Over my head and need some advice..


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
So I win the dumb.ss award of week today , I had been slept with this girl who has a boyfriend(twice) and me and her had been friends for a long time , I stopped sleeping with her recently and we started hanging out again....nothing has happened and I refused to stay over at her place last night . Today I was talking with my roommate about the situation and the details of what went down the first night ... well apparently while I was in the middle of texting someone I called the girls phone and she herd 18 seconds of the conversation ......she texts me and tells me she never want to speak to me again....I tried to play dumb saying dumb and responded with " what?'...I didn’t use her name in the conversation but the things she did that night were pretty wild so it's hard to argue that I was not talking about her ....My friends are telling me that my friendship with this girl went out the window the minute she decided she wanted to sleep with me ...but at the same time I care about this chick and have known her for a long time ....so maybe this is god slapping me in the face ...I'm thinking she should know I’m not the kind of guy going spreading roomers even though I did with my roommate ( who was in the apartment that night) .
My thoughts are that I really don't owe her an apology even if it is a trust issue because she is getting mad at me for talking about sleeping with her when she has a boyfriend to a guy that already knows ....so I am thinking she will call me down the road but the " Never call me or Text me again" tells me otherwise.
Just when I stopped messing around with her and tried to the good man this happens.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
justjosh47 said:
My friends are telling me that my friendship with this girl went out the window the minute she decided she wanted to sleep with me ...but

at the same time I care about this chick and have known her for a long time

I am thinking she will call me down the road but the " Never call me or Text me again" tells me otherwise.

Just when I stopped messing around with her and tried to the good man this
Your friends are right. She slept with you, she continues to want to sleep with you, and I'm sure that now that she has done that she will not be satisfied with going back to being 'just friends'.

You care about her, and have known her for a long time but what does she really add to your life when you think about it?

Yeah, that's the thing. If you were to actually never call or text her again, it wouldn't be long before she calls and texts you. If she was still recently trying to get you to go back to her place for the night, she isn't done with you yet regardless of how angry she is now.

To be honest, in this situation the 'good' man sticks around and tries to be friends, the better one will walk away and never look back.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Move on. It's done. She can't be your friend or your woman. Just someone to sex up occasionally.