Other dudes trying to hit on your GF


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
I was at the park the other day with a friend and his GF and as we were leaving some dudes Older guys they were whistling at his girlfriend blurting out stupid s*** like " let me get your number" " leave him and come to something better" and other things he simply ignored them and kept walking. How would you DJ handle a situation like this?? Or what if a guy is trying to talk to your girl?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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Man, That's plain disrespectful to the dude. I definitely would have holla'd at the dudes for disrespecting me if I was in the situation.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
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You guys did the right thing. It's easy to act tough when someone and a couple of buddies are bigger and older than the guys they're making fun of. Classic bullying sh!t.

Hopefully they had a fiery death later that evening when they plunged off a cliff while texting and driving mom's minivan. Karma, son.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
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I'd just laugh at them, smile and act like I don't care cos at the end of the day she is coming home with me.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Ignoring someone is most of the times the worst insult to them, how do you think those guys felt? it seems like they are the "strongest part" yet they just got ignored as trash in the corner of the street.

The difference is these kind of situation is not done from the guys involved but much more from the girl, if she makes fun of the guys hitting on her you win easily and they have to leave with the tail between their legs.

You in fact win this situation by jut have the girl respect you and like you enough to make it clear she is with you and others can go wank somewhere else.

So its not much about what you can do but what the girl with you does.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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If you fight one of those guys, you can go to jail for assault. What if during the fight dude falls and catches a nail to the brain and dies or something? You go to jail for manslaughter and all over "leave him and come to me". And it's always the stupidest things that end up coming out really bad.

If someone touches her i'll swing for sure, but just verbal BS is not worth it. Pick your fights guys.

From my experience, every time someone has tried to provoke me like that they were either homeless, or a cop, or some dude trying to practice his MMA, or just plain outnumbered me. As long as they don't touch your female just keep walking...


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
I have anger issues but i work really hard at controlling it. Been in many fights mostly from ages 6-18. I did get in a few fights as an adult. They were mostly drunken bar fights that always get broken up but i did one time have my friend attacked outside his apartment by a belligerent drunk. He was a lot bigger than the both of us and only wanted to fight my smaller friend who was 5'6. I'm 5'11, 175lbs and he had 2 inches and 30lbs on me.

I beat the sh1t out of him and sent him to the hospital after he choked my friend twice. Random guy came out 3/4 the way through the argument and just saw me trying to keep the guy away and i guess he saw 2 vs 1 and then saw me beat the crap out of the drunk at 4am (just got off work from the club). I drove away after and the guy called the cops on me and got my license plate. I got locked up in a philly jail cell and had to fight assault charges (my friend pulled a tool from my trunk after i pinned the guy down and beat him with it and the blame was placed on me because they only had me). Plus since they couldn't ID my friend and he wouldn't come in, they replaced my friend and locked my brother up in jail with me. I ended paying $8k in lawyer fee's to prove i wasn't guilty of assault. during this time i just graduated college and a few employers scratched me off once they did a background check even though i told them it was pending and i wasn't guilty of anything.

hey I love fighting just as much as the next brawler, but not at the expense of my wallet and freedom. Also, i see my need/urge to want to fight as my lack of self control. Violence should be a last result imo so if i choose to fight someone it's either my lack of self control or because it's a last resort. If i do fight, my lawyer reminded me of things to make sure of in the future.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Danger said:
How often have you had cops do this sort of thing? And I assume they were off-duty and in regular street gear?
The cop thing happened to me only once. I was at a local bar with my younger sister and the dude was sitting at the table next to us. He was in plain clothes. He was drunk and super disrespectful to her. She was not even responding to him and he was asking her to come to a strip club with him among other things. Nobody was laughing, nobody was smiling. It was really silly actually, you don't just approach a group of people like that while they are eating and expect to be successful in picking up a girl. Dude was just being a nuisance. One of my friends that works at the bar saw what was going on and tells me he's the cop that had gotten one of my friends arrested for fighting him in a similar situation a couple weeks ago. Cop picked the fight, my friend went to jail, awesome. So I just sat between her and him and told the dude that was my sister and asked him to stop interrupting us. I also told him I knew he was a cop and started giving him the 3rd degree about that. I live in Miami, there's no shortage of crappy people down here trust me...

Moral of the story "It's a trap!"... usually.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I"d see if I could sucker one or more into attacking me, then break their legs. If weapons come out or more than one attacks me at the same time, shoot the ones attacking me and make a citizen's arrest on the others.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I believe most of the guys here are over reacting or I completely missed the situation, we're talking about guys who just talked, there arent reason to let it escalate physically except your ego or anger.

Sure it would be great to break anyone who does harm you on purpose both physically or emotionally but we all know how the law works as much as we know there are rarely fights that you leave completely unharmed.

Dont get me wrong Im not a die hard peacelover leftist, if I get a intruder in my home I shot aiming at the head but in this case any cold reasoning mind would understand what is prefearable and what is not, given the state of things in our modern society.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
GearsGod said:
I was at the park the other day with a friend and his GF and as we were leaving some dudes Older guys they were whistling at his girlfriend blurting out stupid s*** like " let me get your number" " leave him and come to something better" and other things he simply ignored them and kept walking. How would you DJ handle a situation like this?? Or what if a guy is trying to talk to your girl?
that will always happen.. its up to the female to get rid of them or to allow them to continue/.... your best bet is to ignore them and focus on her as long as they are not being hostile ...

if she does not shut them down fast you have big problems in your relationship


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Are you guys serious? You're really going to fight a bunch of dudes just because they asked for your gf's number?

Ignore their dumbasses and smack your gf on the ass or pinch her butt or something. Anything that makes the girl laugh but shows you're sexual. You communicate that you are fvcking this girl and you're in control. Either they will cheer you on or stop.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
that will always happen.. its up to the female to get rid of them or to allow them to continue/.... your best bet is to ignore them and focus on her as long as they are not being hostile ...

if she does not shut them down fast you have big problems in your relationship
Have you ever had a loudmouth girlfriend before? You know, the type that shouts insults at guys larger than you, then expects you to step up the plate when they get pissed off?

Ummm... No thanks.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I would just ignore them...

however, there are times when it goes beyond ignore mode...especially in bars around drunks..i went to a bar one time by myself to just play around and have fun but one of my GF's friends called her and alerted her i was there.....i never take my GFs to bars or nightclubs...anyways she followed me there and of course every guy was hitting on her...i ignored until one whiteknight ******* pulled her away from me as we were dancing close to him and told her he (me) is a bad guy, stay away from him you seem like a nice girl...the fact that he pulled my GF away from me really p&ssed me off...i lunged at him and pushed him on the floor and then bar staff broke us up...should have just busted him in the mouth looking back on it...

But if they are just talking from a distance, then ignore it....sounds like to me though that those guys in this story were looking for a reaction from the guy so they could beat him down in front of his girl...some guys really are just pathetic individuals..


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
I have anger issues but i work really hard at controlling it. Been in many fights mostly from ages 6-18. I did get in a few fights as an adult. They were mostly drunken bar fights that always get broken up but i did one time have my friend attacked outside his apartment by a belligerent drunk. He was a lot bigger than the both of us and only wanted to fight my smaller friend who was 5'6. I'm 5'11, 175lbs and he had 2 inches and 30lbs on me.

I beat the sh1t out of him and sent him to the hospital after he choked my friend twice. Random guy came out 3/4 the way through the argument and just saw me trying to keep the guy away and i guess he saw 2 vs 1 and then saw me beat the crap out of the drunk at 4am (just got off work from the club). I drove away after and the guy called the cops on me and got my license plate. I got locked up in a philly jail cell and had to fight assault charges (my friend pulled a tool from my trunk after i pinned the guy down and beat him with it and the blame was placed on me because they only had me). Plus since they couldn't ID my friend and he wouldn't come in, they replaced my friend and locked my brother up in jail with me. I ended paying $8k in lawyer fee's to prove i wasn't guilty of assault. during this time i just graduated college and a few employers scratched me off once they did a background check even though i told them it was pending and i wasn't guilty of anything.

hey I love fighting just as much as the next brawler, but not at the expense of my wallet and freedom. Also, i see my need/urge to want to fight as my lack of self control. Violence should be a last result imo so if i choose to fight someone it's either my lack of self control or because it's a last resort. If i do fight, my lawyer reminded me of things to make sure of in the future.

Very interesting, genuine story.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
The Gambler said:
Have you ever had a loudmouth girlfriend before? You know, the type that shouts insults at guys larger than you, then expects you to step up the plate when they get pissed off?

Ummm... No thanks.
lol you should never get in a relationship with a trouble maker female


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
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The Gambler said:
Have you ever had a loudmouth girlfriend before? You know, the type that shouts insults at guys larger than you, then expects you to step up the plate when they get pissed off?

Ummm... No thanks.

This scenario has gotten many a man's a** whopped. This is a classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong. First and foremost, try to de-escalate the situation. Possibly play it off like she's drunk. Second when you get home, kick her to the curb. The way I see it, you don't need to a gf in order to go to the bar/club and beat up. You can do that all by yourself.

Unfortunately, I've seen this situation when I've been out before or even worse, the female tries to fight the guy. So that puts you in an even worse predicament. What happens if he hits her? :box: A lot of things to take into consideration...

1) Did she deserve to get hit?lol :crackup:
2) How big is this guy?
3) Are we with a group of people
4) How long have we been dating?

No easy answer on this one. At the end of the day, I'm a lover not a fighter.
I'm going to need a woman that values my safety as much as I do.lol


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Derekg21 said:
This scenario has gotten many a man's a** whopped. This is a classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong. First and foremost, try to de-escalate the situation. Possibly play it off like she's drunk. Second when you get home, kick her to the curb. The way I see it, you don't need to a gf in order to go to the bar/club and beat up. You can do that all by yourself.

Unfortunately, I've seen this situation when I've been out before or even worse, the female tries to fight the guy. So that puts you in an even worse predicament. What happens if he hits her? :box: A lot of things to take into consideration...

1) Did she deserve to get hit?lol :crackup:
2) How big is this guy?
3) Are we with a group of people
4) How long have we been dating?

No easy answer on this one. At the end of the day, I'm a lover not a fighter.
I'm going to need a woman that values my safety as much as I do.lol
Haha this reminds me of Kevin Hart's stand-up routine Not a Fighter: "lets say we out at the movies and some guy comes up and smacks you in the face real hard.. if you with me.. then you just got smacked. if he don't care about your face then he sure as eff don't care about my face"