Pick Up Artists TALK Too Much


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Pick Up Artists TALK Too Much

I blame it on the heady gold rush years of the Seduction Community back in the good ol' bad days of Project Hollywood. When new routines, tactics, and techniques were being invented left and right, willy nilly, night and day.

When anyone with an ******* could spout off the most asinine and the most esoteric theories about women, attraction, and the size of their David DeAngelo DVD collection. When really, they were trying to impress their buddies- online and offline- and women with the cavernous size of their oral cavity.

In the past few months, I've been traveling around the country like crazy helping my fellow Asian brothers learn the fine art of flirting and pickup (Asian girls, white girls, black girls, doesn't really matter to me). And in that time, including this past PUA Summit, I've run into many a PUA ranging from the neophyte, the advanced PUAs, the delusional PUAs, and the experts. And some are REALLY ****ING GOOD.

While FAR too many were (and there were certainly exceptions) JUST ****ING TALK TOO MUCH! Less talk, more sex!

Now I grant you, a solid core of Pick Up is your ability to Verbally Game someone. But it's like the roaring '04s with their New Rock Boots, LED signs, and "Who lies more?" left an indelibly print on people's frontal lobe that's kept their mouths on fast forward twenty-****ing-four-****ing-seven!


It's like any kind of bile that spews forth from their mouth (and yeah I'm talking about some of the above average guys) will do. As if they typed it up on some forum to field test and were just too excited and forgot to use their QUIET VOICE and save us from such stupidity.

I mean, yeah, when I approach a lovely lass and her friends, yes, I do the initial heavy lifting of the conversation. But really, I'm looking for the quickest moment when I DO NOT have to talk too much (typically the Social Hook Point) and concentrating MORE on BLP (Body Language Positioning).

I'm essentially looking for the moment where she's JUST BARELY attracted enough to me that I can basically SHUT UP and let HER DO ALL THE WORK.

Only when the attraction starts to die down do I do something that I call Buying Temperature Maintenance.

Really, I didn't get into the Game to do a LOT OF EXTRA, POINTLESS WORK FOR WOMEN. Once you've "made it," why the heck still bust your ass? Or maybe it's because I'm lazy.

I think my biggest pet peeve is seeing- be he a neophyte or a Master- stand there and TALK INCESSANTLY as if by pelting her with enough of his acoustics, she'd become stunned enough for him to pick up and carry off. Hell, come to think of it, there's a whole lot of glazed looks on these women's faces.

I chalked it up to drinking or drugs, or maybe it's simply Intalkifcation by PUA. Guys, when she IS attracted, just SHUT UP and LET HER BE ATTRACTED. Way too many girls have told me that he looked so hot from over there, but then he opened his mouth and let it all fall apart.

Women have girlfriends to TALK to. What a woman wants is ACTION!

Anyways, one of the things I've been experimenting in my non-existent free time (like when Sexual Chocolate was here in Dallas) is just to Approach, pump up her BT, BLP her, kino plow, isolate, initiate sexual conversation, more kino plow and finally extract her. All before I finish my first or second ****tail.

Think of it as the ABCs on steroids and done in 30 minutes.

I think one prime example was when I extracted this average looking nurse (first set of the night in fact) last year in Montreal during Cliff's List and ran into Clifford as he was JUST starting his night.

Or the sister I laid in Yellow Cab's Lay report. Or the blonde I was extracting in 30 minutes when Jewelz came in and then I extracted her in 30 minutes.

Or any other countless examples I can barely count in my sleep deprived state.

Now it's certainly NOT fool proof, but I tend to look for the hook point as soon as possible when I can go sexual and extract than I am in increasing attraction. I guess that/s the NICE thing about Direct Approaching the way I do it. I'm assuming she's ALREADY attracted to me and if not, that's what my natural C&F and kino plowing is for.

Then it's a simple matter for me to BLP and isolate in order to go sexual. And because my time has been so hard pressed of late, I've started making it a personal rule to:


Again, this isn't something you should do at home as my "ABCs on Steroids" Method hasn't quite been field tested enough. So DON'T do this at home, kids, without adult supervision.

But it's shown great promise when I've effectively deployed it. Or maybe I'm getting ADD in my old age and I'm having a hard time concentrating on one girl for more than an hour...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
LOL...I don't get half the acronyms, but back when my game WAS sharp, I noticed the same thing. Not a whole lot was ever said back and forth...once kino began and attraction was established, words just seemed to get in the way.

Words just get the girl to a point where she exposes her femininity. Once the "hook is set", you no longer need the bait, you just need to reel in.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
I think they all talk too much, I think most of them are weired as well.:crazy: Honestly it's not hard to pick up girls....It's hard to find the right girl. I don't know why everyone thinks mystery is the ****, seems like he just states the obvious.