Other Forums...


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

Im a casual reader of this forum. I Check back every now and then and would like to put some of your techniques to work. Just a bit buisy working at this stage of my life...

Just wondering what you guys think of these other forums like:

The quality of their info? Seeing some of them are charging big money.

Are the techniques essentially the same? and their just trying to cash in on it?

Thanks for providing good info, Its good to see blokes helping each other out.
I appreciate it


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
There is valuable info on all forums. It depends on whether you want to do direct, or indirect game. If you want to go direct, and come off as more attractive without 'science,' try RSDNation. If you want to get scientific, and memorize a bunch of routines, and calculate everything, go mystery. I like RSD, myself, obviously. 90% of pickup, is just growing the balls to approach any woman anytime. What you say doesnt really matter, its all about showing the best (or should I say, attractive) side of you in a short period of time. I think indirect canned routine game is kind of fake. You are merely giving the illusion that you are attractive. Hone in your inner game, and grow your core confidence. and you actually BECOME attractive. Confidence is everything. Focus on that, more than anything. Unfortunately, you cant learn confidence from any pickup forum, so dont ever waste your money on their products. The most valuable info on any of these forums is successful field reports. They show you what is possible if you have confidence, and balls to approach.

Read Jon024's field report journal on here. That is more valuable, than anything you can buy.
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
horaholic summed it up, i imagine the other forums have the same material as here one example Microsoft charges for there OS but Ubuntu is free and just as good so there you go..