Picking up the Bartender


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hey fellas I was just looking for some of your thoughts on picking up bartenders. Let me hear your stories, thoughts, experiences, and advice!

My story is I'm in college and im staying on campus for the summer so I go to the bars pretty regularly and i started talking to this bartender who happens to work at 2 bars that I usually hang out at. 3 weeks ago it was real quiet before the night really got going and we started talking/ flirting / ****y funny approaching her. Ever since then whenever I see her she comes up talking to me, being friendly, buying me shots usually everytime i see her.

So I was out last night and saw her. She came to serve me right away, flirting, chatting, the usual. So i said... what's your deal, i never see you unless your working... we are going out this week or else... when don't you work? she says shes off Saturday... I tell her to write her # down on a napkin... It's game on boys. This girl is smoking HB8/9. I've never picked up a bartender before so I got to thinking about this....

I just wanted to hear some stories, and experiences with picking up bartenders. Lets get into this.


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
i worked in a lot of bars and the girls who work there are used to a ton of attention and have lots of options if they are hot (actually even if they're not that hot) -just like other hot women.

the difference is they get approached way more than other women because guys have to talk to them to get a drink - and they have to talk to guys, no matter how unnattractive they are.

use this to your advantage because don't forget, this also means that they are constantly surrounded by annoying, drooling, drunken idiots telling them they are amazing or trying to impress them, hiking them way up on a pedestal, pouting at them, insulting them or telling them about their problems etc.

don't be one of them, be better than that, use what you've learned about dealing with any hot woman, and you'll be fine.