Overdoing C/F


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Anybody have this problem?? One minute i'm being called sweet the next I'm being called arrogant so wondering how long you switch from C/F to serious and back again?


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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yeah dont do it. C/F is a scam brought over by David Deangelo. I don't think I ever had a good response from it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Replace "****y" with "confident" and you'll be fine. Oh yeah, don't confuse them with neg-hits.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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Yesterday some chick came into work with her little puppy and it was wearing a sweater. I asked her if she knew that dogs weren't supposed to wear clothes, and she whispered that he didn't know he was a dog and I told her next time I'd speak more softly.

In the moment it was just a little ****y but afterwards I wondered if it was a "neg". I was just teasing her. I'm not used to putting labels on how I behave.

I wonder if making fun of a dog with a sweater is like making fun of what the woman is wearing, or her child since a lot of women get dogs as their first child.

I was confident and playful. I don't think she was insulted. Yet here I am still worrying about how she perceives me. Hmm.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
the first issue is you shouldnt CARE how you are being percieved. kindve defeats teh entire purpose.

IMO C&F can be very dangerous. i think you have to be careful becauswe when you apply this to your specific personality you can be misinterpreted.

without c&f im a bit funny and strongliy confident. so when i specifically use c&f it does not come off as uncomfortable for me or even to the women.

if you are more of a timid personality or quite guy, then you turn up the c&f, you CAN look like a jerk.

learn to apply it with your specific personality, and just have fun.

at the end of the day, who really cares what she thinks if that wasnt your intentions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I didn't care until afterwards. I always do C&F, I never knew there was a label for that. I didn't think of it as something negative until I started hearing words like neg. It's what I would do anyway. Because I know I'm just kidding.

Yeah I'm not hurting anybody. I just like to tease.

Girls are for teasing and making fun of, at least to me. It works for me so I'm not going to start second guessing myself.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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I wouldn't even bother with it really. The only time I did this was when I first found this site, and it may have worked a little bit (in the case that it confused the **** out of the girls I talked to), but ultimately was not successful.

You can achieve the same effect by just calling out girls on things you notice naturally. Don't work to "neghit," a lot of the terminology and theories you seen thrown around on this site are pretty stupid and unnecessary. They do help you learn to experiment from your AFC ways, which ultimately lets you learn how to be a DJ, but as far as effectiveness goes... none of these tactics really work. Work less hard on trying to be C/F and harder on just having a good time FOR YOURSELF.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
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If you are overdoing it, do not stop. ****y humor is like a topping on the pizza, you don't want too much of it. Most of your pizza is hopefully dough and cheese. Just mix ****y humor whenever you get a good chance, and once you have some sort of rapport with the girl. Also, some examples on this site are much too ****y.. maybe the lines you are using aren't field tested. Try finding more lines that are more funny than ****y, you will get better responses.

However, you should be warned. At times a woman may say stuff such as "I can't believe you just said that!" At this point, many guys throw away what they have worked so hard to get - which is a woman's attraction. It's a test to see if you have balls to stand up what you just told her.. but SOMETIMES it's not like that. (There is exceptions to everything.) Do not EVER say something such as, "I was just kidding" etc. Just keep on going, but loosen the ****y, replace it with confidence, and you are in!

There are many minor variables that need to be considered as well. (The age of the girl, what kind of girl she is, etc.) You cannot be too ****y with a very insecure/shy girl, and you cannot be too ****y with younger girls, as most of them are immature. More information would have been nice, but I hope I helped you out! If you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a PM.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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I disagree. If a girl takes offense to something an "I was just kidding" is fine. Just depends how you say it. I usually am direct and blunt always, so I tell it like it is: "What, I was just playing. Are you really that insecure?" I don't think I've ever gotten a response back other than "I was kidding too."

It might be an awkward moment, but it's exactly that... a moment. This C/F stuff really means nothing in the long run. In my opinion, it's not gonna make or break your success with a girl at all.

Axcell said:
If you are overdoing it, do not stop. ****y humor is like a topping on the pizza, you don't want too much of it. Most of your pizza is hopefully dough and cheese. Just mix ****y humor whenever you get a good chance, and once you have some sort of rapport with the girl. Also, some examples on this site are much too ****y.. maybe the lines you are using aren't field tested. Try finding more lines that are more funny than ****y, you will get better responses.

However, you should be warned. At times a woman may say stuff such as "I can't believe you just said that!" At this point, many guys throw away what they have worked so hard to get - which is a woman's attraction. It's a test to see if you have balls to stand up what you just told her.. but SOMETIMES it's not like that. (There is exceptions to everything.) Do not EVER say something such as, "I was just kidding" etc. Just keep on going, but loosen the ****y, replace it with confidence, and you are in!

There are many minor variables that need to be considered as well. (The age of the girl, what kind of girl she is, etc.) You cannot be too ****y with a very insecure/shy girl, and you cannot be too ****y with younger girls, as most of them are immature. More information would have been nice, but I hope I helped you out! If you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a PM.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
DoctorLW said:
I disagree. If a girl takes offense to something an "I was just kidding" is fine...
I say if you have to explain that you were kidding, what you said was obviously not funny and was probably an insult.
DoctorLW said:
I usually am direct and blunt always, so I tell it like it is: "What, I was just playing. Are you really that insecure?"
Like that one.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
DoctorLW said:
I disagree. If a girl takes offense to something an "I was just kidding" is fine. Just depends how you say it. I usually am direct and blunt always, so I tell it like it is: "What, I was just playing. Are you really that insecure?" I don't think I've ever gotten a response back other than "I was kidding too."

It might be an awkward moment, but it's exactly that... a moment. This C/F stuff really means nothing in the long run. In my opinion, it's not gonna make or break your success with a girl at all.
Yes, I am well aware about that line. Heard it a couple of month ago from a PUA, Payton Kane, or something a long the lines of that name. However, you should not apologize or say that you were kidding unless you said something that could have been interpreted wrong and you came off as too ****y. (However, it is ****y+funny, you need to make sure you are doing it right to avoid that from happening in the first place.) However, a better thing to say would have been: "Aww poor baby, you aren't THAT insecure, are you?" Strongly stress the "THAT", and have a nice confident voice, and you are in. You shouldn't be rude to girls in the first place, and apologizing sets her as the prize, rather than you.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Thanks for the advise. I'd say its just a matter of finding the right balance and judging the mood.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
C+F is all the in delivery, just like stand up comedy. If a girl ask for your number and you say, "you're not a stalker that's going to be ringing my phone at 3am right?" and say it with a sarcastic smile, she'll know you're just busting on her and being playful about it. Say it with a stone cold look on your face and she'll be offended and walk away. If the girl is more in the average range looks wise, you might have to tone it down. I think C+F was meant to use against very attractive women who are used to being chased and guys always kissing their ass.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2007
Reaction score
DoctorLW said:
I disagree. If a girl takes offense to something an "I was just kidding" is fine. QUOTE]

I was doing some c&f on a friend of mine(who happens to have a crush on me) and at one point something I said seem offensive to her, and to the entire group.

I think it went along the lines of, "if you're talking about cleaning so much why don't you come be my cleaning lady and i'll give you a dollar for every job".

Everybody at the dinner table just looked me, I didn't pay attention to any one of them, even though I knew they were staring. I kept on eating my food like normal and NEVER tagged "just kidding" at the end of it. I think it is a sign of submission if you say that.

Well, nobody hated me after that, on the contrary everybody in the end seem to have enjoyed my company.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
SLY said:
DoctorLW said:
I disagree. If a girl takes offense to something an "I was just kidding" is fine. QUOTE]

I was doing some c&f on a friend of mine(who happens to have a crush on me) and at one point something I said seem offensive to her, and to the entire group.

I think it went along the lines of, "if you're talking about cleaning so much why don't you come be my cleaning lady and i'll give you a dollar for every job".

Everybody at the dinner table just looked me, I didn't pay attention to any one of them, even though I knew they were staring. I kept on eating my food like normal and NEVER tagged "just kidding" at the end of it. I think it is a sign of submission if you say that.

Well, nobody hated me after that, on the contrary everybody in the end seem to have enjoyed my company.
You probably said the most interesting thing at the dinner!