Now, I will first state I ascribe to no set religion yet, so please do not miscontrue what I say as being of some religious sect. However, what I did realize I found in the bible, and it made a strong impact on me and how I view life. Concurrently, I found similar information, non-religious based, to back it up through my research.
In the first pages of the Bible, the account of HOW earth was populated is told. Essentially, Eve ate from the forbidden tree as she as chided by the wilely serpant. As punishment, God decreed a few tidbits that made a major impact on life:
That man should have full consciousness and thinking ability. That he should question his actions and retain free will, that he will have conscious and ego.
Prior to this little, fvck-up, Adam and Eve lived in bliss. They were near naked, they had no shame over their bodies; it was pure ecstasty. They had no thoughts of:
"Does Eve like me?"
"Should I make the move?"
"Is my kock big enough?"
"Wow, she's hot, what should I say?"
"I wonder if she likes my leafy clothing, if not I could make better clothes so she would."
Man, and Woman, were pure and free. They existed as perfection as they were. They were not incomplete waiting to be complete. They were not ranked. They had none of that. And one fine day, Eve, a woman, goes and ruins it. Oh she got HER'S, but what she wrought on humanity was quite enough to balance her pain of childbirth.
Suffice it to say, the most critical element here is that a Superior Being endowed within us consciousness, the ability of almost a dual 'being.' We, in effect, would be our own judge and jury, consciously observing, analyzing, filtering, thinking, judging, weighing, balancing, second-guessing our own decisions. Initially, ignorance of some facets of life WAS bliss. But even those pleasures were lost through a mere transgression.
Now, whether you believe the religious side of this to be true or not, enough of us KNOW this to be true. We know walking somewhere, our over active brains seem to be analyzing, preparing, questioning, thinking, and a host of other functions, NOT needed at this moment.
You walk into a bar, and you're predisposed to some thought pattern.
You approach a girl, and maybe she's a brunette or a blonde, and you subconsciously recall previous experiences that appear similar to this. Your brain is trying to find a way to approach this situation, yet THAT sucks away all the uniqueness of it, SHUTTING down your creativity. How can you be creative with women, if your brain is attempting to relate it to other experiences? YOU CAN'T !!!
This is why asking for situational advice from people here does not allow you to train your brain to think creatively. When you use 10% of your brain OR less, does it make sense that you'll ever develop the skills you need to succeed if you continute using ANYBODY else as your crutch? If you get 95% of the info for scoring a girl, you're brain and process will still require you to consult others, when you COULD just appeal to your brain.
On a deeper level, People THINK through their days, they don't LIVE through them.
You know why I have few SPECIFICS here for you? Because *I* don't believe in specifics, for me, for you, for anybody. In dating, in life, it's far more complex. You must give people the "basics" and let them evolve with whatever they have at their disposal. Sure, I'd say:
"Go try NLP and adapt it to your own life, be it sales, wealth, women, sports, or anything you can imagine."
And then from there, if your situation fits a certain goal, you could use the same strategies as before. BUT, some people are in different points, so a post might totally miss for some, and hit for other's.
Conquering that little voice, that self-analyzing consciousness that strips a tree of its beauty because "it's just a tree" is path to enjoyment and enlightenment. I live only an hour from the mountains, an hour, and its a beautiful sight, but I RARELY make a habit of going there. Sad. It's a goal for 2005 to get a cabin up there.
You see when you're out, just because you THINK it, does not MAKE it TRUE. Life is perception, but we only PERCEIVE through filters. HOW those filters are programmed dictates the MAP we see.
So if you program those filters or radars to pick up information from the environment in a certain way, you will PERCEIVE life to be a certain way, ALTHOUGH it might not be that way. Makin sense?
Don't fall into the trap of thinking with confined boundaries. That mental ego of your's is the only jail cell you'll ever be in, and even those behind walls could be freer than you or I just because they freed their mind of the mental restraints.
How often do you break up with a girl and the overriding thoughts are:
"Oh my God, some other guy will have her!"
"Oh my God, no more great sex!"
"Oh my God, I loved ___ about her."
Guess what controls you?
Those thoughts. You let HER actions take the REMOTE control to your brain and DICTATE what's going to be on!
If you bought a new 50" Plasma HDTV and the Playoffs were on in 10 minutes, would you give the remote to a girl you just met, OR didn't eve RESPECT your interest in those games?
Who cares if they're football games, it's not her business to support or not support your tv interests, just to support you.
So why give it away to her each day? Many of you do this with second hand thoughts AFTER the date. The only thing to be considering after the date is:
"Do I like her?" Yes or No.
"Do I want to see her again?"
All these others are crap. White noise. Background noises. Aren't they? I mean, what purpose do they serve, and since 95% of them NEVER come true, you just wasted brain energy on a trivial point. WAY TO GO!
Gaining control of that portion of yourself is realizing, it's the ONLY limiting part of you. It's the only piece that holds you back. That voice, that ego, that self-analyzing consciousness. So ya know what?
Give it something POSITIVE to analyze. Positive goals. Tell it you want to be buff and to measure the progress. Tell it you want to be rich, and find ways YOU ENJOY making money. Tell it you want to travel, and find out how to do that. Tell it you want to play sports, so which one do I want to play?
The people who succeed subvert their EGO, OR they use it to their advantage. You can do it either way. I choose to ignore it. I've programmed some of it, and been told by some, it's TOO BIG. You know what a big ego means?
It means that a person is still stuck in that world of RULES. Where morality, and values, and virtues exist. Where you must consider the rules of life, and THINK it all through, RATHER than use the inherent gifts you've been given.
When you're at a store, and there's a cutie there, for the sake of your own life and experiences, talk to her for me. Would ya? I mean, she's cute, she's there, God obviously had a reason for it, or some being did, just do it. Don't think:
"Well, she might have BF, and I look like Crap, and it's a movie store, and we're returning movies, she's probably in a hurry."
Wtf, dude. What if, she was just hurt a few months ago and you're her PERFECT TYPE! There's something to be said for MENTAL PROJECTION. You can't know either way, so why not put it to your advantage.
Know that you're perfect for her, because you're a guy who's plugged in, who's on a journey, and not at some destination as most people feel they are. You're going to improve and grow and live and love and laugh.
So think:
"Well perfect, i might never see her again, and its very fortunate to meet her here, almost like luck, or serendipity, so why not enjoy it?"
With that thought process, NO MATTER what she says, who CARES? And guess what, as a self-fulfilling prophecy, SHE will like you, if only for those 5 minutes. Why? Because you're not tying yourself to the outcome or the moment. You're not restrained by pregrammed thoughts to act like so autonomic robot. You've given into the will of life, and realize there's an eb and flow. You're confined by the thoughts of the mind.
And when you throw those little things away, what do you have?
You aren't apt to be restrained in the bed room, because you'll feel her passion, her mood, her excitement, and what she wants as it builds.
You'll sense her intentions, what she's emitting, reading her language, not from a thinking, but from a feeling standpoint.
Sure that logical part is great for figuring math stuff, or making sure we calculate the release and catch of a football, but when it comes to life, which is much more of feeling than of thinking, we need to shift gears to enjoy it and be successful.
In the first pages of the Bible, the account of HOW earth was populated is told. Essentially, Eve ate from the forbidden tree as she as chided by the wilely serpant. As punishment, God decreed a few tidbits that made a major impact on life:
That man should have full consciousness and thinking ability. That he should question his actions and retain free will, that he will have conscious and ego.
Prior to this little, fvck-up, Adam and Eve lived in bliss. They were near naked, they had no shame over their bodies; it was pure ecstasty. They had no thoughts of:
"Does Eve like me?"
"Should I make the move?"
"Is my kock big enough?"
"Wow, she's hot, what should I say?"
"I wonder if she likes my leafy clothing, if not I could make better clothes so she would."
Man, and Woman, were pure and free. They existed as perfection as they were. They were not incomplete waiting to be complete. They were not ranked. They had none of that. And one fine day, Eve, a woman, goes and ruins it. Oh she got HER'S, but what she wrought on humanity was quite enough to balance her pain of childbirth.
Suffice it to say, the most critical element here is that a Superior Being endowed within us consciousness, the ability of almost a dual 'being.' We, in effect, would be our own judge and jury, consciously observing, analyzing, filtering, thinking, judging, weighing, balancing, second-guessing our own decisions. Initially, ignorance of some facets of life WAS bliss. But even those pleasures were lost through a mere transgression.
Now, whether you believe the religious side of this to be true or not, enough of us KNOW this to be true. We know walking somewhere, our over active brains seem to be analyzing, preparing, questioning, thinking, and a host of other functions, NOT needed at this moment.
You walk into a bar, and you're predisposed to some thought pattern.
You approach a girl, and maybe she's a brunette or a blonde, and you subconsciously recall previous experiences that appear similar to this. Your brain is trying to find a way to approach this situation, yet THAT sucks away all the uniqueness of it, SHUTTING down your creativity. How can you be creative with women, if your brain is attempting to relate it to other experiences? YOU CAN'T !!!
This is why asking for situational advice from people here does not allow you to train your brain to think creatively. When you use 10% of your brain OR less, does it make sense that you'll ever develop the skills you need to succeed if you continute using ANYBODY else as your crutch? If you get 95% of the info for scoring a girl, you're brain and process will still require you to consult others, when you COULD just appeal to your brain.
On a deeper level, People THINK through their days, they don't LIVE through them.
You know why I have few SPECIFICS here for you? Because *I* don't believe in specifics, for me, for you, for anybody. In dating, in life, it's far more complex. You must give people the "basics" and let them evolve with whatever they have at their disposal. Sure, I'd say:
"Go try NLP and adapt it to your own life, be it sales, wealth, women, sports, or anything you can imagine."
And then from there, if your situation fits a certain goal, you could use the same strategies as before. BUT, some people are in different points, so a post might totally miss for some, and hit for other's.
Conquering that little voice, that self-analyzing consciousness that strips a tree of its beauty because "it's just a tree" is path to enjoyment and enlightenment. I live only an hour from the mountains, an hour, and its a beautiful sight, but I RARELY make a habit of going there. Sad. It's a goal for 2005 to get a cabin up there.
You see when you're out, just because you THINK it, does not MAKE it TRUE. Life is perception, but we only PERCEIVE through filters. HOW those filters are programmed dictates the MAP we see.
So if you program those filters or radars to pick up information from the environment in a certain way, you will PERCEIVE life to be a certain way, ALTHOUGH it might not be that way. Makin sense?
Don't fall into the trap of thinking with confined boundaries. That mental ego of your's is the only jail cell you'll ever be in, and even those behind walls could be freer than you or I just because they freed their mind of the mental restraints.
How often do you break up with a girl and the overriding thoughts are:
"Oh my God, some other guy will have her!"
"Oh my God, no more great sex!"
"Oh my God, I loved ___ about her."
Guess what controls you?
Those thoughts. You let HER actions take the REMOTE control to your brain and DICTATE what's going to be on!
If you bought a new 50" Plasma HDTV and the Playoffs were on in 10 minutes, would you give the remote to a girl you just met, OR didn't eve RESPECT your interest in those games?
Who cares if they're football games, it's not her business to support or not support your tv interests, just to support you.
So why give it away to her each day? Many of you do this with second hand thoughts AFTER the date. The only thing to be considering after the date is:
"Do I like her?" Yes or No.
"Do I want to see her again?"
All these others are crap. White noise. Background noises. Aren't they? I mean, what purpose do they serve, and since 95% of them NEVER come true, you just wasted brain energy on a trivial point. WAY TO GO!
Gaining control of that portion of yourself is realizing, it's the ONLY limiting part of you. It's the only piece that holds you back. That voice, that ego, that self-analyzing consciousness. So ya know what?
Give it something POSITIVE to analyze. Positive goals. Tell it you want to be buff and to measure the progress. Tell it you want to be rich, and find ways YOU ENJOY making money. Tell it you want to travel, and find out how to do that. Tell it you want to play sports, so which one do I want to play?
The people who succeed subvert their EGO, OR they use it to their advantage. You can do it either way. I choose to ignore it. I've programmed some of it, and been told by some, it's TOO BIG. You know what a big ego means?
It means that a person is still stuck in that world of RULES. Where morality, and values, and virtues exist. Where you must consider the rules of life, and THINK it all through, RATHER than use the inherent gifts you've been given.
When you're at a store, and there's a cutie there, for the sake of your own life and experiences, talk to her for me. Would ya? I mean, she's cute, she's there, God obviously had a reason for it, or some being did, just do it. Don't think:
"Well, she might have BF, and I look like Crap, and it's a movie store, and we're returning movies, she's probably in a hurry."
Wtf, dude. What if, she was just hurt a few months ago and you're her PERFECT TYPE! There's something to be said for MENTAL PROJECTION. You can't know either way, so why not put it to your advantage.
Know that you're perfect for her, because you're a guy who's plugged in, who's on a journey, and not at some destination as most people feel they are. You're going to improve and grow and live and love and laugh.
So think:
"Well perfect, i might never see her again, and its very fortunate to meet her here, almost like luck, or serendipity, so why not enjoy it?"
With that thought process, NO MATTER what she says, who CARES? And guess what, as a self-fulfilling prophecy, SHE will like you, if only for those 5 minutes. Why? Because you're not tying yourself to the outcome or the moment. You're not restrained by pregrammed thoughts to act like so autonomic robot. You've given into the will of life, and realize there's an eb and flow. You're confined by the thoughts of the mind.
And when you throw those little things away, what do you have?
You aren't apt to be restrained in the bed room, because you'll feel her passion, her mood, her excitement, and what she wants as it builds.
You'll sense her intentions, what she's emitting, reading her language, not from a thinking, but from a feeling standpoint.
Sure that logical part is great for figuring math stuff, or making sure we calculate the release and catch of a football, but when it comes to life, which is much more of feeling than of thinking, we need to shift gears to enjoy it and be successful.