one question about giving up


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
hey guys, i am not here to post that i feel like a failure or anything, BUT i have been through some ****, I was rejected twice by two girls that i loved at college ( yes very AFC behavior)then a managed to get a 9.5 HB who left me for another guy (i almost failed the semester because of her i was devastated) then I had an ugly girl whom i couldnt kiss since it was disgusting (i rejected se, can u imagine been virgin an rejecting that, well...:eek: )then i left my country because of political issues (lived in south america) and now here I am in Madrid , been here for 6 months now, i have barely met two good female friends but i dont like to date them, I have met several people and none of the chicks attracted me. In the past two months I have approached 18 girls, gotten 6 phone number and 11 e-mails, And yet I have not gotten a single date,one left me stranded, the others didnt answered any e-mail, and some others i didnt called since i didnt really like them, of those 18 there there was one that i managed to get the phone number but WRONG one digit was missing, then i caught her on MSN and open the chat but she never answered and that one hit me a bit since i thought there was something because of her answers and interaction.

I also rejected a girl which i didnt like that i met in my french class, but anyways i dont like dating for dating anymore.

I just said this because i have tried my best to beat my AFC inside of me since I suffer from it, (i also had a BIG phobia which has cost me a lot of effort to control, i dont want to mention it here since it is stupid, but remember phobias are stupid, To be a MAN i need to control my mind and that phobia,sooo:box: )I was just wondering if you guys have ever felt that ,even though, you fight every single day for your plans and goals(not only girls but mental issues, behaviors,you own business, results dont come in, i mean is like pushing pushing and pushing but to no avail, I know that the only solution is to assess yourself and objectivily say "i think i am doing it right" BUTTTT there are days when you just feel like to give up, but not because you are afraid or anything but just tired of so many "NO' and bad results ?


Z Man

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Western Missouri
This is a bit unclear. So you are saying that you are getting rejections from girls but you are also rejecting other girls?

At least you have value in some of these girl's eyes, even if you don't like them back the same way.

It sounds like you are focused too much on women right now. Time to take a break to clear your head and go do something you like to do. The girls will be around when you are ready to try again.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Z MAN. YEs I think that i am focusing way to much on them, dont know why, but I am also studying, investing and working out, going out with friends,batteling my mind with damaging thoughts so i dont know why I focus so much on getting a date when I am always doing something, maybe It can be 'cause i feel a little bit lonely in another country which is not mine, nontheless I am not desperate to get whatever cross my path, BUt a quality girl,

Dont know IF you get my point here, maybe i am pushing to much myself

Well thanks guys

Z Man

Don Juan
Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
Western Missouri
Does your phobia have something to do with interacting with women, or social situations? Or something else entirley?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Your thought process is messed up! That IS your issue.

You need to change the way you think. You're looking for outside sources for validation, and when you don't get them, you're down on yourself. You have to believe in yourself and let no other person define who you are.

You have to believe in yourself. That's what's very attractive to women, and they can smell it a mile away when you don't believe in yourself. Work on yourself right now. You define who you are.
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