Online dating prospect


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have been posting all of my failures recently, but i got a new prospect, this girl emailed me, gave mer her screenname and said "i hope u have AIM here's my screenname, if u dont u should get it :)"

So that was easy enuff and im gonna talk to her tonite i guess if shes on. Profile seemed pretty cool, very cute too. Only concern i have is that her profile emphasizes many times that she's an energetic, outgoing, fun person, and that she likes funny guys, and says appaearances dont matter to her.

Ok aside form the appaearances dont matter bullsh*t lol, how do i handle the fact that im not her type? I am a quiet low key guy, even when completely confortable im still low key its just my nature. I have a dry sense of humour, and judging from her profile she prob likes the loud boisterous kind of humor.

Should i be myself? Should i try the dry humour im used to on her, or should i try and be more fun. Not sure if dry humour and low key is a character flaw or not. Sometimes i think it is from the way some people dont respond to it. I have some friends who think im hilarious and yet ive dated a girl who said i am always serious cuz the jokes went right over her head and she didnt apparecate witty jokes. Should i just be myself? or is myself just a copout for stayin in my comfort zone. I personally like dry humour in others so i dunno.


Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
There is a thread here called "tests men can carry out" or something, browse, shouldn't be that far. Do some qualifying statements on her. Tell her, I'm looking for aventurous, spontaneous, fun women, who can cook, drive, and are great in bed. (that's her, and every other woman). Ask her if she's fun. Tell her than Cool, because I only hang out with fun people.

Don't take her BS for face value, instead take it and test her on that. Go to and read article, how to make conversations (or something like that), make a great conversation. Basically, you want to be testing her, and agreeing (with some things) with her. Go into deeper level if you like what you see, take your time when responding. At the end, tell her you have to go now for whatever, say bye (not later, bye). Pause, PM back, do you want to hang out sometime? Or, how about coffee at this place, at your place, at my place, whatever. She says she'd love too, cool, tell her I'm awailable this time on this date, get her #. ASK HER IF THAT"S THE NUMBER SHE ACTUALLY ANSWERS. Then go to your business and leave her a lone.

Another thing, if she's not showing something in her pics, like her body or tats, after talking ask her to send you pictures of it. She says she doesn't feel compfortable sending pics to strangers, tell her to send something she's compfortable with. Don't progress to date or meet stage without this (but only if there is something to pick on). When she sends you a pic, that means you can get away with more, like dinner or tea at her place as a first date. Don't take this advice for face value either, it won't work with all women, use your head and gut. Don't put too much into this online chat thing, with no possiblity of kino, when you meet she possibly won't even remember what yout alked about. Don't go sexual with her online this soon, if she does, tell her you don't talk about it to strangers.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Always, always be you, don't change for anyone. Who cares what this girl likes (or wants) bro; don't go changing just to please her. :box: There is a good chance that she doesn't know want she wants anyway.

Personally, I love dry humor, cracks me up every time. The girls that appreciate dry humor are usually very laid back and easy going, use this as a gauge. Snotty uptight girls usually don't get it, in my experience anyway.

Be cool, be yourself and work on getting her attraction level up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Kings_royalty said:
Always, always be you, don't change for anyone. Who cares what this girl likes (or wants) bro; don't go changing just to please her. :box: There is a good chance that she doesn't know want she wants anyway.

Personally, I love dry humor, cracks me up every time. The girls that appreciate dry humor are usually very laid back and easy going, use this as a gauge. Snotty uptight girls usually don't get it, in my experience anyway.

Be cool, be yourself and work on getting her attraction level up.

yea ur right its usually the snotty uptight ones, but also i've noticed it can be the dumb loud girls. I dated a girl who was so loud, her family was loud, her friends were dumb and loud. She thought my friend whos a clown was hilarious cuz he did loud funny things. Anytime id make a witty remark she didnt even seem to notice, while other girls in the group we hung out with (my friends gf's) laughed hard. Your prob right tho, she dont know wat she wants she could meet a quiet guy and end up bein crazy about him just cuz hes cute, msyterious, and manly or watver right?

the thin black duke

New Member
Oct 17, 2006
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if a woman posts like over a dozen pictures of herself on a online dating site does that mean she's bit desparate? i was on match the other day and i swear i saw a woman with about 25 pictures of herself..


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
the thin black duke said:
if a woman posts like over a dozen pictures of herself on a online dating site does that mean she's bit desparate? i was on match the other day and i swear i saw a woman with about 25 pictures of herself..
Desperate and self absorbed. Was she good looking?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
Your prob right tho, she dont know wat she wants she could meet a quiet guy and end up bein crazy about him just cuz hes cute, msyterious, and manly or watver right?
Exactly! Haven't you ever heard a girl say 'he's not my type, but there is something sexy about him’?

Don't pay attention to what a girl ‘says’; watch her behavior (actions). She can say whatever the hell she wants on her profile and it won't matter. You can have a girl doing things that are totally out of character for her, IF you know how to pull her strings correctly. :up: