Penis skin


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
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Am I the only person in the world who has fully skinned penis (even the head)? Even when it's erect the head is still covered. Is that normal?

PS> I never got circumsized.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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Haha, how old are you? You're what people called uncircumsized, don't ask people about fully skinned penises, they'll look at you funny. Depending on how old you are, your penis won't be fully retractable till teenage years, and even then, sometimes it goes on till 18. Most people in the states are circumsized, but nowadays, it's happening less often because it's been proven that there is no harm in not circumsizing a child besides for vanity. You are perfectly fine, try pulling back your foreskin over the head, if it's tight and you're a teen, start pulling a little bit everyday to stretch it, eventually, it should be fully retractable. If you're curious, you should ask a doctor about it or do searches on the internet.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
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lol I am 22. Never had trouble with it until my gf made a comment about it. Made me wonder if it was defective or some chit.

Capt.Jack Sparrow

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2003
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Fontana, California
Lol yeah, your uncircumsized.

But let me tell you.. it sure did hurt to get it cut off. I couldn't walk for the first year of my life when they cut it off.



Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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Well, you aren't defective. Your parents probably just forgot to tell you to retract your penis and clean under there while you were growing up or you just didn't play with it as a kid (no joke, you hear kids who play with their thing, that's what it's about). Truthfully, you aren't in any harm or anything, it's just that you haven't stretched it out as you grew up. Depending on your doctor, he might recommend circumcision, but forget that, that's biased physician stuff.

If there isn't a problem, then don't worry about it, but if you're interested in stretching, I say you look it up or ask your doctor about it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
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It's actually a skin desease when you can't retract it. I was circumsized in elementary school because of this. I'm VERY happy I was though, it's cleaner and just better looking. :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
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Mansfield, Notts
I struggled with a tight foreskin to begin with. It's not a skin disease, or atleast I've never heard it called that.

Take baths and gently start to slide it back further and further. Dont really force it, you'll do some tempary damage and the entire thing will end up being counter productive. It's also a good idea to use soap as like a lube when you're doing it, so it's easier.

Sometimes it wont work and it doesnt go back ever [or atleast when you get it back it just goes right back again of it's own accord]. You might then want to consider circumcision - it'll be damn sensitive for a week or two, but then it gets better and sex is FAR more enjoyable.

Then again, what about masterbation :eek:?!


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
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Whoa, I do not recommend circumcision. If you read online, most people who have to get circumcised at a mature age are very unhappy with it. Many of your nerve endings are towards the top of your foreskin and sex will feel much LESS enjoyable. Many people either feel one or the other so they do not really notice, but those who get circumcised later on in life end up regretting it. Just look it up on the net. And yes, there is a name for it and yes, there is the word disease, but it is not a life threatening one or uncureable. DJBen knows what he's talking about with the stretching. I had to go through it too when I was a teenager, I never retracted when I was a kid growing up and eventually I realized something was wrong and read up on the it on my own because of embarassment.

Basically, you just start pulling back little and little. Just as far as you comfortably can. Doing it in the bath is good too. If you've never done it before, there will be smegma, a white creamy substance. Once you can fully retract it which should take at least a few weeks to a few months, you can clean that off every day when you shower.

If you do get circumcised for whatever reason, it is not sensitive for just a week or two, it's sensitive for a few weeks, heading towards possibly a month or even two. It will get irritated rubbing against clothing and underwear. If you and your girlfriend do not have a problem with it, then I say your best bet is just stretching. Getting skin cut off your penis is a very big step with very dramatic drawbacks.


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
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So how long does it take usually to get it to fully retractable if you slide it back bit by bit. How long should you slide it back for? :O


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
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this is an important subject and must be taken very seriously.
for those who are UNCIRCUMSIZED like dualman7... I have a number of pointers for you

1) Firstly you are not alone, it was commin the states to get people circumsized... the rest of the billion males on this planet are like uncut...
2) lots of theory out there on how its better for sex to have foreskin...but those without foreskin can also get pleasure.....
3) DON'T GET IT CUT OFF if you have already matured....lots and lots and lots and lots of ppl advise against it..and plus there is no point are blessed in having it there in the first place
4) retract foreskin when urinating! <--- IMPORTANT for health/hygene
5) retract foreskin and clean head and sides of penis when having a bath...

with regards to your penis being able to fully retract...its a natural process...i can't explain it...but the skin joining foresing to head when you full retract slowly breaks away and there is no join anymore ..and hence your penis fully retracts?
does this make sense...

have a Happy penis caring day :) !!


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2003
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You better go to a docter and see what he recommend, i had the same problem as you. Imagine, years of sperm and urine build up under there. If you dont get this problem fixed, you might develop cancer. Once you get the forskin all the way back, you'll see what i mean, it is freakin nasty!


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
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Making the most of MY life
lol no one told me to and once i tried sliding it back and there was all this yellow **** cheese **** under it.. Anyway after a week or two i can now full retract it and its all nice and clean NO MORE YELLOW **** CHEESE WHICH SMELT LIKE ****.:p
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by jiza101
lol no one told me to and once i tried sliding it back and there was all this yellow **** cheese **** under it.. Anyway after a week or two i can now full retract it and its all nice and clean NO MORE YELLOW **** CHEESE WHICH SMELT LIKE ****.:p
thanks man, just as i was eating my lunch! :p


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
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up north
I have this problem where the skin under my foreskins is attached to my penis. When I pull my foreskins it gets really tight, and it kinds hurts when I'm having sex.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
I had that problem but I guess my instincts told me how to handle the problem, so now I can retract it, but it wasn't a big deal before or after.


Don Juan
May 17, 2004
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taht yellow **** is called schmegma. ..
anyways, yes i am uncut, but i got a few questions, whenever i retract my foreskin when masterbating or something, the penis head seems dry. i dont use lube often, but should i when masterbating?

even when i urinate i hate retracting my skin because my penis head is so dry that when i try to slide the skin back on, it doesnt cover all of the way.......

PLEASE read this reply ;)


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
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whenever i retract my foreskin when masterbating or something, the penis head seems dry. i dont use lube often, but should i when masterbating?

penis head being dry shouldn't be a problem i don't think....
you don't need lube if you have foreskin...however if lube makes it an exciting experience for you...then go for it ! ...
i don't think there is a rule that says YOU MUST use lube to prevent dry penis head because having dry penis head is bad!!


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
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Doha, Qatar


Why the foreskin increases infection risk

It has been suggested [18] that the increased risk of infection in the uncircumcised may be a consequence of the fact that the foreskin presents the penis with a larger surface area, the moist skin under it represents a thinner epidermal barrier than the drier, more cornified skin of the circumcised penis (the glans of which develops a thick stratum corneum layer), and the presence of a prepuce is likely to result in greater microtrauma during sexual intercourse, thereby permitting an entry point into the bloodstream for infectious agents. Also, as one might expect and as has been observed, the warm, moist mucosal environment under the foreskin favours growth of micro-organisms (discussed later). The preputial sac has even been referred to by Dr Gerald Weiss, an American surgeon, as a ‘cesspool for infection’ [142], as its unfortunate anatomy wrapped around the end of the penis results in accumulation of secretions, excretions (urine), dead cells and growths of bacteria. Parents are told not to retract the foreskin of male infants which makes cleaning difficult. Even if optimal cleansing is performed there is no evidence that it confers protection [152][153].

Benefits outweigh the risks

Dr Tom Wiswell, a respected authority in the USA was a strong opponent, but then switched camps as a result of his own research findings and the findings of others. This is what he has to say: "As a pediatrician and neonatologist, I am a child advocate and try to do what is best for children. For many years I was an outspoken opponent of circumcision ... I have gradually changed my opinion" [149,150]. This ability to keep an open mind on the issue and to make a sound judgement on the balance of all available information is to his credit — he did change his mind!

Wiswell looked at the complication rates of having or not having it performed in a study of 136,000 boys born in US army hospitals between 1980 and 1985. 100,000 were circumcised and 193 (0.19%) had complications, with no deaths, but of the 36,000 who were not circumcised the complication rate was 0.24% and there were 2 deaths [156]. A study by others found that of the 11,000 circumcisions performed at New York’s Sloane Hospital in 1989, only 6 led to complications, none of which were fatal [110]. An early survey saw only one death amongst 566,483 baby boys circumcised in New York between 1939 and 1951 [125]. (There are no deaths today.)

A retrospective study of boys aged 4 months to 12 years found significantly greater frequency of penile problems (14% vs 6%; P < 0.001) and medical visits for penile problems (10% vs 5%; P < 0.05) among those who were uncircumcised, compared with those who were circumcised [51]

Pain and memory

No adverse psychological aftermath has been demonstrated [112]. It must be recognised that there are many painful experiences encountered by the child before, during and after birth [79]. Circumcision, if performed without anaesthetic is one of these. Cortisol levels have registered an increase during and shortly after the procedure [131,132], indicating that the baby is not unaware of having had something painful done in its unanaesthetized state. Neverthless, some babies show no signs of distress at all. Most do, however, and this may be contributed by the restraining procedure, as well as the surgery itself. In the past doctors and parents had to weigh up the need to inflict this short term pain in the context of a lifetime of gain from prevention or reduction of subsequent problems. However, today, effective anaesthetic procedures are available that make circumcsion virtually pain-free.

Penile hygiene

The proponents of not circumcising nevertheless stress that lifelong penile hygiene is required. This acknowledges that something harmful or unpleasant is happening under the prepuce. Studies of middle class British [57,110] and Scandanavian [95] schoolboys concluded that penile hygiene, as such, is at best poor and at worst nonexistant. Furthermore, Dr Terry Russell, an Australian medical practitioner states ‘What man after a night of passion is going to perform penile hygiene before rolling over and snoring the night away (with pathogenic organisms multiplying in the warm moist environment under the prepuce)’[110]. The bacteria start multiplying again immediately after washing and contribute, along with skin secretions, to the whitish film, termed ‘smegma’, that is found under the foreskin. Bacteria give off an offensive odour. Men differ in their sensitivity to this smell and some shower several times a day as a result. Some uncircumcised men, and/or their partners, find the stench so unpleasant that this smell has caused these men to seek a circumcision on this basis alone. For mothers and fathers, it is far easier to maintain cleanliness of their son’s penis if it is circumcised. If their son isn’t the messages are confusing: should they clean under the foreskin or leave it alone?

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
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United States of America
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
I had that problem but I guess my instincts told me how to handle the problem, so now I can retract it, but it wasn't a big deal before or after.
Ok...I'm confused. by retracting, do you mean, just completely over the head? Or all the way down or to base/shaft? I'm confused. It used to be tight, but one day it I probably was too into it and whacked too hard:D and it popped past my head.

Sorry for the least it's not as sick as the nob cheese one. Speaking of nob that only on the head? Or the shaft also. My head is pretty clean....just I was wondering if the shaft had that stuff too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2002
Reaction score
there was a post about this few months ago and this condition is called "Frenulum Breve". search for it on google, lots of info.

and stop with those big ass red letters,we're not blind.