Party Tonight, Getting that girl.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
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Well i found these site last night, read around a bit and I must say wao. These site in the short amount of reading that i have done makes me feel like a whole new person, with more courage. Im also not surprised to see most of the " do not do these" techniques i ahve done. Well hopefully these will be the end of that.

Ok so i met these girl last week, she said i was cute to one of my girl-friends and i told my g friend to tell her the same. So the next day she sits next to me in lunch and we chat a bit after that i get her myspace and we talk on AIM for around 2 hours, i get her number and everything was going swell. The day after that i whent over to her house with her invitation but her brother*18 year old monster truck wheels for biceps* was there and I did not try anything i left home feeling an empty whole like if i shoulda done something. The next day i make the big mistake of ASKING HER OUT with the worst line ever..." Would you be my girl" ouch... so i got a just got out of a relationship not going to get back into one and to give her more time *she said that last one with a face saying will you take these?* So there i thought its over. She said *not to ignore her like other guys do please* and that is not a no. So i say i wont...although i was planning on just moving along. So i kept talking to her a day or so and she invited me to a party tonight. She said as long as you can bump n grind.
Now i have nrver bumped n grind in my whole life, i am jack nervous and i decided to look for help on these. I found these site. So much here i can learn but is there anything that can help me quickly tonight. I do not want to loose these girl.
I know these party is going to determine if i cans till get these girl or i can move right in the JFZ.

She is beatiful, smart and really athletic* i love that* im surprised she is talking to me but that is one of my self doubts im going to get rid of with help from these site.
Please help any tips on talk, dance, anything . These is just some stupid highs chool party, i am only 16 -17 later these year so keep that in mind when offering me tips. She is a year younger *softmore*. Help these newbie out!

In a nutshell tips for thes 16 year old high scholer in how to get the girl at a party. The dance, the talk and the moves.
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Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
If i could get some advice quick it will be appriciated. Party dont start till 4 more hours. =)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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Here's your tip. Ignore this girl tonight. Interact with other girls. As far as the dancing goes just do w/e you see other people doing. Relax and have fun.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
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I had a talk with her like half hour ago and told her i will call her later. Whats that a bad move?

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
You DON'T call her. You see her at the party and be cool. Don't come on to her or follow her around or anything. Just have fun, do whatever you want to do and don't worry about her too much. When you do see her around the party, be lively and enthusiastic. Ask her to dance. But don't only dance with her. Dance with whoever, and make sure she sees you doing this.

MAIN IDEA: You want her to realize that you have other choices, BUT you chose her. This is what all women want. It's a challenge a competition. Nobody cares about something that they've already won.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
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It could have been as long as youre calling to check when youre meeting up or whatever its all good. Just dont talk on the phone for too long. If she invited you to go with her i wouldnt completely ignore her. But definately dont spend all your time with her talk to other people and girls. And try to ease in to how shes dancing she'll proaly rub her goods all over you. And you should do the same =]. And of cousre have fun.

PS: I think the dance floor is a great place to hookup and raise intrest level get some good kino(touching)in.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
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I see well not pay too much attention to her ,let her come to me and talk to ther girls as well is what i should do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
mpimpin said:
Here's your tip. Ignore this girl tonight. Interact with other girls. As far as the dancing goes just do w/e you see other people doing. Relax and have fun.
Advice like this won't get you very far. "Ignoring" women isn't going to get you women.

I'd have to say one of the biggest misconceptions on this site is that ignoring a girl will build attraction. Been there, done that, it's a crock.

You're a man for godsakes, don't be a coward.

Listen, you talk to women when you want to. Playful, nonserious conversation.

You don't duck out of conversation. You don't run away from a girl when you see her for the sake of "ignoring" her. When you see a girl, the best thing you could do is to look at her, smile, and talk to her.

You don't need to follow her around all night. You don't need to ask her what she's doing later on. Vibe with her, and have fun with others at the same time.

The jealousy game only works for so long, and it's a cowards game. Women know more about jealousy when they're in elementary school than we know about it as grown men.

Don't limit yourself to one girl. Talk to any girl who catches your eye. What do you have to lose? Worst comes to worse you end with an awkward "Ok well we'll talk later." And those who you do have a good conversation with, simply add to your conversation skills. Before you know it, jealousy will be working naturally for you, without even trying.

Those who shoot to make one jealous, rarely succeed. It's those who do it without even thinking about it are the ones who seek the benefits. Besides, who the hell wants to think that much anyways!


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Advice like this won't get you very far. "Ignoring" women isn't going to get you women.

I'd have to say one of the biggest misconceptions on this site is that ignoring a girl will build attraction. Been there, done that, it's a crock.

You're a man for godsakes, don't be a coward.

Listen, you talk to women when you want to. Playful, nonserious conversation.

You don't duck out of conversation. You don't run away from a girl when you see her for the sake of "ignoring" her. When you see a girl, the best thing you could do is to look at her, smile, and talk to her.

You don't need to follow her around all night. You don't need to ask her what she's doing later on. Vibe with her, and have fun with others at the same time.

The jealousy game only works for so long, and it's a cowards game. Women know more about jealousy when they're in elementary school than we know about it as grown men.

Don't limit yourself to one girl. Talk to any girl who catches your eye. What do you have to lose? Worst comes to worse you end with an awkward "Ok well we'll talk later." And those who you do have a good conversation with, simply add to your conversation skills. Before you know it, jealousy will be working naturally for you, without even trying.

Those who shoot to make one jealous, rarely succeed. It's those who do it without even thinking about it are the ones who seek the benefits. Besides, who the hell wants to think that much anyways!
Thats the most insightful thing I've read in a LONG time. It outlines my recent views in language I would never be able to express myself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
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Carlisle, Pennsylvania
I wouldn't really go as far in depth as anyone else here tried to go.

It sounds easier said than done I know, I remember how it is when you're relatively new to the game and really don't know what you're doing but that's the beauty of the situation. You really can't do anything wrong. I mean there's some decent advice being thrown at you here, but no matter what approach you choose to take with our girl you'll either do something right and learn from that or she'll lose interest and you'll be able to take something away from that too. The bottom line is there's not really anything "quick" I can say that'll put you over the top and right into that p*ssy. Just remember you're just about to hit your stride and the REAL catch this week was not the lady. You're already a better person for it.

Just have fun. Put forth some effort. Don't overdue it. If you're 16 and she thinks you're cute that's pretty much 80% of the battle, play it cool and seal the deal. good luck


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Advice like this won't get you very far. "Ignoring" women isn't going to get you women.

No one said anything about ignoring women. I told him to ignore one. (I misread the post and thought the girl was throwing the party not inviting him to come with her) But Going back to my original thought telling him to ignore this girl wasn't bad advice. She obviously has his balls in her hands.:cry:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Drones 200. Your getting flustered over someone younger then you? That should give you more confidence. I'm in HS to homie. Younger students often automaticly give you respect, because your their upperclassmen. Its a reflex i think, but anyways she already thinks your better then her probably. Plus u sound like ur doing fine. Just do you thing and dont give a **** what anyone says


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
One more thing. Dont give her too much attention. Show her you have better things to do. Like go meet some new people


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Thx for the advcie guys. Well turns out the girl never showed up the party, i called her after the party got raided by the cops * =( * and she was cryng cause she coulnt go. So i believed her.
Aniway i danced with some other girls at the party that i know from school and had a fun time although i got a eye contact and a smile from these hottie and i dint bring myself up to go up to her, maybe next time. My first hs party =P.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
congrats! You had fun and you interacted with the ladies. I'd call it a success for your first party.