Picking up ladies at the bus stops??


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Anybody in here ever done that?? If so, what are your technics?

Sometimes when Im driving around the city Ill spot a good looking girl and first ask her for her name, Small talk and then I offer her a ride to wherever she was going. She accepts, we talk more during the trip and end up getting her phone number. Ive seen other guys do this but it never works out for them. Ive talked to several girl friends and they always have a similar story...."some pervert in a car told me I was very pretty and that if he could offer me a ride". Im sure that it is something I do or the way I handle the whole encounter that leads to success. So what do you guys do in these situations, if any??

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Picking up girls at bus stops?? careful they aren't hookers.:D

"hey thanks for the BJ"
"that'll be $10"

But seriously...your method could use some work --

Let me get this straight. You drive up to bus stops in your car, and then start handing out offers to take these women wherever they want to go, for free? That's just ridiculous on so very many levels.

Bus stops are great places to meet women because they'll likely be stationary/sitting, unnoccupied and bored; thus making them easy to approach or engage in conversation. The added benefit here is the option of sitting next to her during the bus journey (assuming you haven't been told to fvck off).

So, waiting at bus stops = ok. Driving by in your car = omg no.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
At one time bus stops were one of my favorite venues and I enjoyed some success there, not tons but enough to have made my efforts worthwhile. I kind of have to agree with the first reply that driving up to the bus stop in your car offering rides is likely to stir up strong resistence and won't be well received but I can say a few things about the more viable approach of waiting at the bus stop.

The real key here is the ability to plan the pickup on the fly. That is to say during the interaction it is necessary to anticipate different logistical scenarios that could develop. For example, if she tells you early on she is coming from work or school find out what part of town she lives in. That way if her bus comes and you still aren't at the point where you can make a strong close you can just get on the bus with her as if it were your bus. Make up a BS story about where you are going later. If you know the city you are in well then you will have a general idea of where she is probably getting off the bus and therefore you will know how much time you have to do your work. Don't blatantly ask what bus she is waiting for, it will be obvious you are following her. Continue the sarge on the bus and build up to where you can make a strong number close or plans to get together at some later time. If going the distance on the spot and fclosing right from the bus (which I have only done once EVER) is a possibility that will be obvious.

This works out a lot better if you actually are waiting on the same bus, but if you are at a point in time where your schedule is open or flexible there is a lot you can do. Interesting PU venue really.