Patterning and Mirroring


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
Does someone used Patterning and Mirroring?Do they work?
Up to now I have just focused on being confident,funny,teasing etc. with relatively good success.
Do you think incorporating Mirroring and Patterning into my game I would have even more success,specially for building rapport?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
body labguage and patterning...

il exlain some of the reasons they work...for some of you il just be covering what you allready know and others will be learning how this great secret works...

we all have a subconsious mind, you probably know this.

subconsious awareness is every thing your aware of... but just not paying attention, your breathing... how your chest rises with each inhale, and falls with each exhale.. untill i mentioned it, you were prviously unaware of your breathing rate...
and as this drifts back into your secondry awareness you can become aware of the feel of your seat beneath your bum, how warm it is or wether its soft hard or just how it feels.... both of these are examples of subconcious behaviour...

other examples of subconsious awareness is

blinking rate
the feel of your tongue in your mouth
body language

well, body language is subconsious, your own body, other peoples body language its all subconsious... unless you study it and even then you cant allways pay attenion to it....

now to understand why mirroring body language is important then you need to under stand what the wordreport means...

report is a mutual understanding betwwen people in a convo..

its when you both are getting along and have a deep connection with each other in this short period of time... this kind of short term relation ship, the kind we share when we are talking with a close friend, this is called report...

now you can tell when other people are in deep report by watching ther body langauge, they mirror each other, and show comfortable friendly and open body language, and all this is usually sub consious for them...

have you ever been talking to some one and had this kind of report? people tend to adopt the same movements, breathing rate, and even take a drink at the same time, in order to keep this report going... subconsiousy....

there speach patterns sincronise, there body language sincronises... basically they have this deep connection called report!

now this kind of psychology works with states of mind...
eg; when you feel good about your self then you SMILE...
the same if you feel proud, you will stand tall with your back strait and chest out feeling proud...

now this is the sort of thing that works both ways... il show you now....

smile for me... thats right.. let a big grin grow along your face... ha ha, i can guess your smiling now...

pretend your about to have your photo know this story about a man who died smiling... yes.. he was struck by lightning and the last thing he saw, was a flash!!!!
he thought he was having his photo taken...ha ha ha...

keep smiling....

well if you smile you feel good and vice versa...

this is why when you match and mirror a persons body langauge, you gain report.... and the same with pattering, you open up there mind and imagination with your words allowing them to enter a deeper report with you...

the whole reason of mirroring and patterning is to gain this deep connction,so deep its a subconsious connection, its to gain report......

there is lots i havent touched on, but you now and under stand how to gain report and what it does and why you would do it....

so yeah apply it to your game man...


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
To some degree it's a mistake to use mirroring initially because whilst it's good for rapport, with a woman you want to build tension and a feeling that you're not sure and are judging her. Instant rapport with a girl can put you in friends category.

Once you are established as a potential shag you can build rapport, but to make it useful you must pace, that is, get her to follow your lead. This lead to a deep sense of suggestability and liking.

Play with this stuff for general social, it's much more useful there.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
i also realise that ther are different kinds of report...
and these different kinds depend on the type of mindset your in............

you can get horny report you know, thats how a speed sedutionist gets her ready... with horny report...

ha ha ha horny report, i should call it a different name, but i dont know the actual term for horny report...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
sexual connection, would be the correct term...