc. now, this weekend we wanted to go out and she asked me, what I would like to do.

I offered her the ideas:


what other ideas do you guys have? I am thinking of unusual interesting dates, but not to freaked out (e.g. parachuting ;) )

something,that other guys don't do.

what do you do with your girls??


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I have the following in a .txt file on my computer.

I don't know the sources. Some are probably from someone else's posts on sosuave.

Just ideas. Some are good. Some are stupid. You choose.

1. Arcade/ Miniature Golf /Batting Cages.
Sometimes found all in the same location. Some of these places might also have race cars.

2. Comedy Clubs.

3. Zoo/Seaworld.
Girlies love this one; not too many men think of it. They've all said to me "The zoo? That's really cool, no guys has ever taken me to the zoo"; then they keep asking for weeks, "When are we going to to the zoo?"; yeah, might sound kind of goofy to us guys, but works like a charm. Might be because most women are nurturing and love animals.

4. Bring her along.
Take her to hang out while you do your things like shopping for music, going to the mall, book store, etc. If she's into you at this point, she will really enjoy that.

5. Work Out Date.
Once she's confortable, invite her to go work out. There's something about working, raises the hormones, you can get some physical contact, and it will be a unique experience for her.

6. Get her too cook for you at your place.
Tell her to cook for you and bring it over. Cook a meal together. Bake together. Carve a pumpkin, etc. Good reason to get her to your place. Can't go wrong with that one.

7. Hang out at the park or the beach.
Most babes like rollerblading, bike riding, etc. Women have some kind of fantasy about the whole beach experience, so take advantage of it.

8. Casinos.
If you don't live in or near Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or any near gamblin' city, find out if there are any casinos operated by Native Americans. This is definitely something different, and can be fun.

9. Museums.
There are many kinds to suit your taste. Art, science, astronomy, culture, etc.

10. Concerts.
If you don't want to spend too much money, specially early, look for local shows and bands that are coming or performing in small clubs. Always look at it as something that you want to do, and you're just bringing her along.

11. State Fair.
Yes, I know, sounds kind of "girlie", and that's exactly what it is. Women love the fair. I don't get it, but they are wired for it.

go X-Bowling (a.k.a. disco bowling)
-pack a basket full of yummy treats and go to a pretty park and have a picnic
-go to Starbucks and grab a latte
-rent canoes and paddle around in the nearest lake/river
-play tennis
-get a pick-up game of basketball going w/ the boys (or girls, or both)
-go to a place where you can paint your own dishes or cups, and create a masterpiece with some of your friends to cherish for years to come
-go on a ferry ride without your car and just walk around when you get to the other side
-get all dressed up in your fresh gear from when you were 8 and go to an 80's Night
-go in someone's hot tub
-dress up all fancy and go to a play, opera, symphony, or just a nice place for dinner
-play Twister or other fun board games from back in the day
-go see some Improv
-play in the rain (sometimes it actually rains around here)
-play Truth or Dare (doesn't always have to be about kissing!!! (Although that is fun sometimes)) -play Red Rover, Duck Duck Goose, or other fun games outside
-go for a walk
-have a dance party @ someone's house
-take the bus to random places, get off, then study or read
-watch the sunset...................then/or watch the sunrise
-go to the zoo
-go to old diners anytime after midnight
-go camping
-bake together (deserts are really fun!)
-go to the laser show, or the IMAX
-go to the top of a really tall building downtown
-go to a baseball or hockey game
-go to the golf course (it is just using your 9 irons and putters, really easy and fun!)
-Go to the circus
-Go sightseeing in your own city, pretending to be tourists
-Have fun at an amusement park
-Visit an agricultural or environmental tourist attraction in your city. IE: biodome, aquarium, planetarium, arboritarium, botanical gardens, etc.
-Take your date to a haunted house
-Before Halloween, why not pick out a pumpkin together and carve it
-Take your date to a comedy club
-White water rafting is an EXCELLENT idea!
-Take a hay ride together
-Go to a sports game (professional, college, or even a random highschool's)
-Go clam digging or muscle/perwinkle picking together
-Take a ride in a hot air balloon
-Go horseback riding
-Take a one-time class together
-Go ice skating on a deserted pond
-Go for a hike
-Take a short pottery making class together
-Try shooting pool
-Go on a tour of a local industry
-Visit a museum
-In-line skating
-Go to a drive-in movie
-Go to a dance
-Go for a drive in the country
-Go out on a double date
-Buy a canvas and paint a picture together
-Buy a block of ice find a grassy hill and go sliding down it.
-Get 100 pennies and go to a fountain and make wishes.
-Get on some tacky clothes and go downtown acting like a tourist in your own town.
-Go to a local thrift shop and buy have everyone buy an article of clothes for $5 or less and then you crumple all of the receipt put them in a bag and each person draws one out, You wear the clothes that correspond to your receipt.
-Go door to door to a bunch of your friend’s houses getting one bit of food at each house until you have enough for a picnic.
-Have a picnic on an over pass, or a median.
-Anonamosly write poems and deliver them to peoples houses.
-Bake cookies
-Pick some flowers and go downtown and give them to people.
-Go on a scavenger hunt.
-check out a free concert
-people watch at the mall

1. AMUSEMENT PARKS - This really makes for a fun date, especially if you both enjoy thrill-seeking rides such as roller coasters, etc. Also, don't forget to try and win her a teddy bear or other keepsake.

2. BALLOON RIDES - I am referring to hot-air balloon rides. This is a breath-taking experience you both will never forget. It's very romantic and some rides even come with champagne.

3. BOAT RENTAL - This makes for a unique experience and it's so relaxing and enjoyable. You can charter a boat with captain and crew or rent a powerboat for skiing, fishing, or just for cruising.

4. CAMPING - What a great way to enjoy the great outdoors! Things really get cozy and romantic sitting in front of an open fire! This is sure to melt her heart and make her want to share your sleeping bar.

5. CARRIAGE RIDES - This is one of the ultimate romantic experiences. Just you and your lover or date in a horse-drawn carriage enjoying the scenery.

6. DINNER AT YOUR PLACE - One of my favorite things to do is to invite a lady over for a candlelight steak dinner and champagne. I do all the cooking and wait on my date hand and foot. I really make my date feel special. So, if you really want to make someone feel special and have a romantic evening, do this for a very special date.

7. DINNER THEATRE - There's nothing like good entertainment while you're eating. Your date will really be impressed and this is one of my top choices to take a date to.

8. GO-CARTS - These are a lot of fun for adults too. Why not challenge your date to a race around the track.

9. HAY RIDES - Have you ever been on a hayride? It's a lot of fun and something very different to do.

10. HELICOPTER RIDES - This was one of the most exciting dates I ever went on. My date and I took a helicopter tour of downtown San Diego and the Shoreline. I was especially fascinated flying over the skyscrapers and looking down on them. This will be an expensive date, because to charter a helicopter can cost you up to $500 an hour. If you can afford it, it's worth the money just for the experience.

11. HORSE RACES OR DOG RACES - Here's another fun activity you can both share and make some money too, if you are lucky.

12. ICE SKATING - Don't know how to skate? No problem, It's a lot of fun just learning. Sure, you're going to take a few spills on the ice. It's all part of the fun! This is great place to go on a date even if you don't know how to ice skate. You can always take lessons, too.

13. JET SKIS - This is like riding a motorcycle on the water and your date can ride on the back. Take my word for it, this is the ultimate joy ride while having some great fun on the water. You can rent them for about $20 for a half-hour.

14. KITE FLYING - Stop by any toy store and pick up a kite and go on a kite date. Head for your local park, beach, or any wide-open space. Kites are not just for kids. It's a fun experience for all ages and it's kind of romantic. So, get your date and go fly a kite.

15. LIMOUSINE DATE - When you want to tell someone they're special, what better way to do it than with the unexpected. Sending flowers is nice, but sending flowers with a limousine is unforgettable. This is a great way to let dancers know they are real special to you.

16. LIVE MUSIC - This will put you and your date in a good mood, especially if the band is good. Check out your area for places that offer live music. Take her to Rock Concerts too.

17. MOONLIGHT STROLLS - When there's a full moon and clear skies, head for any lake or seashore. It's so romantic to take your shoes off and wade along the shore with the full moon gleaming on the water