I have read a few threads and posts and I’m amazed at how common this is (read below for more). Times have indeed changed.
This is kind of a rant. And it might be quite long too. So, I appoligize in advance.
We live in a society in which women are (to a degree) ostracize for sleeping around or going into one night stands and the likes. And a society that USED to applaud men that slept around and had many women. Fact is; that has been the way for centuries: the best decent women (none *****s, none sluts, etc) exercising self control in moralistic issues, while men engaging in over indulgence.
But since the 1960s, the roles started reversing. Women started “liberating” themselves. And now we have this: western men “accepting” women for what they are and using the catch phrase “past is past”, even when choosing their future wife and possibly mother of their children. Western women sleeping around and doing whatever, even thought society still (to a degree) frown upon that behavior (e.g. “sluts” or “ho”) and men accepting that as “part of the women wild years” is very rampant today.
I don’t know if I’m a dinosaur. I come from a small island in the Caribbean that used to be proud of our masculinity (sadly is starting to change since the Ricky Martin era). The same island of Jimmy Smits, Benicio del Toro, “Carlitos Way character”, etc . My father, brothers, and I were womanizers. We were (they still are) very good at it. It is a cultural thing. Furthermore, we are/were married very intelligent, professional, very loyal, and great wives/mothers. Marry for very long time (they still married while I decided to move on with my life “alone”). It is very weird in the sense that my half brothers, father, and I are very alike and natural when it comes to making women fall DEEPLY in love with us. Scary, I might add. But they all have one thing in common too, all those women married us when they were very young (although, independent). That allows us to “shape” them. Unfortunately, I failed to help her adjust to MY changes (men tend to change quite a bit when reaching maturity) and I let her go. She was still great as a wife and mother of children. But that’s another story.
Now that you understand a little bit of my cultural background, this brings me to this important point: “the past is past” mantra.
Past is very important. Past behavior and environment is what truly shapes women moral behavior. A woman that has decided to ignore social ostracism in exchange to live a wild life is a woman that can revert to that because her moral foundation is very weak (note: men aided by hundreds of years of societal assimilation tend to “change” without going back, because “morals” are not affected, in fact their behavior is/was expected).
Women tend to have, by nature, bigger values than men. When a woman goes to the extreme to challenge societal expectations and go below those values that’s a clear indication that this particular woman can revert to the same low morals/values IF put under the right circumstances or under stress. For instance, if a woman cheated, she already reached a very low level and she might revert to that level (and any other in between) because she already broke that point.
Yes, past is important when it comes to choosing a wife (the woman carrying your father’s father name). More important if she is to become the mother of your children.
And although, sleeping around with shady women might not be a bad thing. I strongly believe that sleeping around with CURRENT sluts is a serious character flaw. I rather sleep with a woman that has some self control now (regardless of her past). I won’t even mind going into a relationship with one. But I would NEVER give my last name to one.
Here is the thing (and I don’t care what the DJ Bible says), a man does need a woman to help him focus on his real goals. Here is why; alcohol and women are the two “legal” things that can truly screw our lives.
Women is something we will always want. Therefore, if we don’t have ANY woman in our lives, we will always be in the hunt. And that will take our focus from other endeavors. In fact, can get us in trouble. It is natural and it is part of having testosterone.
However, having the WRONG woman (LTR type) in our lives can make things worst. Because the last thing we need to worry about is that woman when we are gone or away (War, Travel, Work, etc.). Because a man that cannot command the respect of his woman is literally less than a man in the eyes of other men (note: sure, even the best men can make a mistake and pick the wrong woman, what he does AFTER realizing that mistakes is what would determine his worth as a man).
I know this might sound a little too masculine or macho or archaic. But, that has been the way for centuries…until the last 30 or so years when kids (now men) started getting plugged into the Matrix (thanks to T.V. and other crap).
Yes my friends…past do matters. Women will go into hibernation. Because once the values and morals are tarnished…they can always go as low as that (or somewhere slightly above). And they can go back to their past self (or something slightly above, for instance maybe not a gangbang and perhaps just a fling or two) if something as little as “insecurity” hits her.
Past is past in our case (as men). Not the same when it comes to women. We are different in that area thanks to hundreds of years of societal adaptation. And they (women) know that. But they play us by using their ******** catch phrases.
Final point: If a man chooses a woman UNDERSTANDING the ‘hibernation’ theorem and understanding that past is important, then I can see him marrying a woman like that (with a shady past). However, he knows that he most work hard to keep her from “awakening” again. That takes some work and effort.
Furthermore, if a man chooses to marry a SLUT (not past life, but “current” life), he knows that he will have to dedicate ALL his effort to keep her happy. Almost an impossibility, unless he is 100% masculine and command 100% respect. The thing is…very few men with those characteristics have the time/desire to live their lives revolving around A WOMAN while ignoring his life/career/wellbeing.
Past does matter.
It comes down to one thing: RESPECT.
This is kind of a rant. And it might be quite long too. So, I appoligize in advance.
We live in a society in which women are (to a degree) ostracize for sleeping around or going into one night stands and the likes. And a society that USED to applaud men that slept around and had many women. Fact is; that has been the way for centuries: the best decent women (none *****s, none sluts, etc) exercising self control in moralistic issues, while men engaging in over indulgence.
But since the 1960s, the roles started reversing. Women started “liberating” themselves. And now we have this: western men “accepting” women for what they are and using the catch phrase “past is past”, even when choosing their future wife and possibly mother of their children. Western women sleeping around and doing whatever, even thought society still (to a degree) frown upon that behavior (e.g. “sluts” or “ho”) and men accepting that as “part of the women wild years” is very rampant today.
I don’t know if I’m a dinosaur. I come from a small island in the Caribbean that used to be proud of our masculinity (sadly is starting to change since the Ricky Martin era). The same island of Jimmy Smits, Benicio del Toro, “Carlitos Way character”, etc . My father, brothers, and I were womanizers. We were (they still are) very good at it. It is a cultural thing. Furthermore, we are/were married very intelligent, professional, very loyal, and great wives/mothers. Marry for very long time (they still married while I decided to move on with my life “alone”). It is very weird in the sense that my half brothers, father, and I are very alike and natural when it comes to making women fall DEEPLY in love with us. Scary, I might add. But they all have one thing in common too, all those women married us when they were very young (although, independent). That allows us to “shape” them. Unfortunately, I failed to help her adjust to MY changes (men tend to change quite a bit when reaching maturity) and I let her go. She was still great as a wife and mother of children. But that’s another story.
Now that you understand a little bit of my cultural background, this brings me to this important point: “the past is past” mantra.
Past is very important. Past behavior and environment is what truly shapes women moral behavior. A woman that has decided to ignore social ostracism in exchange to live a wild life is a woman that can revert to that because her moral foundation is very weak (note: men aided by hundreds of years of societal assimilation tend to “change” without going back, because “morals” are not affected, in fact their behavior is/was expected).
Women tend to have, by nature, bigger values than men. When a woman goes to the extreme to challenge societal expectations and go below those values that’s a clear indication that this particular woman can revert to the same low morals/values IF put under the right circumstances or under stress. For instance, if a woman cheated, she already reached a very low level and she might revert to that level (and any other in between) because she already broke that point.
Yes, past is important when it comes to choosing a wife (the woman carrying your father’s father name). More important if she is to become the mother of your children.
And although, sleeping around with shady women might not be a bad thing. I strongly believe that sleeping around with CURRENT sluts is a serious character flaw. I rather sleep with a woman that has some self control now (regardless of her past). I won’t even mind going into a relationship with one. But I would NEVER give my last name to one.
Here is the thing (and I don’t care what the DJ Bible says), a man does need a woman to help him focus on his real goals. Here is why; alcohol and women are the two “legal” things that can truly screw our lives.
Women is something we will always want. Therefore, if we don’t have ANY woman in our lives, we will always be in the hunt. And that will take our focus from other endeavors. In fact, can get us in trouble. It is natural and it is part of having testosterone.
However, having the WRONG woman (LTR type) in our lives can make things worst. Because the last thing we need to worry about is that woman when we are gone or away (War, Travel, Work, etc.). Because a man that cannot command the respect of his woman is literally less than a man in the eyes of other men (note: sure, even the best men can make a mistake and pick the wrong woman, what he does AFTER realizing that mistakes is what would determine his worth as a man).
I know this might sound a little too masculine or macho or archaic. But, that has been the way for centuries…until the last 30 or so years when kids (now men) started getting plugged into the Matrix (thanks to T.V. and other crap).
Yes my friends…past do matters. Women will go into hibernation. Because once the values and morals are tarnished…they can always go as low as that (or somewhere slightly above). And they can go back to their past self (or something slightly above, for instance maybe not a gangbang and perhaps just a fling or two) if something as little as “insecurity” hits her.
Past is past in our case (as men). Not the same when it comes to women. We are different in that area thanks to hundreds of years of societal adaptation. And they (women) know that. But they play us by using their ******** catch phrases.
Final point: If a man chooses a woman UNDERSTANDING the ‘hibernation’ theorem and understanding that past is important, then I can see him marrying a woman like that (with a shady past). However, he knows that he most work hard to keep her from “awakening” again. That takes some work and effort.
Furthermore, if a man chooses to marry a SLUT (not past life, but “current” life), he knows that he will have to dedicate ALL his effort to keep her happy. Almost an impossibility, unless he is 100% masculine and command 100% respect. The thing is…very few men with those characteristics have the time/desire to live their lives revolving around A WOMAN while ignoring his life/career/wellbeing.
Past does matter.
It comes down to one thing: RESPECT.