Perfect example of what being an "AFC" does to you


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Let me get this straight, I AM AN AFC!

That doesn't mean I can't get girls, because I can and I have.
My girlfriend of 5 months just broke up with me. I believe that she went out with me based on looks alone, she thought i was the hottest thing in the world. But I was being a total AFC. I was so nice to her, I would call her every day just to talk.
I would put her up on a pedistol by telling her she is so beautiful. She ate it up. Girls can't deal with this in a man.

After a few weeks the newness and the mystery was gone, we would talk on the phone for hours. I would always be the one to call. One time I didn't call her for 5 days, and she never called me. When I first went out with her, she was so intereseted in me. She would call me, she asked me to do things with her, she seemed so awesome.

When she broke up with me, she used the excuse that she doesn't want to date anyone right now. She said that she just can't be in a relationship. I come to find out that she likes some other guy, and he is a total ****head.

The only time I was a mystery to her was when we first started going out. She was so fascinated with me. Then the mystery was gone and she got fed up with me. I learned from my mistake.

Well what I have to say is that I am so glad that I found this site, and I have learned so much from reading the posts and the articles. Never do what I did, because you will get dumped. Nice guys that are AFCs are 90% of the times gonna get dumped by the girl. I am slowly changing, I will know better with the next girlfriend that I have.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
I did the same thing with a woman I was crazy about, 5 years ago. Same result. So I feel for you bud. :) At least we're learning to be better. Mostly thanks to this site...