Senior Don Juan
A friend and I went up to my college town for a weekend (I'm at home for the summer) to visit a friend of mine who's spending his summer up there.
I used to have a very bad routine at parties. What I did a long time ago was get drunk and hit on every single girl in sight. Fifteen minutes later I was makin out with a SOBER girl...suffice it to say it took me awhile to realize that this kind of occurence is the exception, not the rule. So up until this recent weekend I've been using that strategy.
This time, however, I controlled myself. I put aside all the DJ tactics and ideas for a night, and decided to take a less aggressive stance. I ended up having a 10 minute conversation with this girl, and getting her number (I've lost it since). I think the key for me was to not let the possibility of hooking up that same night tease me to stupidity and foolishness. Far better to get the number and follow up later, especially because if you work it this way, the girl did not do anything "shameful" and won't be embarrassed to talk to you.
I was cruising through the old neighborhood and I ran into this girl I really used to like. She's jailbait at 16 (i'm 19) but we just talked and reminisced, she gave me a BIG excited hug and asked for my number. I got her number too, and actually called her a week later.
Before I get flamed: she is a girl who I think is worth keeping in touch with, if only to preserve some possibility of being together WAY in the future.
There was a poetry reading I was a part of and my friend got sick and cancelled, so I was going to call her and maybe lay some groundwork by inviting her to come along. I was very surprised by how nonexistent her signals were; it could be my imagination, but I even detected a tone of "What's-this-creep-doin'-calling-me" in her voice. Conversation:
Me: Hey, how's it goin. Is this Jailbait Chick?
Jailbait Chick: Yes, who's calling?
Me: It's Pecker.
JC: Oh, hey, what are you up to?
Me: Eh, not much, just felt like chit chatting. How's your day been?
JC: It's good, um, I'm actually with some friends at (fake staticy noise and Wayne's-World style mute/unmute speech trick) and...I'll have to call you back...(more static)
Me: Eeeerrrrr...mmk.
She hasn't called back and to be honest, I'm disappointed. I'm not officially "Pursuing" this girl, I won't let myself think of it that way....
Has anyone encountered the problem of a girl's resistance to your calling even as a nonthreatening entity, pretty much Desireless? And how often does laying groundwork and planning in the long term actually work, in your experience?
A friend and I went up to my college town for a weekend (I'm at home for the summer) to visit a friend of mine who's spending his summer up there.
I used to have a very bad routine at parties. What I did a long time ago was get drunk and hit on every single girl in sight. Fifteen minutes later I was makin out with a SOBER girl...suffice it to say it took me awhile to realize that this kind of occurence is the exception, not the rule. So up until this recent weekend I've been using that strategy.
This time, however, I controlled myself. I put aside all the DJ tactics and ideas for a night, and decided to take a less aggressive stance. I ended up having a 10 minute conversation with this girl, and getting her number (I've lost it since). I think the key for me was to not let the possibility of hooking up that same night tease me to stupidity and foolishness. Far better to get the number and follow up later, especially because if you work it this way, the girl did not do anything "shameful" and won't be embarrassed to talk to you.
I was cruising through the old neighborhood and I ran into this girl I really used to like. She's jailbait at 16 (i'm 19) but we just talked and reminisced, she gave me a BIG excited hug and asked for my number. I got her number too, and actually called her a week later.
Before I get flamed: she is a girl who I think is worth keeping in touch with, if only to preserve some possibility of being together WAY in the future.
There was a poetry reading I was a part of and my friend got sick and cancelled, so I was going to call her and maybe lay some groundwork by inviting her to come along. I was very surprised by how nonexistent her signals were; it could be my imagination, but I even detected a tone of "What's-this-creep-doin'-calling-me" in her voice. Conversation:
Me: Hey, how's it goin. Is this Jailbait Chick?
Jailbait Chick: Yes, who's calling?
Me: It's Pecker.
JC: Oh, hey, what are you up to?
Me: Eh, not much, just felt like chit chatting. How's your day been?
JC: It's good, um, I'm actually with some friends at (fake staticy noise and Wayne's-World style mute/unmute speech trick) and...I'll have to call you back...(more static)
Me: Eeeerrrrr...mmk.
She hasn't called back and to be honest, I'm disappointed. I'm not officially "Pursuing" this girl, I won't let myself think of it that way....
Has anyone encountered the problem of a girl's resistance to your calling even as a nonthreatening entity, pretty much Desireless? And how often does laying groundwork and planning in the long term actually work, in your experience?