You don't get equal opportunity if you're of one race and you try to get it from another race. Like if you're black and you go to work for a white company, more or less like that. This is why they, the puppet masters that control the government and media and everything else, make such an accent on the word N!GGER. They make you, the white people, feel guilty of naming the blacks as n!ggers, or in some cases as blacks. It's racist they say. I say it's bull sh1t. There are a lot of lazy, unreliable, stupid ****s among black people. Sure you can blame everything on education, poverty, drugs, etc. But in my opinion everything comes down upbringing. Folks with good parents try harder and achieve more. This means that the black community is in an out of control down spiral, in their majority.
The previous thesis brings me another one, black culture is dangerous to the unity of others. It is bad to act and dress like a N!GGER, because you will become one. If anything, black people should adore and worship white culture - country music, rock, pop, dress like white people do, etc, etc. Only then will the black people achieve. Because you see, they won't achieve much if they dress, act, and talk like your average N!GGER.
Agree? Or am I just a racist dumbass?
There is also another aspect to all of this, the genetics. Yes, all people are from Africa, we all brothers. But you see, historically the white race had ice age. White people had to think and device traps to feed themselves, while blacks, in Africa, could just run up to the pray and stab it. We have different capabilities, our brains are larger, we think better, we predisposed for survival in our society better.
Actually, this is what blacks do now as well, they are so used to run up to the pray an stab it, they are lazy to think.
P.S. I hope I did not offend any of blacks in here, it was not my intention. I hope you take my opinion and utilize it in some use to yourselves. If you're white and I offended you, fvck you.