People miss the point of this community

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah.

I also see where guys complain about others being cloned.

Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they ultimately want to do. The information from this community is presented as just that . . . information. Each person does with this information what he or she chooses.

Have we lost sight of that?

Do we not use our own heads to make our own choices each and everyday? Do we not use our own minds to decide what to say to whom and when? Sure, we get GUIDANCE or TIPS on how to handle things, which is what this community teaches, but when did we start thinking that the community brainwashes people?

Guess what . . . the community does nothing of the sort. Each and every individual does this on their own.

You have a mind of your own. You learn the PRINCIPLES behind PUA, then you APPLY those principles to your own life.

You learn what attracts women, the underlying principles, then you APPLY those principles to your life and your personality.

Is THAT brainwashing? Is THAT cloning???



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
totally agree with you on this one.

too many desperate keyboard jockeys taking everything waaaaay too seriously


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
L.A. Tripp said:
I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah.

I also see where guys complain about others being cloned.

Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they ultimately want to do. The information from this community is presented as just that . . . information. Each person does with this information what he or she chooses.

Have we lost sight of that?

Do we not use our own heads to make our own choices each and everyday? Do we not use our own minds to decide what to say to whom and when? Sure, we get GUIDANCE or TIPS on how to handle things, which is what this community teaches, but when did we start thinking that the community brainwashes people?

Guess what . . . the community does nothing of the sort. Each and every individual does this on their own.

You have a mind of your own. You learn the PRINCIPLES behind PUA, then you APPLY those principles to your own life.

You learn what attracts women, the underlying principles, then you APPLY those principles to your life and your personality.

Is THAT brainwashing? Is THAT cloning???


Thats true. But when we hold a person that is an authority on a subject, we will follow their directions. You go to a doctor and says you have to lose weight or you will grow an extra eye; yes you have a choice to do or not, but because he is an authority on the subject 95% of people will follow his directions.

This is proven in a research study done by Milgram;

"which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
L.A. Tripp said:
I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah.

I also see where guys complain about others being cloned.

Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they ultimately want to do. The information from this community is presented as just that . . . information. Each person does with this information what he or she chooses.

Have we lost sight of that?

Do we not use our own heads to make our own choices each and everyday? Do we not use our own minds to decide what to say to whom and when? Sure, we get GUIDANCE or TIPS on how to handle things, which is what this community teaches, but when did we start thinking that the community brainwashes people?

Guess what . . . the community does nothing of the sort. Each and every individual does this on their own.

You have a mind of your own. You learn the PRINCIPLES behind PUA, then you APPLY those principles to your own life.

You learn what attracts women, the underlying principles, then you APPLY those principles to your life and your personality.

Is THAT brainwashing? Is THAT cloning???


Thats true. But when we hold a person that is an authority on a subject, we will follow their directions. You go to a doctor and says you have to lose weight or you will grow an extra eye; yes you have a choice to do or not, but because he is an authority on the subject 95% of people will follow his directions.

This is proven in a research study done by Milgram;

"which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
L.A. Tripp said:
I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah.

I also see where guys complain about others being cloned.

Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they ultimately want to do. The information from this community is presented as just that . . . information. Each person does with this information what he or she chooses.

Have we lost sight of that?

Do we not use our own heads to make our own choices each and everyday? Do we not use our own minds to decide what to say to whom and when? Sure, we get GUIDANCE or TIPS on how to handle things, which is what this community teaches, but when did we start thinking that the community brainwashes people?

Guess what . . . the community does nothing of the sort. Each and every individual does this on their own.

You have a mind of your own. You learn the PRINCIPLES behind PUA, then you APPLY those principles to your own life.

You learn what attracts women, the underlying principles, then you APPLY those principles to your life and your personality.

Is THAT brainwashing? Is THAT cloning???


Thats true. But when we hold a person that is an authority on a subject, we will follow their directions. You go to a doctor and says you have to lose weight or you will grow an extra eye; yes you have a choice to do or not, but because he is an authority on the subject 95% of people will follow his directions.

This is proven in a research study done by Milgram;

"which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
L.A. Tripp said:
I see in a lot of places where guys complain and claim the community screwed their life up, steered them in the wrong direction, blah blah blah.

I also see where guys complain about others being cloned.

Well, guess what . . . each and every single person makes their choice of what they ultimately want to do. The information from this community is presented as just that . . . information. Each person does with this information what he or she chooses.

Have we lost sight of that?

Do we not use our own heads to make our own choices each and everyday? Do we not use our own minds to decide what to say to whom and when? Sure, we get GUIDANCE or TIPS on how to handle things, which is what this community teaches, but when did we start thinking that the community brainwashes people?

Guess what . . . the community does nothing of the sort. Each and every individual does this on their own.

You have a mind of your own. You learn the PRINCIPLES behind PUA, then you APPLY those principles to your own life.

You learn what attracts women, the underlying principles, then you APPLY those principles to your life and your personality.

Is THAT brainwashing? Is THAT cloning???


Thats true. But when we hold a person that is an authority on a subject, we will follow their directions. You go to a doctor and says you have to lose weight or you will grow an extra eye; yes you have a choice to do or not, but because he is an authority on the subject 95% of people will follow his directions.

This is proven in a research study done by Milgram;

"which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience"

So, yes we have our choices, but everyone is here because we dont know what to do. So we take an "authority" in pick up as a teacher and we follow the teacher.
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Let me tell you something.

Most of you probably go to the wrong board. I see way, way, waaaaaaaay too many "HELP NEED QUICK FIX" posts in this particular board. Also, it is frequented by teens mostly. Or those hiding it. Or twenty somethings barely allowed to call themselves that. Yeah, take that as an insult.

There are too many people here who think that reasoning and analyzing everything fixes things. Well, thinking changes nothing. ACTING does.

There are also too many clueless posers here. Guys who center their lives around getting p*ssy. But in the meantime, they merely show how lousy an attitude they really have and they get nowhere. In ten years they'll still be posting about how they tapped some chick, regaling their tactics. Life is not about tapping chicks. Only losers are addicted to that.

Forget all the PUA CRAP. That stuff comes naturally if you GROW.

What most people who complain about how the community ruined their lives do, is read what's put up here by every random jackass, and then they blindly go out and try it out. This is the very reason they are CLUELESS with WOMEN. Because they are CLUELESS with THEMSELVES.

You know what many of you guys need to do?

READ. Don't post. And read the RIGHT threads only.

You will by definition NOT find them in the Don Juan Discussion or the High School forum. Also, avoid any practical tips threads in the Tips board. They are useless to people who lack the inner confidence to do as these threads suggest. And anyone who DOES have the inner confidence, does NOT need those threads. For this attitude comes naturally with confidence.

Go for the Archive. And the Mature Man forum even. For you must respect your elders by the knowledge and experience they have, and they offer a lot. Free of charge. Also read the DJ Bible where it concerns personal growth. Care less about the skill tips in it. They serve you not if you can't live them from the inside out first.

Then, FORGET about this forum. Stop coming here for a while. Only check back every now and then when you feel like reading up on some personal growth again.

Then THINK. About yourself. You must INTROSPECT. "Who am I? What do I want? How do I operate? What are my CORE VALUES? What makes me tick?"

You must find out how you work. You must find out who you are, so you will find YOURSELF. You won't do that by listening to and doing as everyone on these boards suggests. No wonder that your life gets MESSED UP even MORE if you do.

For if you listen to others, you're living your OWN LIFE even LESS than when you were fawning over some girl. You live the life of ANOTHER if you do. Even more than you already were.

FORGET about women. They are NOT important. Having one in your life will NOT fix the problems you're having with it. They are NOT your mother. At most they are to grace your life. To confirm you're on a good path. Nothing more, nothing less. Trying out every last tip like an unguided missle will NOT fix the problems you have with women.

Then work to improve yourself. That means getting to KNOW yourself first. Learning to BE yourself comes after that. These things coincide.

FORGET about women for a while. You will know instinctively when you can allow them back in your mind again. Focus on YOU. Make your LIFE great first. By LIVING it!

Life is all about growth. Growth of body. Growth of mind. Growth of CHARACTER. Personal growth. Everything else comes after that. Money, posessions, women. (Just don't lock yourself up in a basement. Go out there and live.)

Growth is CHANGE. Think on that one.

It is the only constant in this Universe.

When you've changed, come back. As more of a man. In both age and wisdom. Then you will understand how pathetic it is to see this forum as a fix to your issues. Then you will see how dumb it is to put your life in the hands of others by asking them for advice. Then you will see how immature the attitude of blaming others for failing you is.

Because you can depend on no one but YOURSELF in these particular matters. It's YOUR life after all. You and ONLY you know it best. Remember that first and foremost.

Make your life great. For you are the One. (But don't get arrogant. Stay humble.)

Your life is YOUR Universe. You are its GOD. What are you going to DO with it?

THAT is the point of this community.

Good luck all.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with alexander completely. So many people here want to be a "master PUA" they want the validation of people in a board????? It will all fall into place when you look deep down yourself and really define who you are and be proud of that person, love him, and accept him totally because that is who you are. Knowing yourself will be more important than trying to figure out how many days to call because she might think your desperate.

Sorry for the 4 posts.