Dont pay attention to 'Leagues'.
Dont let anyone convince you you're out of some 'league'.
Dont let yourself be convinced you must be 'worthy' of some female who tries to make you believe she is out of your league.
Dont let your self esteem be based on what some misguided, not very informed female tries to sell you on.
Your self esteem is not based on external factors. And you cannot let your worth and Self be DEFINED by some person.
Make your life work to suit you. For your higherst good and benefit. In the end , that is the only thing that you can do. Involve people who care for you and support you in your endeavors, and exclude those who drag you down and try to place definitions and false beleifs ,and limitations on you.
Take your place as the Leader and Chooser of YOUR Life.
You are not anyone's 'less than' or someone they 'settled' for.
Assume your rightful 'throne' in your life as a man. Not a coward, or scared little boy, or someone not 'worthy' of 'hanging out with the cool kids'.
Your strategy is to have a fun, interesting, compelling, and rewarding and fulfilling life. And simply BE the charming, confident, and interesting Man that you all have the potential to be.
A man that accepts himself, is comfortable in his own skin, and body, can be relaxed , sexual, comfortable, non judgemental, and not have anxieties, neediness, or desperation. He acts cooly, confidently, and can let himself enjoy the company of women.
Strive for that. Not some pickup lines, or the cube, or routines. Those are meaningless coming from a scared little boy who NEEDs a woman's approval.
Let THAT be your 'tactic' for attracting women.
Understand that, yes, you can use certain tactics in your interactions, but make them come from place of fun, romance, and what you can do to make that woman's life a little brighter, because at the end of the day you just love women. YOu dont have those issue and hangups, nor are you desperate or a leering creeping guy. You just love women.
And you are cool with them not being interested, or having a BF, or whatever.
Becaus eyou dont place your worth and self esteem on her accepting you.
If you dont place value on it, you are NOT affected by 'rejection'.
If you work on making your life work for you, doing what YOU want, what your heart and soul truly desires, and making the world a better place because of it, you will be fine with any 'rejection' with some woman, even if you somehow believe there is such a thing as 'leagues'.
Women are women.
They REACT without logic or thought when it comes to attraction.
So if you are confident.
Self assured.
Know what you want.
Make things happen.
Are independent.
Take care of yourself.
Arent immature.
Arent needy.
Dont place too much importance getting 'approval' or 'acceptance'
Be clean and well groomed.
Know what you will do in the future.
Be dedicated to your life and making it the best it can be according only to YOUR standards and criteria.
Be assertive always.
Be win/win always.
And many more....
You will see none of this means you MUST have a Rolex, a million dollars, two Ferraris, Armani suits, and be the club king....
It means she will respond sexually and be attracted to you when you exhibit MASCULINE traits like these, like being a decisive Leader, and taking charge, not taking anyone's Bullsh*t, and being assertive, yet have manners, courtesy, and have genuine masculine grace.
If you exhibit those traits, it doesnt matter what you wear , or do, or how much you make, you are igniting her attraction. And she cant control it.
Thats why it is so important to look deep within yourself, look inside for those Gifts that you can give to a woman. Not for external things.
Look for and find and develop your Masculine gifts.
Find your core masculinity, and ignite her passion with that.
This is ultimately your DUTY not only to her, and your family, and good friends, but to YOURSELF.
You owe it to yourself.
Because everything external is ultimately a reflection of who you are as a Man. And if you arent that, then she will find out. And if you are, then she will be fine with WHO you are, not just with WHAT YOU HAVE
Dont base relationships with women on what you OWN and what you can BUY her, and how you can APPEASE and CAPITULATE to her.
Sometimes keeping the peace with your woman actually means saying NO and disagreeing with her and having you own opinions on things......
Be the Man.