One man's ramblings


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Over the course of the day I have had many built up thoughts - so i decided to start writing. I decided to post it here, maybe someone can take something special from it, but then again, maybe not.


Another day, another obstacle, another agony, does it ever stop? No. It doesn't, and thats a fact. There will always be something that will cause you some amount of discomfort every day, wether it's doing your homework, being nice to your family, trying to eat healthy, and the list goes on. Your reaction to these discomforts is what shapes the person you are.

It's all about direction and motivation. Direction to know exactly what you want and exactly how to get it, and the motivation to give it all you've got.

It's interesting actually, when I have direction i have no motivation but when i have motivation i have no direction, i guess maintaining both is difficult. Probably because motivation is so closely tied with emotion and direction and emotion simply dont mix.

I'll tell you what the problem is. Thinking. Thinking ****s everything up. Wether it is thinking about past failures or simply thinking about any time other than now. Is it possible to give yourself direction by planning your life and your goals and then simply never think again.. just live with what you have given yourself.

Perhaps thats one of the many secrets, plan life and then forget. Thinking only makes things to complicated.

Theres a resolution for you, figure out what you want in terms of girls (or anything), then stop thinking, just go and ****ing do it. Why? Because you have all ready thought about it and decided that its what you want. Learn to trust yourself.

When your giving yourself direction, remember to amplify the reasons in your head, remember to make sure you know why your doing it and forget everything else.

Who am i to tell you to stop thinking, like its that easy to just stop thinking. I believe that the concious decision to stop thinking is the first step to success.

Life is to short for thinking about anything else other than the moment. Think about what your capable of acheveing in 2 months. You can improve your body, become a lot smarter, become financially literate, get a tan, have unstoppable confidence, make 30 new friends, get a new job, get a cool hair cut, have a new girlfriend, have 3 new girlfriends, save up some money, hel you can do all that in 2 months so naturally the world is at your feet.

But every second of thought stops you from doing this, every second of thought is one second that didn't exist. You KNOW what to do, it's time to ****en do it. You dont know what to do??? You do! I'm telling you, you do, just look inside. Still down know what to do? Well then think about it now and figure out what to do, but when your done thinking, STOP it again.

Figure out what to then shut that guy in your head off.

The more you think the less chance you have of being succesfull.

Do something for me tomorrow, dont think.

Just for the one day, just dont think. Then do it for a month. What will you end up with? Success, you know what to do just your thoughts stop you from doing it.

Sure if you dont think you will make mistakes. But that means success as we know all to well around here.

So there it is - Just shut the **** up and stop thinking.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know, i feel like if you dont think and plan every thing to the last detail, you will end up making mistakes, which could be fatal. And im not talking about approaching girls coz making mistakes in this area, aint that bad.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by bob246
I dont know, i feel like if you dont think and plan every thing to the last detail, you will end up making mistakes, which could be fatal. And im not talking about approaching girls coz making mistakes in this area, aint that bad.
Yes, but I think he means plan then do and once you've achieved everything plan some more. If you plan everything to the last detail then if you mess up halfway then you've wasted your time planning the rest.
I think this is more for the people who think negatively though, I mean theres nothing wrong with thinking it's just when thinking stops you from acting. Like when guys say "I can't approach her because......." or "I can't start a business because.....".

Good post Sammo.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Haha even though you hate me, I won't return that hate to you. I'm to kind. Yeah wow I've been trying to stop the thinking and this seemed to sum up what I'm trying to do. You just THOUGHT that out perfectly. lol, good job.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by bob246
I dont know, i feel like if you dont think and plan every thing to the last detail, you will end up making mistakes, which could be fatal. And im not talking about approaching girls coz making mistakes in this area, aint that bad.
1. You simply CANT plan everything to the last detail.

2. Mistakes are good. They = Success. The thought that 'mistakes are fatal' as you put it is what leads to shy, timid people who never live life and die with regret.

3. Making mistakes in any area is the key to success. Not 'just girls'.