Ok, I'm pretty sure what I'm gonna say has been said over and over again here on this forum, but still...
Just think about it, in our modern and highly social society, why would a "normal" (no baggage, not a damaged good etc...) hot chick spends hours on the internet to find a mate?
I'm NOT saying that hot chicks don't use the net, they just don't use the net for that.
Sure there are a few exceptions:
- Really slvtty chicks looking for "new" and "exciting" experiences.
- Very young teenagers who might not have a comfortably "free" environment to look for a boyfriend (strict parents for example)
- Women stuck in "overly" feminine jobs where they work long hours without any opportunity to meet quality guys or simply guys...
- Add to the list if you can think of more...
The only guy I
personally know who got a lot of "success" from the internet was a guy I know back from my college days. His name is "Peter Viens", Mister France of 2002, you know the male equivalent of Miss France. So needly to say that he's a "hot" guy in the ladies' eyes.
Just like for all the other guys at our selective engineering oriented college, there were not enough attractive girls, male female ratio was 4 to 1, plus you know how engineering chicks are like...

and the campus was too far from anywhere "interesting".
So basically, the guy was simply posting his pictures on a lot of sites, and when the girls didn't believe him, he would just make pictures at their request and encourage them to "come over to see whether I'm for real". As stupid as it may sound, obviously, it worked.:cheer: And the rest is just a question of bodily fluid exchange according to what I heard...
Again, he's NOT your average Joe, he's Mr. France 2002, so not really average in terms of looks.