One more day to use this tip!


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Go to a mall. Walk up to the hottest broads you can find. Say "Excuse me. Do you know what girls want for christmas? Because I have no idea."

By doing this, the girl will automatically assume you aren't trying to pick her up and that you are shopping for your girlfriend. Her response will probably be this "Well, how old is she?"
"What does she like?"...

Now it's your turn to start making up bullsh*t about this "girl" you are supposedly shopping for, like her age and what she likes... blah, blah, blah...

If there is a pause in conversation, say something like this "I was thinking about getting her maybe perfume or a belt or something. Do you think that would be a good idea?"

Most girls will ramble on about stuff that you don't even want to know about shopping for girls and if this happens just pretend you're interested and ask more questions.

If you ask about perfume, ask her what she likes and what she is wearing. Get close to her and smell her and say "That smells good. What kind of fragrance is that?"

If you are in a store and there are clothes around say this "I was thinking about maybe getting her some clothes?"

The chick will say "Well, do you know what size she is?"

This is where you look confused and then gradually start to check her out and say "She's pretty similar to your size." or "She's built about the same but is a little bit taller(neg hit)."

Then the chick will probably try to show you some sweaters and sh*t. This is where you can throw in some ****y + funny lines about what styles she's trying to show you. Keep the convo upbeat and try to get personal with her by saying "Would you buy something like this?" or "Where did you get what you're wearing?"

After you are talking to the HB for a while, you have to be subtle when going for her number because you are in a non-pickup environment. I normally thank her for her help and then say "What are you up to over the holidays besides working here?" She will say "Blah, blah, blah...". You say "Do you want to come out to a few parties?" She will say "Sure". You say "Why don't you write your number down for me then." She will do what you say.

I've been pulling off this same pickup for about a week with unbelieveable results. Every single girl was willing to help me because the conversation is non-threatening and implies I already have a girlfriend. On some occasions, I was forced to buy some stuff I didn't want to improve my chances for the number close. This is well worth it because I can just return the stuff I don't want after christmas.

I should have posted this earlier because there is not much time left for christmas shopping, but I'm sure this would work on other occasions if you say you're shopping for a birthday present or something.

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
You can use this all of the time it's a good tip. After the holidays say you are shopping for a girls birthday gift. You can use all of that stuff you said. The kicker is the girl you are talking to doesn't know you are going out with the girl your buying presents for. You could say she's just a friend. So when you get the number it will seem more real.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Just wondering what purpose it serves to become her friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by -Boogerman-
Just wondering what purpose it serves to become her friend.
There is no purpose to becoming friends. If you get her number, you can call her up, take her out, and make-love to her. There's no friendship involved other than you being friendly with her before nailing her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
You gave a very good advice! There are still a lot of guys here who are still not comfortable approaching women. For those guys who are still doing the first phases of DJ Boot Camps, this is a great way to practice and get use to approaching strangers.

Thanks W&D, this is a keeper. :D


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
W&D I mean, this is way to much work for me. My idea on this approach would be to use your opening, get rapport, say that you are hungry and eat with her in a McDonalds or something while you get to know her.