Oneitis question


New Member
May 18, 2007
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I've got a severe case of oneitis. For reasons I'd rather not mention, my chances of success with her are very slim, and I've already DLVed to her through my neediness (f*ck, I hate oneitis!) I should also mention that do not know this oneitis very well, at least not enough to justify her being a oneitis (typical mark of the AFC ;)).
Thing is, I wan't to get over my oneitis, and although I've read the common advice of FTOW, that won't be possible all that soon since my game is seriously lacking at the moment (most likely a result of bad social skills, since I don't look all that bad, and I'm not very shy).
My plan to accomplish this is a CrashandBurn, or a kamikaze-sarge on this particular girl. In other words, I either act like the biggest @$$hole that I can, or I act like a needy WBAFC in order to get clearly, directly and explicitly rejected by her (the axact opposite of solid PU-skills). The idea behind this is that it might a.) b!tchslap me back to reality, thereby putting an end to my romanticized drooling and fantasizing about her, so that I can finally admit to myself that I will never be with her, and b.) cause me to see her in a negative light, thereby diminishing my attraction for her.

I want to know from the experienced PUAs/DJs on this forum if this is likely to be a successful cure for my oneitis.


Mar 19, 2007
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Falkland Islands, Florida
You can extract from this that attraction takes two, meaning if you are attracted to a girl, it does not mean she is attracted to you. Another thing is that if she's not attracted to you it is stupid and self destructive to go head over heals over her.

It's not about girl, it's about you. Things to learn are self worth, old ways don't get things you want, the way you think does not work for you.

Doctor Who

Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
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Here's a tip. Wait 1 week. Re-read your post. Ask yourself if it makes any sense. Get back to me then.

Fortunately you already recognize that you have oneitis. You also mention some positive qualities about yourself. This is a good start. I wouldn't go out of my way to make a fool of myself in order to get back to reality. Instead change up your game. Don't worry about her. Talking to her in your current confused, oneitis frame of mind will only lead to failure. Hang out with some people you havn't talked to in a while. Go do something you wanted to do but havn't had the chance to. It really just doesn't make sense to rush in head first or do something stupid just to fix/end this situation that has gotten out of your control.