One of the easiest rapport builders ever


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
I actually stumbled upon this one by accident about two months ago. This one entails you making nothing more than a simple statement along the lines of:

"You know what show I always liked, 'Saved by the Bell."

Keep in mind I'm in my early 20's so the mature DJ's might want to stay away from this one. Usually after saying this I end up having a lively converstaion about the show. I love this kind of rapport building because it has her make an effort to build rapport with me, but it gives her something to work with (much in the sameway a prop can give her an excuse to carry on a converstation). Try it tonight and give me some feedback. I'm anxious to see if this one will work for anyone else.

BTW: You obviously have to know a thing or two about the show to use this one. You could also try Friends or Seinfeld, but the thing with Saved by The Bell is that it will probably allow her to go back into her childhood which in turn will allow her to experience some pretty good emotions (Every girl I've interacted with has looked back fondly on their childhood no matter how bad it might have been.)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
milrenkb said:
I actually stumbled upon this one by accident about two months ago. This one entails you making nothing more than a simple statement along the lines of:

"You know what show I always liked, 'Saved by the Bell."

Keep in mind I'm in my early 20's so the mature DJ's might want to stay away from this one. Usually after saying this I end up having a lively converstaion about the show. I love this kind of rapport building because it has her make an effort to build rapport with me, but it gives her something to work with (much in the sameway a prop can give her an excuse to carry on a converstation). Try it tonight and give me some feedback. I'm anxious to see if this one will work for anyone else.

BTW: You obviously have to know a thing or two about the show to use this one. You could also try Friends or Seinfeld, but the thing with Saved by The Bell is that it will probably allow her to go back into her childhood which in turn will allow her to experience some pretty good emotions (Every girl I've interacted with has looked back fondly on their childhood no matter how bad it might have been.)
Yes it would be a good way to start rapport.

It shows your emotion for the show that you actually like it. Try saying it with loads of passion (not too much like a gay!) and instead of saying like say love. And evaluate on what you love about it

Never tried it myself because I actually hate that show, so mine would be:

"You know what show I always hated, 'Saved by the Bell!, that screetch was annoying, he reminds me of some one I used to go to primary school with that I.......blah blah blah"

Try it on anything e.g. "I love beer, I really could murder a pint now.......", "Can't wait to get home to get a bit of that left birthday cake, I love cake, my favourite is......."

Wide rapport


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Doggystyle said:
Yes it would be a good way to start rapport.

It shows your emotion for the show that you actually like it. Try saying it with loads of passion (not too much like a gay!) and instead of saying like say love. And evaluate on what you love about it

Never tried it myself because I actually hate that show, so mine would be:

"You know what show I always hated, 'Saved by the Bell!, that screetch was annoying, he reminds me of some one I used to go to primary school with that I.......blah blah blah"

Try it on anything e.g. "I love beer, I really could murder a pint now.......", "Can't wait to get home to get a bit of that left birthday cake, I love cake, my favourite is......."

Wide rapport
Nice! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but after reading your reponse about how you hated Saved by The Bell my initial reaction was to engage you in a debate. Might be a nice road to take if your purpose is to get into a little verbal sparring (which can be just as fun as finding commanalities)