Look it's this simple. For every action that takes place a reaction occurs. Think of it this way, every girl you ask out, call, or approach, one way or another you will find out if she digs you or thinks you look like herman munster. Stop over-analyzing and giving yourself a headache, when the answer is so easily obtainable.
In order for a reaction to take place, you must approach and take action. Unless you're a movie star or have the luck of the irish, women aren't going to approach you; so stop waiting for them to!
Don't let the fun times of life pass you by! Seize the day, approach women, and take action! Remember: Action = Reaction!
In order for a reaction to take place, you must approach and take action. Unless you're a movie star or have the luck of the irish, women aren't going to approach you; so stop waiting for them to!
Don't let the fun times of life pass you by! Seize the day, approach women, and take action! Remember: Action = Reaction!