On your bank account it will show as PAYPAL INST XFER XXXXXXXXXX.. You can see exactly what that XXXXX number is in transaction details on your PayPal account..
On credit card its smilar.. It will say PAYPAL then a shortened name of seller..
PayPal's credit card name is Mark PayPal if you ever get to recover your money from them. It's smart that you're using credit card through PayPal, you have another line of defense against fraud or other things, credit card company is always on your side. Just make sure it's American Express.
If they pay via PayPal to you, you transfer that ballance to your bank account.. I don't wait until the end of month, I receive a payment, I initiate transfer.. Buyer can cancel the payment even after you ship the item and you have to go through dispute to get your money, so always transfer.. I don't deal with PayPal when selling because of this, unless buyer requests it.. Another reason I don't deal with PayPal is because I can't select which payments to accept, if they pay me with credit card, I have to deal with chargebacks.. Though, PayPal supposedly makes buyers buy more, or whatever.. I use my charm to make them buy more..