Pickup Ideas


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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No high value woman let’s a random dude take her back home and bang her (at least not publicly). Women communicate that they are not easy when a stranger approaches them. How much of a b!tchy attitude she gives depends on how much she is either attracted or not attracted to you. To avoid trouble you must be subtle. The best places I think are in or around college campuses, the mall, grocery stores, and tourist spots.

Campus on Friday. “party is on __ and ___ street tonight. Hit me up on my snap if you need help getting in” Target college freshmen and sophomores.
After they hit you up, then say you went to bars instead because it was a bust.

Mall or tourist spot. Walking up to random girls saying: “Amanda? I’m ‘Jimmy.’ She would be like “uhh my name is Bri?”
“oh sh!t. You sure your not supposed to be the girl I was hanging out with today?”
If she says no, then say “I’ll guess I’ll wait for Amanda. Thanks”

I talked to a guy that claims to have picked up over a hundred young women (18 to 26) by cruising around malls. This guy buys cloths or shoes for girls and puts his number (business card) in the box while at the mall. He searched for young women that look at items that they cannot afford. Says he gets 6/10 in bed. He will say that she should definitely get them and that she would look sexy in them. These girls call/text the guy a few days later. He keeps it short. He asks to take them to dinner and to wear whatever it was that he bought for them. He says that he has beded over 100 women this way. I don’t know the guy really well, but he does seem like the kind of dude that pulls 100’s of women.

Any other ideas?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Young sluts are e bragging on tiktok about gang bangs.

Is being a ATM the approach you want to take?

Dtf or next. It shouldn't be something even discussed. Tell her to take her clothes off.

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