I just came back from drama class and things were goin aight and all but then she was tellin us bout workin in groups and all and that we are to give our partners(if both people are of opposite sex) their space and if we want to touch them, we have to ask their permission(always man asking woman for permission). If we touch them and they complain, we can get kicked out of class and an automatic F. That is so phukked up. I can understand if it means touching a womans t-i-t-s or her coochie but regular inncoent kino? Cmon there is nothing wrong with that. If anything, kino is what brings two people(male and female) closer together. So now itll be hard for me to game any females in class because using kino is basically out of the question unless I wanna get kicked out and get an automatic F. Its like that in all my classes. I start off the semester very outspoken, confident outgoing, good sense of humor and full of energy. And then after the professors start getting after me and warning me, I end up as quiet as a mouse and my confidence gets shot down. Do you think her rules about kino(touching) are just right or too harsh? I think its way too harsh, since really kino is what makes two people closer together.