Oral sex diccussion

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Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
I have had a little bit of experience having sex (I am 21 years old, by the way) but I have never eaten a girl out and I think that I plan on trying it with this girl I've been seeing tomorrow night.

Firstly, if the experienced members here could give me any pointers that would be great, any tips you might have to give me a better idea of how to do it properly would be good. Also, I have a question. I have read a lot of information about it and I am unsure about one thing. When licking the cl1t, are you supposed to lick overtop of the ****oral hood, or does the hood get pulled back, exposing the cl1t, while you lick. And what seems to produce better results, going in circles or just up and down, and how fast. I know that every girl is different and this will all depend, but I would like to see if there is a concensus about any of these questions and if you have any information you can add about oral sex that would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Track_Star
I have had a little bit of experience having sex (I am 21 years old, by the way) but I have never eaten a girl out and I think that I plan on trying it with this girl I've been seeing tomorrow night.

Firstly, if the experienced members here could give me any pointers that would be great, any tips you might have to give me a better idea of how to do it properly would be good. Also, I have a question. I have read a lot of information about it and I am unsure about one thing. When licking the cl1t, are you supposed to lick overtop of the ****oral hood, or does the hood get pulled back, exposing the cl1t, while you lick. And what seems to produce better results, going in circles or just up and down, and how fast. I know that every girl is different and this will all depend, but I would like to see if there is a concensus about any of these questions and if you have any information you can add about oral sex that would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.
SOMEWHERE in the forum a guy posted tips about cunnalingus (sp), I know it may be hard because these forums are large BUT, the cool thing is we have a SEARCH buttton


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
p.s. if that fails ask a dyke

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