Overescalating Buyer Remorse Is it beat-able


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
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Ok so I sit with my friend girl next to this girl game her up in a event in school,in a classroom, next day take her to the fair (all this just good vibing practically no gaming)

kiss her at the fair comfort kiss get all cuddly, kiss a lot not needy though

then take her to little caesars where all of a sudden 5 of my guy friends pop up ,
one of my friends is pretty good in game and he knew this chick from before, he started talking to her
I just laid back. soon as they leave my girls like " maybe we should be friends "
im just like " why would we do that" she didnt say anything
then i made some joke about pizza or w.e I bought the pizza and the fair tickets =\

end of night walk to her place and just gave her a hard makeout and left

called her today and she didnt pickup or callback as quick as before so i sent her

"Smart, fun to be with, down to earth,athletic, genuine, full of life , and just a tad bit disorganized =) haha i think your great but i think were going a little too fast and we should hang out as friends for now"

"Yea I agree lol"

"theres this song on the radio thts driving me crazy not knowing the name grrr"

"know any of the lyrics?"

"its like three six mafia- shake my mixed in with dj tiesto- escape me, with a chipmunk voice lol"

"Lol no clue then"

"Im going to the grove with hb and some other friends its HALLOWEEN!your welcomed to come along"

"Oh its ok I already have plans"

a) buyers remorse
b)i lost value since I wasnt " gaming" pushing her away etcc invalidating her
c)my friend AMOG'd me nastily , its happened in the past with other friends

oh yeah some random guy is staying at her place , he has a girlfriend apparently wtf


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
You bought pizza and tickets after she said LBJF?

HOw old are you? from the story I'm guessing high school, or maybe early college. Look I over-escalate all the time, especially when I'm doing night game. It helps me gauge IL, can it backfire? sure but I don't give a shiit, If i feel like making out, I'm gonna go for it, if I get shut down so what?

Then you send her that text? uggh, look even I still make mistakes in the game, all the time, inlcuding onces like these, but if a girl LBJF. I'm done plain and simple


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
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thing is i been watching blueprint and like i forget to prize myself

and i have been getting ioi's from girls from just being present and crap

so like in the beginning 20 minutes i was already kissing the girl so i came off easy i think

im 20