Pet Peeve about Military Guys

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
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Here's one of my big pet peeves. I've worked with a lot of guys who are either in the military or ex-military. It annoys me to no end when I meet a guy (typically ex-marines are the worst) who go on and on about how they could break a guy's neck no problem. About how they know how to beat the crap out of a dude or take a guy down real easy. Pressure points, or ways to easily break a person's arm or whatever.

I always think, "I hope you do!" Isn't that part of your job training? Isn't this what you were paid to learn? I mean, you're a Marine, I'd HOPE you'd be able to do these things.

It would be as if I was bragging to some stranger about how I could stack a lot more bags in an airplane than they could. Of course I can, that's what I did for three and a half years! It doesn't mean that I'm more of a man, it just means that I payed attention when someone taught me how to do my job.

Of course you can beat a guy up easier than I can. You've been trained by the Marines, and i'm just some Joe Schmo who's never needed to learn that type of thing.

And I'm done


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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I kinda get what you mean. Kind of similar, but I know this military guy who cant seem to switch off his insano attitude. High strung, always yelling at people, etc. I sometimes wonder if he's losing it. It's like he's still in bootcamp or something. But I also know a guy who is ex-marine and is totally cool about it. I guess some guys can't switch off that military mode when they aren't fighting.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Tell him to go to an MMA school and tell the people there that.


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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Kerpal said:
Tell him to go to an MMA school and tell the people there that.

HAHA this **** is funny as hell. For some reason MMA guys think they are the shiznit now. They belong with the military guys acting tough.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
it's funny because I have a little female cousin who is a snipper. she's like 5'3, 110 and in all her picutrs she has a snipper rifle bigger than she is. I just can't imagine her going Sniper Wolf on someone.. however from what I heard she's unreal with a rifle.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
The Forms said:
What's MMA, and why is it cooler than Marines?
Mix-martial Arts... cooler than Marines maybe? In the marines you get to shoot, blow things up and ride around in choppers. The bad part is that you might get blown to pieces in Iraq. There are military UFC fighters... they aren't that good since they usually know one style of fighting. To be successful in the UFC and MMA you need to know at least 3 different types of martial arts.

I kinda agree, well you gotta feel a little pitty for them since they actually survived Iraq. I'm pretty sure they didn't get welcomed by the public since it's a unpopular war goin on in Iraq. Maybe they're frustrated of being treated with no respect. I personally respect all military personel since they're risking their life, stil I don't like the ones that use it at an excuse to treat everyone like sh't. Kinda similar to jocks or cops who abuse their power.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
This post miakes me mad.

The ex-military guys that try to act tough are usually the biggest pussees.
They are the ones who sat and pushed paper all dy and then get out and act like were some hardcore fighter.

I did two combat tours in the Corps. And like everyother real warrior I talk to, I keep my exploits to myself unless a)I'm drinking with fellow warrior, or b)I'm giving my girl $hit.

So next time one of these guys try to act tough ask them what they did.
Just so you know, only a small percantage of the military is actually hardcore and deadly.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
The Forms said:
(typically ex-marines are the worst) who go on and on about how they could break a guy's neck no problem. About how they know how to beat the crap out of a dude or take a guy down real easy. Pressure points, or ways to easily break a person's arm or whatever.
Actually, just like pigs, soldiers receive very little H2H combat training. Because we have progressed far beyond melee fighting in wars now.

A modern soldier should rarely ever be put into the position where he has to go H2H against the enemy in close quarters combat.

Thus, grunts may get a crash course as back-up insurance, but that's about it. Your average jarhead is not going to be an expert fighter...unless he has trained a lot on his own time.

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Yea, most of the guys who brag about this type of thing I meet are either guys who are fresh out of boot camp, or guys who did not serve in any combat type of job.

I have noticed that the guys I've met who've seen action hand to hand (guys I've met who went on raids in Iraq) don't even really want to talk about it.

Most of them, if they do end up talking about it, talk about it in the capacity of a guy who had to do something he didn't really want to do, but knew he had to. Some of the guys I know were in the first wave in baghdad, and they don't talk about beating the crap out of some stranger or killing someone like it's something to be proud of. You can tell it's not a thing they like to identify with their own self. They kind of distance themselves like, "When you get over there you have to be a totally different person. You have to do things that you aren't proud of and would rather forget."

I guess it's one of those things where once you've actually had to do it, you do want to glorify it. It doesn't make you feel good. You don't walk away thinking, "wait until I tell the guys back home."