Onyx's Bootcamp Journal


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
I think its about time I did this. I have hummed and RRRR'd about this since I joined this site almost a year ago. I have read the DJ Bible a few times, and even though I don't fall into the traps I used to as a complete AFC with women, I'm only not doing so when women approach me, or make the first move, which is only happened about 5 times this last year.

I need to start and approach women, and become a better conversationalist not just with women, but people in general. I think that is my major goal, I'm looking to be able to talk with them, but I'm not looking for any type of LTR at the moment.

I've just got to the stage where I want to learn something new, something to better myself, something that every man wishes they could be. I don't want to just be successfull with women, but be generally confident with every aspect of life and everything I do.


OK, now I have downloaded the PDF of the BC and read the threads/articles it says I should do, to get me motivated.

I am working tomorrow at 10am-4pm and I work in a shopping centre, so they should be no problem acquiring some of the 50 eye contacts and hi's. I will start out by first gettin used to the eye contact though, and gettin 10 solid eye contacts, before starting the 50 eye contact and hi's.

So by tomorrow I WILL have become more comfortable with the idea of eye contact with strangers, and WILL have said Hi to atleast 2 strangers. I know its kinda low but I need to get used to this.

Wish me luck people!


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
I wish you the best of luck, im just starting the bootcamp myself.

Women: You can't live with them, and you can't get them to dress up in a skimpy little Nazi costume and beat you with a warm squa


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
best of luck onyx (but make your own too)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1, Day 1

Ok first day of Bootcamp!

Its only 5pm in the afternoon at the moment just got home from work. Might go back out later, but I start back at college tomorrow from having the last week off for spring break so I might just stay in.

Any ways, got the 9.30am bus today, was hoping to get some eye contact with a few Hi's, when i got on the bus, but I didn't even see any one look my way.

Got to work and was walking through the shopping centre, wasn't to many people around because it was so early, but damn they were some fine looking women about that I saw. Usually, I just look forward and walk to where I need to be, but today, I was walked slower having a good look around.

I made eye contact with quite alot of people today, smiled, and some smiled back, but a few just looked away quick. But the ones who looked away quick tend to keep looking back at me when I'm not looking and look away again when I see them. Didn't really have the opportunity to get any Hi's in though :(

When i finished work walked back through the shopping centre, by this time it was proper busy, was looking for eye contact, some times its hard to get it. I.e Dont look up to get eye contact. Or some look and then glance away quick.

Its some times very easy to get eye contact but other times its quite hard. But I'll keep trying.

So today was pretyt much wasted, only tried getting eye contact, which is a step I guess, but still no Hi's. I think once i get 1 the others will just come easy to me, i'm still kinda scared of going way out of my comfortable zone.

But I shall proceed


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
I say hi to people a lot at public places. 9 times out of 10 it's positive responses. Sometimes people will ignore you and keep walking on but ignore people who do that. You're here to work on your comfort zone, not to please them anyhow right? People in this world are so hard to please it seems.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Is it important to get eye contact then say Hi, or can you say Hi as there walking past if they arent looking at you?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
week 1, day 2, 3, 4 & 5

ok so i been kind of busy this week with getting college work finished, but i've still been out and about trying to meet my targets, to be honest I stopped counting my Hi's after i got about 6, I just kept doing them, but I don't think ive reached 50 yet, infact im postive I have reached 50 yet, I'll say ive done 30, so it gives me a reachable target for the end of the week, quick round up of the week


long day at college then work, my longest day of every week. I noticed that I was trying to be serious about everything, especially with the Hi's, as on monday my Hi total was 0. So I just tried to have a bit of fun, even though through the day at college I didnt get any Hi's, when I got to work and was walking through the shopping centre, I said Hi to 2 HB's.


same again, i was trying to be to serious, needed to have fun with it, so I got in my ****y mood I some times do, and I said Hi to abt 6 people in the space of 5-10 minutes. Was pretty easy to be honest.

My friend phoned me up asked if i wanted to go out and get drunk, and I can sleep over at his, as I live further out of town and he lives near the town. We ended up at this bar until 11pm, I talked to a few stranger and said hi to a few HB while in there, any ways stayed until the bar was closing up. We hung around to finish our drink and we saw this HB7, she was 27.

She was really drunk but we thought we would just talk to her any way. Long story short, me and 2 other mates ended back up at hers, she had kids tucked up in bed in the next room, we went in the bedroom, she told all 3 of us to get our clothes off, she could handle all 3 of us. At first I was up for it, then when she showed us her body she was kinda saggy and her ***** looked ****ed, me and my friend left the other friend there, we went down stairs, she came down wrapped in a towel and said she didnt want us to leave, she asked us to take our clothes off and come back to the bedroom, we went back up and just started messing around again, she told us to get out, so we went down stairs, and asked us not to leave but she wanted to see our dlcks, pulling our dlcks out to just show her didnt really appeal to us, and we had changed our minds about ****ing her, she said she wanted us to leave then, we wasnt nice to women by not showing our dlcks ahah, we just laughed, but we noticed she didnt lock the door, just closed it and went up stairs. We went back in stole her CD player LOL

I wasnt sure about it when my other mate tagged along, who'd wanna share a HB with 2 other guys. 1 is pushing it.


I didnt get to sleep until 4am the night before, and set my alarm for 7.30, I was ****ed. It seems I had an allergic reaction to something and my eyes were swollen, really red and swore. Went college for 9am, finished at 12:15 and then went on drivin lesson until 1.30pm. After that I went into town to do some DJ training. Walked around town for a while said Hi quite a few times, its funny how some chicks look at you when you say it. Went to meet my mother after about 1 hour, walked around town for a while. Saw this chick that used to like me in school, but I used to never talk to her, I saw her looking at me and smiling, gave her a double take and went and talked to her, for a few minutes while my mother was in a shop. Got her number might give her a call next week. Then went to meet my sister on her lunch break because she is going on vacation today, while waiting i stood outside a shop while my mother was shopping I got a few more Hi's. Then went home for about 4pm, and slept for the rest of the day.

Thursday (today)

I slept until 11am, couldnt get up for college for 9am, i was still wrecked from tuesday. Eye looked really bruised like some one had punched me. Got to college for around 12.30pm. I felt terrible so wasn't really looking for the eye contact and Hi ****. Went and bought myself a can of red bull and then went to lesson for 1pm. Finished college at 4:15pm went for bus, was walking through bus station and this HB8.5 was looking at me, then she looked up and down checking me out (looked at my shoes for a while spraking white k swizz haha) then back to my eyes and smiled, i smiled back, was going to go talk to her, then my friends called me, so I got distracted and kinda choked, I was going to go back and talk to her, but she had got on the bus. Missed chance!

Hi total = 30

maybe more I aint sure, but lets see whats left for me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Oh yeh, I did a few Hi's on tuesday with 1 of my college friends. He was laughing after I had done them, saying that there going to turn around and hit me, i said " why would some one hit me for saying hi?" he didnt answer

I also asked a female friend, If i saw her in the street and I didnt know her, and she looked up and saw me looking at her, and then I said "alright hows it going?" what would you think?

she said i'd think you were interested (with a huge smile)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
week 1, day 6

didnt get much done today, final day of the major project i've had to do, so it had to be done, by time i finished college at 12.15pm.

Went to pizza hut at 1pm, with 6 other friends because it was a female friends birthday, had the buffet where you eat and drink as much as you can for £7, and damn did i stuff my face LOL, 15 slices of pizza and about 9 pieces of garlic bread haha.

Got eye contact with a girl in pizza hut, saw her looking at me, and i just smiled at her, but she looked away quick, and as I walked out she was checking me out again, so I said hi.

been home since then, its is now 6:45pm. I'm going to studio to record a new track abt 7.30pm, so unless I see any HB on the way over there, don't think i'll get any more today.

need to proper go out tomorrow for my last day of the week and get the rest of the Hi's to make 50, it shall be tough.

todays total = 1

overall total = 31