Part 5: Murder, getting cucked by my best friend, testosterone and how red pill reinvigorated my marriage

rick flair

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2022
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she acknowledged that if we divorced she would probably die alone and I would do just fine. I explained to her that she was the love of my life and I still felt that way. But by our own admission I was a man she could marry not the man she would marry. So we had a very different view from the start of our relationship. Also throughout this time she made the mistake of saying that she wished she had been able to date other men. Which she explained away but again it reveals her commitment was different than mine.

So the end of this. And if you need receipts I can show you the text messages. She's never appreciated me more she's never been more attracted to me. She's in line and she said she's gonna be committed to being the wife I deserve going forward. Last time we had sex - I could tell she never wanted it more. So I'm having better sex at 40 then I did when I was 25. She's also doing all the things she knew I wanted but didn't do. She's buying sexy underwear and the list goes on and on.

This letter has become stream of consciousness. But I reviewed one of your videos that showed how to tell if a woman wasn't into you based on photos. I reviewed her Facebook. There were two unflattering pictures of me before we were married. There were no pictures once we were married where she really looked into me. Even in the wedding photos she didn't look into me. I have one photo from 2003 on my night stand where she actually looks happy to be with me. Now she had 20 photos of a man she once described as her work husband before she got married. She definitely looks into him. She has pictures of her on vacation and she looks very happy nestled up with other men. Mind you during this time we were about to be engaged she also has pictures of her nestled up with men at bars while I was sitting lonely in my apartment waiting to go to work on a Monday and kill it. Her excuse was that she didn't want people to know she had a boyfriend. Maybe. But I said you have no problem posting plenty of pictures with other guys. Now I say this because this was visual proof of my point. She hadn't been attracted to me for a long time. But I was good enough to marry. and try as she might the pictures don't lie.

She was also Facebook friends with a guy she was trying to date before me. Guess what, he was a classic bad boy. I explained to her the only reason he didn’t make a move- he told her as much he was scared of her family. I wasn’t scared. She admitted the relationship after I made her watch one of your videos. Now when we first started dating she deleted his number and broke off all contact. It helps that I'm now better looking and have more money than him. I had her take down all the photos defriend her old flame and told her she has to take pictures of me where she actually looks into me. I also explained from 1000 feet anybody looking at Facebook would think I got played.

In conclusion:

My wife put me into a position where I had to totally rethink my 13 year marriage + 6 years of dating

I think I effectively reset my marriage

I didn't return her texts a couple times because I actually lost my phone and she came home crying because she was afraid I was packing my bags to leave

She's had nightmares of me divorcing her

old me would have said that's terrible, new me realizes that respect and fear is necessary

I know what the score is the rest of my life if she's living her life at an 8 I always have to be living my life at a 10. women don't want equality they want a man who's superior. All Women will walk all over you and **** around with your friends – if you are not on your game

The funny thing if I had asked her to cut it off with Steve and she just did this would never have happened. So Steve in a way really helped me out and he always did that's why I was friends with him. I probably will start talking to him again – my wife just can have no involvement

If this never have happened – I would have walked through life unaware that I was not getting what I deserved.

My concluding statement with her – she tried to dump me in 2007 and I groveled for her to stay. I am sure she lost even more respect for me. I told her to go back in time to that moment – any man after that point she would have treated much better than me – because she would have had to. Think about that – I am with her 19 years, I am her husband. No matter what – the next guy she would have treated much better than me, because she would have had to. No one ever said life is fair.

I will never forget that thought, it will keep me on my game. That thought will never allow me to tolerate her bull**** again.

My friend asked me how I kept it all together during my marriage. I replied “the love for my son kept me going”

Donovan Sharpe you gave me the wisdom to completely transform my marriage

Ps – I didn’t even have time to get into the two “work husbands” she had

Also she tried to say she lived in fear of me during this time (past 2 months) – you told me that was coming the false accusations of abuse. I shut that down fast.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Also, there was never a Part 3, only Parts 1, 2, 4, and 5. I have not read through all of it.

rick flair

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2022
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part 3 seems to have popped up. thanks for reading. hey i woke up 1 day and realized that my relationship with my wife needed a total re write. based on my current position in life i called in all my chips. and it worked. she’s NEVER been more attracted- never so submissive and in line. thought it was worth a full run down. rewriting the narrative can’t be explained is 500 words. this is cathartic but i think could help married men. you can’t change the past but you can realize your attitude towards it impacts your relationship in the now change your attitude = better relationship


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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Read it all. To me it seems like you need to find other women. Once respect is lost, it’s almost impossible to gain it back. On top of that she doesn’t seem like a stable person. Her attraction might be higher than ever, it’s going to plummet again sooner rather than later. Even being on top of your game won’t be enough for these type of women in the long run. You’re 40 and at the top of your game, go bang other women. I am saying this because you’re actually higher value than your wife and you should use that to your advantage. Don’t settle for someone that’s going to drag you down, aim higher and enjoy life my man.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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she acknowledged that if we divorced she would probably die alone and I would do just fine. I explained to her that she was the love of my life and I still felt that way. But by our own admission I was a man she could marry not the man she would marry. So we had a very different view from the start of our relationship. Also throughout this time she made the mistake of saying that she wished she had been able to date other men. Which she explained away but again it reveals her commitment was different than mine.

So the end of this. And if you need receipts I can show you the text messages. She's never appreciated me more she's never been more attracted to me. She's in line and she said she's gonna be committed to being the wife I deserve going forward. Last time we had sex - I could tell she never wanted it more. So I'm having better sex at 40 then I did when I was 25. She's also doing all the things she knew I wanted but didn't do. She's buying sexy underwear and the list goes on and on.

This letter has become stream of consciousness. But I reviewed one of your videos that showed how to tell if a woman wasn't into you based on photos. I reviewed her Facebook. There were two unflattering pictures of me before we were married. There were no pictures once we were married where she really looked into me. Even in the wedding photos she didn't look into me. I have one photo from 2003 on my night stand where she actually looks happy to be with me. Now she had 20 photos of a man she once described as her work husband before she got married. She definitely looks into him. She has pictures of her on vacation and she looks very happy nestled up with other men. Mind you during this time we were about to be engaged she also has pictures of her nestled up with men at bars while I was sitting lonely in my apartment waiting to go to work on a Monday and kill it. Her excuse was that she didn't want people to know she had a boyfriend. Maybe. But I said you have no problem posting plenty of pictures with other guys. Now I say this because this was visual proof of my point. She hadn't been attracted to me for a long time. But I was good enough to marry. and try as she might the pictures don't lie.

She was also Facebook friends with a guy she was trying to date before me. Guess what, he was a classic bad boy. I explained to her the only reason he didn’t make a move- he told her as much he was scared of her family. I wasn’t scared. She admitted the relationship after I made her watch one of your videos. Now when we first started dating she deleted his number and broke off all contact. It helps that I'm now better looking and have more money than him. I had her take down all the photos defriend her old flame and told her she has to take pictures of me where she actually looks into me. I also explained from 1000 feet anybody looking at Facebook would think I got played.

In conclusion:

My wife put me into a position where I had to totally rethink my 13 year marriage + 6 years of dating

I think I effectively reset my marriage

I didn't return her texts a couple times because I actually lost my phone and she came home crying because she was afraid I was packing my bags to leave

She's had nightmares of me divorcing her

old me would have said that's terrible, new me realizes that respect and fear is necessary

I know what the score is the rest of my life if she's living her life at an 8 I always have to be living my life at a 10. women don't want equality they want a man who's superior. All Women will walk all over you and **** around with your friends – if you are not on your game

The funny thing if I had asked her to cut it off with Steve and she just did this would never have happened. So Steve in a way really helped me out and he always did that's why I was friends with him. I probably will start talking to him again – my wife just can have no involvement

If this never have happened – I would have walked through life unaware that I was not getting what I deserved.

My concluding statement with her – she tried to dump me in 2007 and I groveled for her to stay. I am sure she lost even more respect for me. I told her to go back in time to that moment – any man after that point she would have treated much better than me – because she would have had to. Think about that – I am with her 19 years, I am her husband. No matter what – the next guy she would have treated much better than me, because she would have had to. No one ever said life is fair.

I will never forget that thought, it will keep me on my game. That thought will never allow me to tolerate her bull**** again.

My friend asked me how I kept it all together during my marriage. I replied “the love for my son kept me going”

Donovan Sharpe you gave me the wisdom to completely transform my marriage

Ps – I didn’t even have time to get into the two “work husbands” she had

Also she tried to say she lived in fear of me during this time (past 2 months) – you told me that was coming the false accusations of abuse. I shut that down fast.
Hopefully this won't all end in tears. But in case it does, have some money stashed away that she can't find.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I still don't understand how someone ends up in this sort of a situation to begin with. I don't even understand how to get a date with a girl that isn't into me, much less a relationship. If my wife routinely did not want to ****, I would just tell her it's okay I will just go **** some other woman.

rick flair

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2022
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let me ask you this, are you married? What's the longest relationship you've been in?

The point of this whole story, is this is a very typical relationship arc. What makes this a different story is my wife’s very traditional upbringing and that we've been in a relationship since she was 19. Now because of that I thought she was a Unicorn and so did she. And in some ways she is, because purportedly she's only been with me. But the law of AWAL applies. she's just like any other woman, and I now treat her as such. And I've taken her off her pedestal. Our relationship has never been better.

With a more typical American woman, likely the relationship would not have gotten off the ground. I'm not sure I went into detail of our full history. But there were several transition points where any other girl would have cheated/broke up with me/ more than likely both. So when I say not into me what I mean is no longer aroused by me and the lowest point more or less openly turned off by me. now throughout this story, I think I focus on her faults. Why do I do that, because you have to make conversations with women one sided.

for example if I tell her she did A, B & C wrong. but then I show introspection and say but I did D, E & F wrong. She will only remember D, E & F not ABC. So save introspection for your close friends and your therapist. When talking to your woman, only focus on what she did wrong.

And that's another learning point here. My wife and women in general just view the world differently. And they are excellent at not showing you empathy. So I had to beat into her head all the things that she had done wrong. That reset the frame to my advantage. Because I need an emotional advantage over her. And the fact that we landed on she thought she was a perfect girlfriend -and it took three long months to get to that conclusion. This put her fundamental lack of introspection on display. Even she could not argue it's healthy for her to view herself as perfect and me as less then.

so throughout the story, it could have been easily concluded as she left me or she cheated. Why? I was a fat slob. Now I always got it done at work. But I was also a nervous wreck, a complete head case, very needy emotionally for A5 year section of our marriage. I don't focus on my faults because I don't wanna give her ammo because that'll again give her away to say it's my fault.

I also wanna emphasize how important testosterone replacement was in this story. I'm just so much more assertive. For example I asked for a promotion yesterday at work I would have not done that prior to TRT. Also Viagra + lidocaine **** spray (clock stopper) + testosterone = I have never ****ed her better. Which = she is aroused because I now can sexually dominate her for the first time. I didn’t need TRT, Viagra or the **** spray but lance Armstrong didn’t need to do dope unless he wanted to win.

The point of this story – if you aren’t on your game your women loses arousal then attraction and then can become disgusted by you. It sucks but if you are fat slob/head case what do you expect? This is also a redemption arc – it is possible in a 19 year relationship to actually be at peak arousal.