People in Japan (tokyo and Osaka) and Dubai (plus middle East)


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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I may be moving to one of these places soon.

Anyone been/lived there that can explain what the people are like especially the females.

I am white caucasian. How are the locals to foreigners? I do not want to go there and just hang out with other Australians. I want to be accepted into the cultures.



Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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yendor28 said:

I may be moving to one of these places soon.

Anyone been/lived there that can explain what the people are like especially the females.

I am white caucasian. How are the locals to foreigners? I do not want to go there and just hang out with other Australians. I want to be accepted into the cultures.

Post should go to "anything else"...


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
If you want some female attention and action go to Japan.

I don't know about Dubai, its a muslim country and by that token alone you might have trouble hooking up with women there due to very conservative and religious ideologies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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I spent 3 months in Dubai on vacation, so I might have some insight. I have Persian roots, so I didn't stick out as a sore thumb when I was there. :p

Anyways, Dubai is probably one of the most modern contries ever. The local Arabs don't do sh!t as they are loaded with some serious money. So you have all these immigrants coming from China and other backwards countries working there for pittyful wages.

The good thing about being a Westerner in Dubai, is that you can buy booze from special shops and bars that only cateer to foreigners. Even though Dubai is pretty modern, please keep in mind that it is afterall a muslim country. This means that you should keep your head down, and don't go overboard with either the booze or the hunt for some ass. It can get your ass in some serious trouble.

Now there are tons of P4P girls around, there are chineese hoes walking up and down the streets all day long. Needless to say, stay away from them. When it comes to picking up local chicks, things kinda get tricky. As mentioned above, it is a muslim country and most if not all females are wearing hijab or covering their bodies. I didn't have any luck by going up to females at the mall and striking a convo. But maybe since you are caucaisian you might have better luck. However I would advice against this, as the male arab relatives are very overprotective and this could lead to problems.

My best suggesiton would be to get to know some locals, hand out with, become friends with them and then get introduced to females through them. From experience arab chicks are horny as hell. It is not unusual to go to the mall and see a group of females covered in black drapes from head to toe, checking out some sexy lingerie from Agent Provocature. In public they try to be all pristine, but once they are within the four walls of the house, the true slut in them comes out. Due to the whole 'virgin until marriage' thing, most of the arab chicks I met (5 in total) were into anal, and they could suck a football through a hoze. BUT don't think about ONS and being a butterfly when you are there. If you get involved with an arab chick, and then dump here, there is a good chance that her male relatives will hunt your ass down. I got by by keeping my head down and flying under the rader. Discretion is key.

If you want to get tons of girls, go to Japan.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Go to Asia. With a significant percentage of chicks in Asia, you get to be a minor celebrity by virtue of being a white man in their midst.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies.

To make this clear.

I a NOT going to these places for the sole purpose to meet people especially women

I am potentially going for a change of lifestyle and new job. A important factor for me for where I live IS meeting people including women. Thus the information is important.

Eg. One option is working on site with 200 men. I do not consider this a viable long term option because I do want to meet new people regularly including women. I would love to have a good relationship with a woman, marriage and kids oneday IF APPLICABLE. This would not be possible in the way I want if I was to work at site.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
yendor28 said:
Thanks for the replies.

To make this clear.

I a NOT going to these places for the sole purpose to meet people especially women

I am potentially going for a change of lifestyle and new job. A important factor for me for where I live IS meeting people including women. Thus the information is important.

Eg. One option is working on site with 200 men. I do not consider this a viable long term option because I do want to meet new people regularly including women. I would love to have a good relationship with a woman, marriage and kids oneday IF APPLICABLE. This would not be possible in the way I want if I was to work at site.
If I was can bet your azz that meeting women would be VERY HIGH in my list of things.

Now...forget about who you meet at work and focus on who you might meet OUTSIDE of work.

I think it is a no brainer: Japan!

UNLESS you are going to Dubai for ONE year and getting tax-free serious cash and couple weeks vacation ANYWHERE you want.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Arab countries are the best place for rape. The women won't go to the law out of shame. Go hog wild.
Who wants to rape?

For the same token...most extreme Muslim countries are the type that if a woman does not marry virgin...she can be killed.