Online dating advise.....


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
After 4 or 5 days exchanging funny e-mails with a girl, yesterday we were supposed to meet. However she declined sending me a sms that she was late at work. In order to not sound pissed off I also said the same "Im also stuck at work, I'll call u another time". After hangin'round with other friends this girl sent me another e-mail making a bit of fun of the "coincidence" and leaving the option that we can have better luck next time, plus continue addin' more info 'bout her day.

The point is... Should I continue this online friendship? Should I stop for a bit and retake it after a couple of days? Should I act cool like nothing happened? Should I call her without announcing and try to have a conversation? Should I continue trying to know her a bit more better via e-mail and then see what can happen (phone calls, meetings)?... cheers

PD: the email she sent was sent to me after a couple of hours her declination to our appoitment. I read it when I got home late at night.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Get her on the phone stop talking online. And whatever you do, don't try to stick your d!ck in the disk drive, I learned that the hard way you can get shocked and now I'm forever limp.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
tigrecu said:
After 4 or 5 days exchanging funny e-mails with a girl, yesterday we were supposed to meet. However she declined sending me a sms that she was late at work. In order to not sound pissed off I also said the same "Im also stuck at work, I'll call u another time". After hangin'round with other friends this girl sent me another e-mail making a bit of fun of the "coincidence" and leaving the option that we can have better luck next time, plus continue addin' more info 'bout her day.

The point is... Should I continue this online friendship? Should I stop for a bit and retake it after a couple of days? Should I act cool like nothing happened? Should I call her without announcing and try to have a conversation? Should I continue trying to know her a bit more better via e-mail and then see what can happen (phone calls, meetings)?... cheers

PD: the email she sent was sent to me after a couple of hours her declination to our appoitment. I read it when I got home late at night.
She may very well have gotten stuck at work, that happens all the time. Give it another chance. If she flakes again, and with anything other than apologizing profusely and makes you buy that it was legit, then move on.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Get her phone number and make a date. Do not talk more than 10 minutes. Go on the date and then get to know her. If she flakes again, don't get mad, just let it go. Let her be the one to initiate the next date, and if there is interest in her department, she will ask.

Personally, if she flaked on me, I wouldn't pursue another date. I'd let her make the effort, and if she doesn't, I'd move on to the next. It's that easy for me because I have learned that it's not worth trying with a girl who flakes on me. I'm worth every minute a woman can spend with me, so if she doesn't see it the same way, I let it go because it's not my problem. It just is!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know how firm your plans were, if she called the date off ample time beforehand, etc... but this doesn't sound like she flaked all that bad here, so I wouldn't worry about it. She could be legit, so set up another meeting, make sure you talk to her at least once on the phone before you do (always a good idea to make sure you guys are at least compatible enough to carry on a conversation).

I literally could write a book on online dating, but I will just leave you with this for now: Don't spend tons of time talking on the phone, texting, emailing. Spend enough time to see that she is truly interested and won't flake (I've never had this happen in probably 30 online dates), but then just get it over with and see if there is chemistry there. Once you reach a certain point, I believe building rapport over the phone hurts you more than it helps you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
What I've noticed about chatting online is you could be having a great conversation and then nothing! Happened me twice lately. Chatting with somebody for 2 hours and next day sent a how are you message and got no reply.

The same person was doing it all the time I'd say because she mentioned how some men would "get annoyed if I don't reply back straight away"!