Patella Tendonitis


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2001
Reaction score
How in the world do i get rid of this problem? It doesnt affect me when running track, but when football seasons comes along, i cant even walk after practice. I play tailback on my team, but my running style requires me to do alot of sharp cuts and moves. Ive never had a problem until end of sophmore year in highschool. Is there some sort of way to strengthen the tendons in my knees to offset patella tendonitis(sore knees)?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
miami, fl, usa
dude, why would you assume we are sports orthopedists or sports physical therapists on this forum?

go see a doctor if it's bothering you that much. jeez.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2001
Reaction score
If i am able to avoid a doctor bill by asking someone who already dealt with the same issue. Then i think me asking this question makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
miami, fl, usa
think about it this way... why would you trust our advice? My point is.. WE AREN'T M.D.s... even if we did go through an injury in the same place, you might have a different sort of injury. Again. WE ARE NOT DOCTORS, THEREFORE WE ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG !! If you're a running back and you're having leg problems... uh.. talk to your parents or your coach, tell them what's going on with your leg and go to the doctor, bro... an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure as the cliche goes.


New Member
Jan 22, 2003
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I play football and I had the same problem that you are going through. Mine was during the spring of my freshman year, until the beginning of my junior football season. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me some celebrex, which you should research, and he told me to constantly ice my knees down. This was one of the worst experiences in my life. It was very difficult to squat or to sometimes get off of the floor. If it bothers you a lot, go to the doctor, if not suck it up. I hope this info helps. Give me an update.

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Ain't that a biitch. Patella tendonitis has to be THE MOST frustrating knee injury out there b/c it just happens, you don't have to twist it or land wrongly to hurt it, it just comes out of nowhere. Anyway, I had patella tendonitis and had surgery to fix the problem. I would advise you to go to a doctor and let surgery be your final, final option because a lot of the time when you have surgery, it begets another problem. My patella tendonitis is completely cured but now I have this problemcalled patello femoral syndrome. (most likely it'll be cured in about a month) Basically it's a muscle imbalance in the quads that causes the patella to track wrongly, that could be your problem. It's also something you can see if you may have by just looking at your quads and knee when you bend down.

In order to cure that, you have to lifr weights that targets the VMO muscle (inner quad muscle), like leg lifts with the leg twisted out and foot pointed back, 1/3, 1/4th hack squats, and 30-45 degree leg extentions (ice afterwards), and such. If it hurts at all, stop doing it.

Anyway, go see a doctor first, get an MRI on the knee (I hope you have insurance or else it'll cost you A LOT, all I had to pay was 10 bucks on visits and my insurance covered everything else, even surgery) I had about 2 MRI's and did physical therapy and took some kind of steroids b4 I finally had to have surgery.

Also do a search on the internet for Active release therapy, and do a lot of stretching.

For the third time though, see a doctor first, b/c yours seems kind of weird. If anything, if you have tendonitis, ti would hurt more if you were running track (on concrete than anything else) and I didn't feel any sharp pain when I cut either, but I played basketball, not football.