Physical & Emotional Pain Build Character.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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When you're in pain, whether emotional or physical, it ****ing hurts. Depending on the level of pain some people will do stupid things, like commit suicide, or even things like shoot their own teeth out if they have a bad enough toothache. (yes it's happened.)

But the thing is, without pain, you are nothing.

Can you imagine if life was just so perfect all the time? Wouldn't that be great?

It'd be boring. You'd start to lack interest in things, and maybe even after a while fall into a depression. Why? Because people are naturally meant to self improve, whether that means learning more skills, or losing/gaining weight, parachuting etc, all that stuff. When you think you have conquered all you can, you lose. You will never be the best, because the best is constantly changing. You will always be what you do the moment you wake up and get out of bed the next day.

People get disheartened when they feel as though they lack things in life, whether it be money, love, a nice car.
But you always have to remember that when you are feeling these feelings, it is pain. Fear is pain. And when you accept the acknowledge the pain, and embrace it you begin to understand just how GREAT life is.

Without pain, you are nothing. Seriously, it builds your character and who you are. There is nothing more attractive than a man or woman that can stand up in the face of pain, and act on it. That's called core confidence.

If there were no tests, or any pain at all, you'd be lifeless.

So the next time you get a little down about a certain thing, remember. Pain is temporary. Some day you WILL die, no matter what. When you're about to die do you want to look back and think, wow look at all those times i was worrying about "what could of happened", and didn't do what i wanted, out of fear.

Why are people so scared of death? Embrace death. Know that you will die.

Here are a few great videos to highlight this concept.




Be positive.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
This is absolutely true! Took me some hard falls into the darkness of depression to get the point. But as you learn how to climb out of it and rise to the peak of human performance, you build resilience from falling again and learn how to keep yourself at the top. Confidence and happiness is a result of making the right choices and to work on optimizing your performance in whatever matters to you. Working hard towards a goal and enjoying the small improvements in the process.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Baptism by fire.

Just as a sword is fashioned from fire.