Pickup Accusations


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alright well I did an approach today at my gym for the hell of it. Heres how it went:

Me: So what your story? Ex-boyfirend cheated on you so now you want to learn how to beat people up. (something to that extent, Martial Arts class)
HB: Is this how you always pick-up women? (she wasn't to happy)
Me: No way, my girlfriends would kill me. (back turn, practicing on punching bag)

Three negs later...
Me: Alright lets start over, I'm Milren
HB: Hi Milren, I'm HB.

She became a lot nicer at this point

Anyway heres my dilema. While the negs saved me from falling flat on my face, the fact remains that my response to her pickup accusations weren't nearly as good as they could have been. Any suggestions on how to handle this in the future would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
"HB: Is this how you always pick-up women?"

-->"*Look at her like she's not getting it* YES! You got it! This is how I always pick-up women!"

Drop that and move to some topic.

Don't try to defend yourself from her accuses, it makes you look weak.

"HB: Are you always like this?"
-->"YES! Sometimes I'm even worse, if you like me now you will *love* me when I'm worse :)"

"HB: You are behaving bad"
-->"Thanks for noticing honey ;)"

It doesn't have to be something ultra clever C&F line from God, just agree with her, it's more fun too.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
It doesn't have to be something ultra clever C&F line from God, just agree with her, it's more fun too.
Very good point.

I do a bit of improv and the first thing you would learn in an improvisation class is the rule of "Yes, and..." which states that when your improv partner throws an line at you, you do not refuse his idea but instead build on it.

Yes, and...

LionOne gave a fine example of that and is was also right to point out that your answer doesn't have to be the funniest answer ever. Again, just like in improvisation the comical element doesn't stem from how funny each line is but how the whole things builds up.

- Do you say that to all the girls?
- Yes, and sometimes I get so carried away I even say it to guys. :D