Phone game

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys,It's been a while since I've posted on here. How have you all been? :)

So I've been off this site for a while, and while I've been off I started doing cold approaches. IT IS SO DAMN EASY to have a conversation with a girl and get her number!

But the problem is, everything I've read about females, PUA, and psychology has not told me a darn thing about phone/texting game. It has helped me immensely...but I didn't learn a single thing about phone game! About the only thing I've ever read about it was, "You should be waiting at least as long as she took to text you to text her back."

So here's the deal:

I typically have an decent amount of numbers. But over the course of a week or so, contact will die out. I usually text her twice that day, then call the next day. I text and call at about a 50/50 ratio. I've noticed that most of my friends that get laid regularly ONLY text. Like, they couldn't talk on the phone if their life depended on it. Needless to say, their texting game is probably pretty darn solid.

So guys, I need some pointers and solid advice about phone game OR text game! I'm open to any tips or suggestions. I feel like it's one of the only areas I'm lacking in at this point.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Make most of phone/text game light, fun and short. Most importantly make sure they have a purpose, that is to set up a date. On the date that's where the real game begins.

Your friend's text game didn't get them laid, they got laid by getting the girls out and game them.

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
That's it? One response? Wow, ths forum is really dying out. I am dissapointed in you guys :)



Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Espi said:
If no response again, wait a few weeks and then send a "bulk text" to every single woman in your phone list who has rejected you.
And what would that text say? In my context it would say "F*CK you all for being flaky!" :crackup:


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Keep the texting and calling short and to the point. Sounds silly but don't text much or too often. You want to remain a mystery and not come off as clingy. The only people I text more than 5 or so words is my friends, and do I want women I'm pursuing to be my friends?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
5. Like everyone says keep calls/texts short and to the point.
4. Never have conversations through texts. What I mean by this is that you should never be getting anywhere near the character limit with your texts. That would make you no different than any of her girlfriends she spends texting with on a daily basis. Keep texts to one liners.
3. Delay your texts. Just because a female texted you doesn't mean you should reply ASAP! Keep her waiting for your replies. Show her you got other priorities and that you're a busy man.
2. Don't leave voice mails. If she is interested she will call you back. If she doesn't apply the 2 strikes rule.

and the #1 tip

BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU TEXT! keep the c&f very light and playful. You need to just feel out her readyness if you plan to escalate the texting to more insinuating sexual messages. I have been burned with this many times with girls I truly regret not getting for not properly feeling out their readyness.

I had been successful in the past getting thoughts of sex into a woman's mind through texts by insinuating messages, but what works for some won't work for others. You just gotta know how horny they are. If you got a feel this girl wants it already texting can get her even more ready for the moment.

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, thanks for the replies guys!

So what I learned from this is that I should only text once in a while and keep phone conversations short? I thought talking on the phone was a way to build rapport.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
You guys must remember that not everyone here is over 21 and the chicks may not be over 21. So asking for drinks (what the majority of you guys say) will not work.

The phone game is a little tricky to me too. I'm no where near an expert with it. I honestly believe it's my weakness too. (Texting/Calling before I ever meet up with a girl). After you meet up with the girl I feel like I'm a pro. The tricky transition for me is after I get the number and meeting up for the first time.

Sometimes I just send 1-3 text and go straight to business. Ask them to come over and chill or to meet up with me. Sometimes it's successfull and sometimes I just get a no text back. When I get a no text back I just delete the number. I only like to deal with 100% co-operative females.

Also sometimes I text them for a couple days and just chop game up. After that I ask them to meet me in person to chill and hangout.

I get better results when I text them for a couple days and chop up game with them. Get a better feel at where they are at. Maybe it would be better if I call them up after first time I go to business and just go straight to business??

I don't know. I'll probably try more calling before me and a girl meet up and more texting after. It would probably work better.

But I'm open to hear what others have to say about this issue and what people think about what I do.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
You should only be using the phone as a tool to set up dates and your conversations should typically only be between 5-10 minutes long. I typically don't call any woman I'm dating more than twice a week.

Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
i talked with a few female friends about this and they said they rather receive a text than a call. that way they can think about it and take time for their response, when you call them they need to decide immediately and feel pressured. when i said "but you already know if you want to go out on a date w/ him, don't you?" they said no, they need to make up their mind first. it's not a would hit/would not hit like for guys, it's a slow process for them.
they are 19 tho, so this might not apply to mid twentys and older