Overcoming fear and your self-image (repost for Imperfect)


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
NOTE: I did not write this post. This is purely the work of Imperfect. His contact info can be found at the bottom of this post.

Reliable link to this post: http://fastseduction.com/masf/23/203544/
Archive link: Not available in archive yet.
The above post is de facto Copyright© by "imperfect". All rights reserved. Explicit permission from the author required for reproduction outside of this forum, web site, server, or other published resource owned by Learn The Skills Corp.

A couple days ago I was talking to one of my friends back from my old town who I hadn’t seen for over half a year now. We started talking about how things are different now from when we used to hang out, and he mentioned he had really gotten into bodybuilding. He told me he had gotten considerably bigger, and I remember him at a lean 150 5’10” or so, and he said he had packed on a considerable amount of muscle.

Anyways, he told me that he still sees himself as being skinny. Even though now he has a chest and good arms and the whole works, when he looks in the mirror he sees himself as being skinny. Even though he has clear visible proof in front of him, still skinny. Having gone through this myself (165 to 185) I was like oh damn, he’s completely right. His self-image needs to catch up with reality.

I remember one of my first days at the new school, this is after I had went through a long summer of lifting and eating religiously, and some guy was sitting next to me and I was in a t-shirt and he says, “Hey man do you play football? “Nah not this year” “Oh okay, well you’re pretty big man” “Oh hey thanks”. Quick conversation, no big deal. But then later that day I remember thinking of it and of course enjoying the ego boost I got from it at the time.

But then something dawned on me, I actually have some decent muscles on me! And it’s so weird, like what the ****? I was so used to being skinny that getting complimented on my muscles seemed like a joke. Like back when I was 165, if someone had said “Hey man look at those guns on this guy!” he would’ve been ****ing around and making fun of me. But now I have girls who say, “Wow your arms are big” and they’re actually complimenting me. But at the time it still seemed a bit strange because I didn’t see myself as big. Even though my first impression to people was that I was a good looking, well muscled athletic type guy, to me I was still this shy, dorky guy who couldn’t get a girlfriend.

We all have these moments. Where our self-image and the image other people have of us collide, and for a minute we aren’t sure which is accurate. This isn’t always good by any means. In fact, I’d say this is what’s holding anyone who is having problems with approaching girls and having good relationships from being successful. Why?
Simple. We all have this self-image of ourselves. On one hand, you have guys who think they’re total failures. They tell people “Man I couldn’t do that”, “Dude you could kick my ass I know”, “Girls think I’m ugly”, “She would never like a guy like me” and themselves this all the time. They have this self-image of themselves perceived that they are terrible at sports, with women, and pretty much everything else. So when they ask themselves “WHY can’t I get a girlfriend?” their brain will come up with some answer: you’re too short, you’re not good looking, you aren’t funny, you can’t fight, and anything else that pops into their head at the time.

And at the same time, you have guys who have self-images that completely hold them back. They tell people they are good with girls, they brag about sports, they talk **** like they’re real tough, but you’d never be able to get this type of guy to approach a girl. Why? His self-image is “I’m a total chick magnet”, but he knows if he were forced to approach a girl and possibly face rejection, the image girls perceive of him and his self-image would have to collide. So he is “too tired”, “doesn’t have to prove himself”, “isn’t in the right mood”. It’s like guys who sit around talking **** all the time, but when someone challenges them to a fight, they get scared and back off or apologize.

In either scenario, I think we can all relate to the excuse people give to not sarge. “I’m not in the mood”, “I will later these girls aren’t hot enough” “I don’t know what to say”, “I’ll probably just **** up”. For the first two examples, the guy has created a self-image of himself that he is good with girls, so if he does **** up, which he realizes he very possibly might, meaning his self-image and the world’s image of him will clash. The other guy who thinks he will just **** up is doing the same thing, just in a different way. His self-image is that he is horrible with women, and to reinforce this he doesn’t approach. He is self-sabotaging himself, because he is much more comfortable sucking with women and not facing rejection then vice versa.

“Now wait a ****ing second, I may suck with women but I’m not more comfortable sucking then never having a girlfriend!”. Yeah, I thought this too at first, but it’s bull****. You are happier emotionally at your home or at the gym or wherever you are when you SHOULD be sarging then you are out sarging. Even though logically you know you should sarge, you aren’t. And the reason for this is that you don’t want to have to face the truth: that your self-image is incorrect. Even if your self-image is negative, you still will avoid realizing it’s wrong. It’s human nature.

Like the example I gave with weight lifting. When girls and guys started commenting on my muscle, or I’d get “Hey man you’re really starting to look big now” “Wow man you got some guns on you” I wasn’t sure how to react. Even though this is clearly flattering and positive, I still had this self-image that I was a dorky, skinny guy. And to hurt the fact more, I’d compare my guys to people like Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, even Arnold Schwarzenegger. So to me, I was small. My self-image was that I was skinny. Other people’s images were that I was buff. We got a problem here.
Okay, here’s one I bet everyone can relate to. Do you remember your first GOOD sarge? The one where you got a number, or kiss, or lay, and the girl was really into you, it was just a great set. I remember being literally as shocked as I was happy at my first sarge, which by sheer being in state and a bit of dumb luck alone, lasted a full hour, had all the right elements (kino, venue change, number close, plenty of IOIs, etc), and to this day is one of my best sarges, but at the time it wasn’t “right”. I’m like **** did I honestly do that? Of course at the time I was all “GWM is ****ing bomb this guy really knows his ****, which is the only reason I could have done this”, which is probably true to an extent, but I was struggling to accept the fact that me, with the self-image that girls really don’t like me as more than a friend, just had a girl I’d give at least a 7.5 or 8 who was 3 years older than me and obviously a very popular girl totally into me. Like this isn’t right. This girl is either retracted or SOMETHING, because I’m not the kind of guy who can just walk up to a girl and end up having her wanting me from not knowing her to hanging out with her for an hour. Why wasn’t she over some other cooler, older, better looking guy? If this ever happens to me I have to know the girls for like months. Right? Obviously, there is a problem here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, second scenario a lot of you can probably relate to. Remember when you lost your PUA-virginity? That’s when you get your first lay from a sarge (and if it hasn’t happened yet, it’s coming). I remember mine clearly, in fact it was the 2nd date where I had went from: knowing a girl on day 1 for a couple hours to knowing the girl on day 2 for about 4 more hours, to lay. Obviously, at the time, this was WAY out of what I thought I could do. Especially with an attractive girl. Yes, I wanted it, and yes you better believe I was happy about it, but it didn’t seem right. To me, it made more sense to wait a month before even fingering a girl, and here I was in a girl’s dorm about to get laid. At the time I was like what the ****? Is this **** even right? God damn this RSD **** is tight as hell. But still, is this ****ed up or what? Am I seriously about to sleep with this girl? And then at one point, you just stop asking yourself this ****. You realize you’re in bed with a girl making out and she’s taking off your shirt and she asks you if you have a condom, and you just go with it. You just flow. Go with it.

My point of all of this is we are constantly in a battle, an on going struggle. That battle is our self-image vs. reality. We all have certain conceptions about ourselves, good and bad. These things leak out of us as insecurity, confidence, arrogance, and a whole set of emotions and characteristics. Most of us can recognize these, maybe some of us more easily in other people than ourselves, but we still see it. When we hear a guy say “so-and-so isn’t all that” we can tell he’s insecure, and we hear a guy say “I can’t approach these girls aren’t hot enough”, we know he’s protecting his ego and self-image. But if you can just let go of this self-image of yourself, you can go out and succeed. Stop sabotaging yourself, that’s all you’re doing. Just stop. Don’t say you’re great with girls and don’t say you aren’t either. It really is irrelevant where you are at now as long as you’re on your way somewhere better, trust me you’ll get there eventually. Stop saying “I’m just not a cool guy”, you probably are behind all this protective self-image ****. Even if you aren’t, it is very possible for a dorky guy to get laid by an attractive girl in a sarge using ASF knowledge, trust me I experienced it first hand at one point. So just let go of what you think of yourself and just as importantly what others think of you, don’t focus on it, don’t reestablish it, don’t change it, and just let go.
We all have cool things inside of us, funny things to say, attractive traits. But we simply don’t let them happen naturally, because it would cause a problem with reality vs. our self-image. So just stop trying to get everyone to think you are good or bad or average or great or terrible with women.
If you keep trying to prove this self-image of yourself, not only are you going to come off in a qualifying and insecure and low-value type way (even if your self-image seems positive, I bet it’s still limiting). Think of all the pain you are getting by holding onto this self-image, that if you could just let go of, you would be able to go sarge. If you hold onto this self-image, you aren’t going to get girlfriends. If you do get laid with your current self-image, it’ll be sheer ****ing social circle luck and will take a long time.

Now go pound that **** into your head until you have ABSOLUTELY decided it’s time to drop the self-image. Now simply replace it. You are a guy who can become great with women, maybe you are already good and maybe you’ve had your bad moments. We’ve all had our bad and good moments, even the guys we consider to be great with women, TylerDurden, for others Gunwitch, for others Mystery, for others their best natural friend, for others Brad Pitt. At one point these guys were not good with women, but they were able to drop their self-image and go out and IMPROVE.

The biggest thing holding you back from PUAdom is not your looks or style or location, it’s this precious self-image you have of yourself. We all know logically if we went out 2 hours a day four days a week and tried lots of new things, we would become good with women. TD, Mystery, etc all did this. They sucked with women, they dropped the self-image, they went out and sarged, and now are as successful as most of us want to be (or if you want to be better then them, then at least aspire to be as good first).

Your old self-image vs. new:
I am not good with women vs. I can approach women and some will eventually like me and I can become great with women
I won’t approach these girls, I’m not in state (I won’t approach, I need my self image to be preserved) vs. I will approach and find out what happens and enjoy the process and knowledge I get from this.

I can’t get a girlfriend vs. If I sarge enough, I will get a girlfriend

I have to preserve my self-image vs. I want to go out and improve, what happens happens and is part of the process accordingly.

See the difference? In other words, limiting self-image belief vs. empowering belief.
Another way to do this is find some role models who have failed a lot. And trust me anyone who is very successful, enough to be a popular role model, failed a LOT. More than you have come close to failing yet. But guess what? Failure is just a road sign. It’s like when you fail, someone is tapping you on the shoulder saying “This the world’s way of telling you that you’re going through the process of becoming good with women, this is a sign that you’re doing something right”. If you aren’t failing, you aren’t doing something right. Now this isn’t to say you might not fail more now than you will six months from now, but it’s still part of the same process that you get to go through to become good. Failure is a sign that you’re on your way to greatness. Failure is good.
Some good role models to look into who went through a lot of failure before success:
Gunwitch (if you like him), TD and Mystery (if you like them), Arnold Schwarzenegger, Muhammad Ali, Eminem, Sylvester Stallone, Michael Jordan, Martin Luther King Jr., Magic Johnson, Babe Ruth and many more. Get a role model, and realize this guy or girl failed a LOT. If you are failing, you’re more like them. Now that they are all successful we all admire them. Like “Wow that Eminem guy had to go through a lot of **** to become number 1” or “Man that Babe Ruth guy sure struck out a lot before getting the most home runs”, “Sylvester Stallone sure failed a lot of auditions before getting Rocky”, “Ali sure got his ass whooped a lot before becoming the greatest,” “TD/Mystery/Gunwitch sure got blown out of a lot of sets before getting their model girlfriends and having all that fun sarging”.

Finally, set some new goals. Now that your self-image is taken care of (if it isn’t and this part is hard for you, re-read what I wrote down and find some new ways to conquer your self-image), set some goals. Sarging, weight lifting, etc. Be tough. Two hours a day four days a week minimum. And if you don’t go out and do these goals, or you go out but don’t approach, just realize your brain is trying to preserve the self-image. Pull your brain aside and have a conversation with it, or write some stuff down, and say “Look brain, I know you are trying to do me a favor and keep me comfortable and preserve my self-image, but just drop it. Drop the self-image because here in about fifteen seconds, (or here in ten minutes I’m going to a bar), and I’m opening a set, trust me it’ll be worth it when I get us laid and the results we want! Here we go.”.
And now some inspiring notes or quotes I got that should offer some motivation:
“I knew at one point in my life I’d have to go through this. I have to suffer a lot now so I won’t suffer later in life and say, “Damn I wish I would have trained harder”.
- Muhammad Ali
“A lot of people play not to lose, they don't play to win. They go in thinking, "I don't want to lose", and the way they play is to avoid that. That's anything; girls, money, sports, fighting. But some guys, the really successful guys, play to win. They don't like losing; in fact it annoys them and motivates them to win more. But they aren't going to play not to lose, they're going to play to win.”
- Robert Kiyosaki / Notes
“Cuz sometimes you just feel tired, you feel weak. And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just... give up. But you gotta search within you. You gotta find that inner strength and just pull that **** outta you... and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face.”
- Eminem
“How we can come from practically nothing to being able to have any ****in'
thing that we wanted
That's why we sing for these kids, who don't have a thing
Except for a dream”
- Eminem

(ben2004 on mirc)
(spreadtheplague on aim)


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
NOTE: I did not write this post. This is purely the work of TheBasque. This is his reply to this thread, and I thought it was noteworthy enough to copy here.

Reliable link to this post: http://fastseduction.com/masf/23/203756/
Archive link: Not available in archive yet.
The above post is de facto Copyright© by "TheBasque". All rights reserved. Explicit permission from the author required for reproduction outside of this forum, web site, server, or other published resource owned by Learn The Skills Corp.

Good post.

This is pretty much the heart of Psycho-Cybernetics (Dr. Maxwell Maltz.) (This idea, and the idea of an automated goal-striving mechanism.)

You really can't do anything in life, on a consistent basis, and make it a part of your life, unless it is congruent with your self-image. The person will conform to what the mind believes.

I see this in all aspects of life. What's hard is when you have let things get the best of you, and you stop trying with women, and your new business falls down around you, and you realize one day that you're right back where you were, believing you aren't worthy of success. You have dropped back to what you "knew" all along you were worthy of.

Developing a positive, productive self-image, and having goals that are consistent with that self-image, is the key to success. I have experienced this plainly and believe it as much as I believe anything I can see with my eyes.

I'm just taking the first steps back up outta this hole. I even found the trigger that allowed me to drop back to the self-image I have lived with for years. I may or may not report on my progress, but I am trying again, and working on my self-image every day. I'll be reading this board a bit more, but more importantly, I'm trying to better myself again, and have lost little more than time, and a little face. My business had no overhead, and my health (shape) has only slipped a little, enough to make me realize I was wallowing in my "failure" rather than learning from it. Sometimes folks aren't so lucky.

The Kiyosaki quote reminds me of a typical situation in tournament poker. The big difference between the consistent tournament winners and everybody else with skill is what they play for. Some people just play to place in the money, and that's what they get. The consistent champions play to win the whole thing, and very often, that's what they get. Sometimes they take a risk and bubble out (lose before the money), but they take the risk knowing that building big stacks is the only way they will have the power to take it all by the end. They would rather lose early making the moves to win than play safe all the way through and win a little money but lose the tourney.

It has become clear in my life that you have to decide precisely what you are "playing for"--what you want out of life--and set your goals accordingly. You have to create your self image to be in line with the goals you have decided you want to reach. When the goals are clear, and the mind believes you can achieve them, your self will fall into place, and you will be able to change who you are.

Without the proper self-image, it's only a matter of time until you snap right back to what you innately believe you deserve.

Good luck with your journeys folks. I'm finding mine to be quite a trip.


J S Az

Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
I'm confused.. can someone clear this up?:

the first post says remove the self-image completely

the second post says develop a positive self-image

which is it? or do you remove it and a positive one develops?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I see how you're confused.

Imperfect says to stop believing you're bad OR good with women. Both beliefs offer justifcations to NOT TRY. So hold no thoughts regarding your standing with the opposite sex. Just be.

TheBasque is saying that maintaining a positive self-image and having goals are important, and he's right.

So in general, LIKE YOURSELF. However, don't believe that you're good or bad with women, or you will try justify your self-image either way. Eg, "I'm bad with women so I won't approach." or "I'm good with women so I don't need to prove that I can approach."

As imperfect said, the scenario is
"I have to preserve my self-image vs. I want to go out and improve, what happens happens and is part of the process accordingly."

You have to believe that you CAN do things and also set goals and believe in yourself, but don't let your self-image deflate you or over-inflate you to the point where you're scared that reality will shatter the grand self-image that you've sculpted.


J S Az

Don Juan
Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duke
Ok, I see how you're confused.

Imperfect says to stop believing you're bad OR good with women. Both beliefs offer justifcations to NOT TRY. So hold no thoughts regarding your standing with the opposite sex. Just be.

TheBasque is saying that maintaining a positive self-image and having goals are important, and he's right.

So in general, LIKE YOURSELF. However, don't believe that you're good or bad with women, or you will try justify your self-image either way. Eg, "I'm bad with women so I won't approach." or "I'm good with women so I don't need to prove that I can approach."

As imperfect said, the scenario is
"I have to preserve my self-image vs. I want to go out and improve, what happens happens and is part of the process accordingly."

You have to believe that you CAN do things and also set goals and believe in yourself, but don't let your self-image deflate you or over-inflate you to the point where you're scared that reality will shatter the grand self-image that you've sculpted.

very good, thanks


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Is it really enough to just say positive things to yourself and repress any negative thoughts that pop up?

Or will it not stick without real-world action towards the desired goal?

Or does affirmation eventually trigger action by making action easier?


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
I remember my first day of high school. I was wearing my nice suit ( my high school required that guys wear suits ) , and I got alot of attention from girls. EVEN UPPERCLASSMEN. I wasn't processing this correctly because I was sooooo used to being AFC. Anyway, these three hb 8-9s came up to me and introduced thsemselves. I talked to them for a bit , left and forgot their names. I rationalized that they were playing some senior prank on me (which wasn't true). Now I look back and kick myself in the ass for all the most obvious come ons that I missed. You gotta live in the present and not try to cross analyze and compare the past with the present too much. fck it yo, too much data to compare!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

The beliefs you possess virtu are meaningless if they're holding you back.


Who gave those beliefs to you?
Why do you have them?
Do they support what you want in life?
If not, why do you retain them?
How do you know they are or are not true?
What's to say other people knew better?
How did you formulate the beliefs you possess?
Is it possible you read the situation wrong and formulated a belief inappropriately?

Beliefs are the result of perceptions we have about our environment. Through the use of the "5 senses" we construct our reality. Previous experiences impact current experiences, as we relate one to the other...

Affirmations work because...

...while they're not presently consistent with current self-image views, you're not wasting time thinking about 'bad' things, you're taking time to say good things, and over time they do stick.
...bad affirmations are what lead you to this point, we must use good affirmations to recorrect this screw up.

Good and bad co-exist. What that means is, something cannot be good without someone or something being concurrently bad. If I played golf, and you played golf, 1 of us will be 'better' as related to society's standards and the games rules. A guy who is good with women can land who he wants, while a guy who is 'bad', can't.

I don't see things as this way in life. I look at the results I 'want.' If I set goals, they're not to beat someone else, they're to beat what I've done, or to accomplish something I haven't yet done and I want. Besting you takes the purity of it away, and pits me versus you. It detracts from the value of what it is.

If we played golf to compete, for the sake of 1-upping each other from an standpoint, we kill the meaning and value of the game. Play golf for the sake of golf, not to accomplish some other end. Golf is an end in itself. Just like anything else. Zen would have you thinking, don't think about God while peeling potatoes. Be of sound mind and body while you peel and be one with what you're doing. That's focus, and that's godly. It's purity.

You see, society, or even people, would say..."You weren't thinking about me....blah blah blah." But that's just mental chatter. Just mindless ego-drivel. You shouldn't. You're here, right now, either online reading this, or peeling potatoes, or golfing, or picking up a girl. If your mind is only 50% there, you only get 50% results. We do this even when you're there picking up a girl, and are thinking of all the ways you could screw up. You're not truly there, physically, yes. Mentally, no, and that's why alot of frustration ensues.

From a business standpoint, negative questions can be constructive ones. You ask...

What could go wrong here?
What risks have I not considered?
What plans should I make as contingencies?
Has XYZ been taken care of?

That's prudent planning, planning for what cannot be controlled. But don't consume yourself with it.

I say negatives aren't important in dating because it's used as a devaluer. A girl who cuts you hasn't offered a solution, she's presented the problem...


A girl I'm dating was visiting late until 1am, just prior to another storm up here in the Boston area. I suggested she stay over and she could leave the next day. She wanted to beat the storm and sleep in. Ok. Well...she got to her place, had nowhere to park, so she want to her friends. She called at about 2am to ask why I didn't call to see if she was ok and plead harder about staying. Perhaps I could have...I didn't force the issue, but some women want that. One must understand...

the feminine force is a wild one. IT wants to be coraled by the masculine energy, so it acts wild to TEST you, because it knows its wild, and it can't just trust any masculine energy. It must do this through testing. The feminine energy is much like the ocean, and we must be like a sturdy ship with an unemotional, stalwart captain. Many guys next a girl when she throws slings toward him, that's only the usual part of women, and when I consider it, its foolish. Why?

I'm seeing a girl 6 months later who was at the point of frustration with me. We'd hooked up a few times, she's 6 years younger, and didn't want anything serious. She'd call, make some plans, blow me off. Typical me, I didn't get emotional, I ignored her, and she'd casually call back later. Not upset either. She figured she could do that and blow me. I wouldn't get mad. It continued until she was getting close to me and was trying to control her emotions. For a few months we didn't hang. One night I texted....

"I want to see you this weekend."

She replied...

"Ok. Tell me when you want me, I'm there."

She has a wild femininty to her, very beautiful, full dd's, 5feet tall, small portuguese booty, loves sex, but desires the direction of a man in her life, not a boy. Being a man isn't just about being able to control your emotions and your drive, its about being able to go after what you want with FULL EMOTION, with NO REGARD for the consequences. Consider the 'bad boy' so idolized on these boards.

A criminal, a biker, a CEO, an athlete, they're full emotional about what they go for, they don't give up on it and they persue it. Just because they're capable, doesn't mean life will give them anything they've proven themselves. Social proof is also the verifiable proof you're accomplished. Consider the CEO versus the nice guy w/dreams, as great as the nice guy is, he has no SOCIAL PROOF to verify he's a worthy candidate of pvssy. Yet, the CEO has the obvious trackrecord by his image, his title. He doesn't have to elaborate on what he's done; the woman can fantasize about it all she wants. He's verified in the eyes of the public. His risen amongst the ranks. You either have to buck social proof all together, or succumb to it, and rise as high as possible.

I can sense some disbelief in you virtu, or confusion, as to what you can do or how it can be done. I replied to another post you'd written and I've tried to apply generic wisdom to the posts.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
That disbelief exists because I've never seen what I'm truly capable of.

Can I do this or can't I?
I really can't answer a question like that because I've never seen either outcome.

The average guy here is in bad shape because of failure; I, however, am in no shape because I've never tried. How else could someone have never failed with women?

Perhaps that's my problem. Failure to try is the only real failure, but I haven't come to terms with that yet. All I can see is that my ego is still intact, and therefore I do not register any kind of loss or defeat.

Or perhaps I do understand it, and am looking for a crash course in basic effort.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Virtu, the basic idea of this post is to not give a fvck what other people think of you. To know who you are and act as such.
The reason people don't act the way they are is explained in the first post, it's the image you have of yourself that may collide with the reality.

Just to show you some extent of the power... 4 or 5 weeks ago, I went out for the first time in my life as a DJ and as a "geek" at the same time. Just so you know, I'm not a geek, I look attractive as hell but I like computers and I have a lot of geek friends. These geek friends all had one thing that they lived by: do not give a fvck about what other people think of you. This concept they gave me, empowered me so greatly that I was constantly the alpha male. There were 4 girls there, all begging for my attention. Back then, I thought this was because I was just starting to practice all my DJ skills. As time went by and I started focussing more on DJ'ing and then got into PUA skills a bit more, less and less people were starting to like me. The last week, people were starting to avoid me because I was never comfortable in my own skin, I got almost no eyecontact either.

Now here's the ticket, last night as I read this post I was going to an open house to go see if I could get myself a room to stay in in the city. I go there, with the attitude "Hey, I don't really care what other people think of me, I'm just gonna have fun tonight and if it's not fun I'm outta here right away!" So I did... by the end of the night, I was friends with 2 of the other people who were coming for the room, there were 3 girls that wanted me to come talk to them so badly it was almost scary, there was one HB9 that I actually didn't like because she was a mama's girl to the extreme and didn't have any valuable output to give apart from being pretty (which is absolutely something I hate). At the end of the night I was probably the most likely person to be voted to get the room, but apparently I didn't get it. Don't ask me why, I'm calling later on today to see why they didn't choose me so I can learn from that for next time. It is very strange though, all the other competitors were a lot less likely to be voted on except for the quiet HB9.

Anyway, the point is, I was being super social because I really didn't care about what those people thought of me. I was just being myself, relaxed, talking with people, instead of being nervous about a whole lot of stupid things. The reason one can be like that, is stated in the first post. You shouldn't let your self-image and the image others have of you collide, you should just stop giving a fvck what other people think of you and all will be fine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
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I suggest to put that into the DJ bible, I think something detailed about selfimage is VERY important for us fast changing and improving DJ's!

very good thread.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
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I think this belongs in the BIBLE. Weired thing is that 2 weeks ago I obtained this attitude. When people ask for the magic words to make them good with women, well this is it! The PUA/DJ material makes you beleive that you can get any girl, you dont want to prove this wrong.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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This is so true. We percieve our selves MUCH differently to how others ( especially girls ) see us. Ive experienced this too.

First example was @ work.

A girl said bla bla your very attractive, what kinda girls you like, i bet you have lots of girlfriends.

That suprised me and made me go BRIGHT RED. I had never had anyone tell me that before. I believed my self to be some dorky guy who wasnt handsome or anything and thought that no girl would show interest in me.

Then another girl ( an ex oneitis who i wasnt dating at the time ) whilst speaking to her on MSN asked me if im going to see my girlfriend when i told her that im signing off to go see some friends. Again that suprised me because she thought i mustve been some pimp whos checkin mad hoes.

Then im in the library and i get talking to some older dude about my dads age and he says "do u have girlfrends?", same with my GP when i went to see him, "are you married? or seeing any girls?"....shocking.

Again, my lecturer told me "tell her you will call her later" when i was in his office and my fone rang ( it was my cousin on the other end )

Supervisor asked me "what you gonna get for your girlfriends this christmas?"

A girl at work showed me this VERY HOT hb 9, and said "you will make a good couple"..dunno if she meant that or what not.

Damn, sometimes you need to step out of your shell and try to look at how the world percieves you to fully understand you potential. Its something im trying to do now

anyone else had somethin glike this?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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Re: lol

Originally posted by kk2004
I wish I had your looks mutley :)
to tell u the truth i dont think im that great looking at all. I know much better looking guys. I think its the way people percieve u to make them think " he must have a girl friend"...do u get what i mean?