Painful to watch this bollocks!!


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi there, i recently broke it off with my girlfriend of two years as i realised i was only in it for the comfort of having a girl, sex was crap and she was turning into a ****y ***** round me so she was gone as painful as it was.

Anyway i now live with 2 couples in a rented house and it is becoming a absolute nightmare! They are at two painful painful levels of AFC! I spent alot of time round my girlfriends last year and didn't realise how bad this has gotten. I shall call them couple A and couple B

Couple A- This guy has his head screwed on, he has his own dreams and is living them(traveling the world next summer etc). However when this girl is around its like flicking a switch, he does anything she wants, goes out of his way to drive her places when he should be somewhere else, ook every meal together, never a night apart as they live in the same house. However he does spend time with his friends and they do different stuff some evenings, he would be suffering from moderae AFC i believe. However she cheated on him and everyone knew it and told him but he did nothing and they are still together, painful!!

Couple B - Now they have just gotten to the absolutely pathetic stage and are cracking me up!!!!!!!! This guy was an absolute legend a few years back, complete comedian, everyone loved him, in good shape etc. Then he started dating this girl and they have been going out for a year and its the worst thing that could ever have happened him! firstly he got really fat and so did she, complacent in their relationship that they had to make no effort, really sad! They then moved into our rented house together after 4 months, WTF! they are 20 years old! They are inseperable, never spend a night apart, have basically no friends outside their relationship. They are like a married couple and she controls him, he will do anything she tells him and he loves it. he buys her really expensive anniversary and birthday gifts after 1 year of going out, so so so AFC!

Anyway it is completely pissing me off, i get along with couple A pretty well but couple B are turning this year into a nightmare! I think it is scary that some couples get so comfortable that the girl laps up this AFC ****e, they are planning a summer holiday for next summer already, who the hell knows what will happen before then!

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
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You so good you live in AFC mansion. :woo:

By the way, half words, both said and written are submissive and show low value. Such as round, and the way you used it.

You're no better than any other four participants of your perceived asylum. The only thing that might be better about you is that they have a partner and you are self sufficient now, if you know what I mean.. Thus, get off your butt and change things. Here is a step by step for you, click link in my signature.


New Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I don't quite understand some of your reply!!

I was purely venting the pain of this current situation, i am getting out there and trying to make a difference, its just bloody gay how people can get sucked into such an afc way of life so quickly

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I'm saying you suck, pure and simple..

Go past offended and get going, if you know what I mean. If you don't, like I said, link, step by step.