Master Don Juan
Since it costs this board money and time to have a chatroom, i made my own for the board... and it's on IRC. It would help if we could get those out to a lot of people so we can have a decent amount of people chatting there.
Could one of the mods put a sticky on my post(that means your post is glued to the very top of the topic list). or if Allen wanted to replace this chat with the previous one by posting a direct link to it, so that it'd open up in your browser. I think it would be nice to have a chat again and have people actually in it.
This one is up 24/7 and im always there. I think we can get a decent amount of people chatting if they actually leave their chat on. I think this would be nicer than having an aim chat.. you can just go any time.
IRC is rather easy to use. If you don't have it go to www.mirc.com and download it, it's free. After you install it and open it(dbl click), GO to your status box and type /server east.gamesnet.net (or west or irc depending on your location..it doesnt really matter tho) and you will be connected to the gamesnet SERVER. After that you should create a nick.. so type /nick namehere , and then
/join #club-sosuave and ur done. after the first time u type your nick it will stay so u wont have to do it again, and u can put stuff in your autoperform list(i can tell u later) which will automatically do certain commands.. like connecting to a channel automatically when u join a server(ie. u dont have to type /join #name) you can also have it so all u have to do is press the lightning bolt and it will connect and join the channels for u, SIMPLE!!
Anyways i hope this idea gets by, took me 3 hours to get the room
Could one of the mods put a sticky on my post(that means your post is glued to the very top of the topic list). or if Allen wanted to replace this chat with the previous one by posting a direct link to it, so that it'd open up in your browser. I think it would be nice to have a chat again and have people actually in it.
This one is up 24/7 and im always there. I think we can get a decent amount of people chatting if they actually leave their chat on. I think this would be nicer than having an aim chat.. you can just go any time.
IRC is rather easy to use. If you don't have it go to www.mirc.com and download it, it's free. After you install it and open it(dbl click), GO to your status box and type /server east.gamesnet.net (or west or irc depending on your location..it doesnt really matter tho) and you will be connected to the gamesnet SERVER. After that you should create a nick.. so type /nick namehere , and then
/join #club-sosuave and ur done. after the first time u type your nick it will stay so u wont have to do it again, and u can put stuff in your autoperform list(i can tell u later) which will automatically do certain commands.. like connecting to a channel automatically when u join a server(ie. u dont have to type /join #name) you can also have it so all u have to do is press the lightning bolt and it will connect and join the channels for u, SIMPLE!!
Anyways i hope this idea gets by, took me 3 hours to get the room