One Crazy New Year's - Share Your Stories (If They're Good)


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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OK. I'm tired of all this stupid boring negativity. How about you DJ's post about having a good time? Well, I'll start.

MVPlaya's New Year's

I was in the Netherlands Dec. 26 - Jan. 02 to visit my family so I spent most of the time with my dad there. However, 2.5 days I spent sarging.

Dec. 30
I go to an indoor pool (Tropicana) with a couple of my boys. We spot some chicks there and start macking. I take note of one I kind of find cute, none are really top notch but this one's a 7. I figure out she works at the pool and she's flirting with me. She tells me that there's a huge party at the Tropicana Dance Club (the pool's club, holds 2500) on New Year's ($35 a pop, $65 VIP). After a while I get a make out close with her and she says if me and my boys come we can all get VIP for free. Sweet. Rest of that day I spend with my family.

Dec. 31
New Year's rolls around. I try to stay in bed till 2 (long night planned). Can't go beyond 2. Go out for lunch w/ friends. Come home to family. Around 6 take off and go buy fireworks (everyone has their own fireworks for New Year's in Europe), we talk to the guys at the bicycle repair shop turned make shift firework shop and we get nice discounts (proof DJing can help you in all areas of life). We then have a bonfire on our block and blast fireworks all night. We then roll around looking for parties around 2am in my boys broken down 1980's Benz. We crash this one cool party thrown by some chicks who rented out a bar. I start macking on the girl there. After about an hour she pulls me back into a room there. I'll leave the rest to your sexually frustrated imaginations. After a while me and my boys roll out again and we decide to hit up this one club which is hated cause the bouncers are assh0les, but the club has lots of hot chicks. The line's too long so we decide not to risk it cause chances are the bouncers wont let us in (cause they're gameless pussies). We go to the Tropicana (pool's dance club) and I spot yesterday's chick there, we dance but I'm not interested. I spot some other chicks, ditch yesterday's pool girl (thx 4 vip tho), I makeout with 2 hot chicks (not at the same time). We afterparty until about 10 AM.

Jan. 1 (Yes, it was the first in the last post too.)
After 10 AM me and my boys decide to go for the New Year's dive. This is a mad tradition in Holland where people dive into the icecold water day after New Year's (last year it was below freezing point temperature when it happened). Sure as hell, were all acting tough about it, " it ain't no big thing." We get there, its snowing. Me and 2 of my boys decide what the hell and we do it. The other 2 pvssy out like the b!tches they can be... That's cool thp. I have this great picture of the three of us guys showing off our 6pack and pecs in our swimming shorts, fresh out of the water while snow is coming down over us at the beach. Thats a pic for the ladies for sure. Anyway. After that, I get back. I drop down on the bed and sleep for a good couple hours but not enough. Get dragged to the airport and spend the next 21 hours either in an airplane or in an airport. Nonetheless, this was a good New Year's.

Post your newyear stories people...


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Originally posted by GigaloDJ
I started the new year off with a bang. ;)
Me too, 2 hours into New Year's I had mine. C'mon guys. I know some of you got some action. Lets hear about it. Leave the "she looked at me, what does it mean" threads for later.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
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I got a BJ and busted on her face at exactly the new year.
Wait..... no I didnt. Nor did I get a BJ.. *shrug*

About the freezing water, you must be out your mind, thats how you get ammonia and that other thing that happends when its cold.. cant remember the name but its the oppisite of dehydration.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
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New Zealand
I was on duty at the base over new years so for me the new DJing year starts tomorrow ('ceptin for the CA I bust in the Gym tonight , always good to start the year sucking a C+B thru the props :D ).


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2003
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Hooked up with a HB8.5 on Dec 27 in a club

Spent New Year's at her place because it was bigger and had better view of the fireworks happening downtown. Well it was very interesting night :D Trojan Extended pleasure condoms are your friend ;)

On Jan 3 2:15 am, serious makeout with the HB 8.5. Pants and shirts off. Just about to penetrate, A very close buddy calls and says that there are couple of big Czech guys outside of the club waiting to beat him. He begged me to come (bring some of my bigger friends) and extract him out of there. Little to say I was extremely pissed at him but reluctently I got ready. The hb ***** starts whining about being ready. I told her to make her self comfortable and that I will be back in half an hour. She got really *****y and stated that if I leave so will she... out of my life permenatly. I chucked her coat out of the house and told her to f--- off then. Got my buddy and got extremely drunk (Wimpy buddy was paying).

Sacrificed ass for friend cause

hos come and they go but
Brothas are for eva

That was my new years! :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
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Melbourne, Australia
My New Years began promisingly but was ultimately a bit of a flop in terms of DJing. Myself and two friends went to a smallish country town with a supposedly good nightlife.

The first thing I noticed was that basic street DJing (Hi's etc) were a lot easier. On the walk to the town centre I got in about 7 Hi's to passers-by. A car full of wogs called out to me asking if there were any sluts around :rolleyes:

Next was a little strange - two obviously drunk women were walking down the street towards us. I walked with good posture, body language and had solid eye contact. Upon calling out a greeting, one of them said, "Hellooooo" and headed right in my direction.

But as she got closer and closer I thought, "Ohhh sh1t". She started to look pretty old and trashy looking. Maybe late 30s. She walked right into me so our crotches touched and grabbed me round the waist, before her friend pulled her away. If only she was younger, I could have done anything.

Barely 2 mins later we crossed paths with 2 girls and a guy. The guy made a point of grabbing his girl and pulling her closer to him to say she was taken....AFC. As we crossed she spoke flirtily with me and started complimenting my top, just to make her BF jealous. Nothing much in that but those two incidents indicated I had my grooming and physical demeanour sorted out. (One of my friends is better looking and taller than I).

Near an ATM, I made an approach to two girls, although the plainer one was more interested in me than the hotter one :(. None of my two AFCs friends winged, which disappointed me.

Inside the club, did a similar approach to two girls but once again the plainer one was more interested!!! It was probably because I was a lot closer to her. Once again my friend ran away as soon as I made the approach. That was one occasion I really needed good winging.

Afterwards got snubbed twice at the bar. Eg "At this rate we'll never get served" B1tches.

Then the problem of the country revealed itself. Surely on NYE, everyone is out on the town, so young people are bound to recognise other young people. There was only ONE more group of girls - everywhere else they were surrounded by guys. And in a place like this, the guys are very working class and territorial. Fights involving city 'blow-ins' are very common because they are so insecure about losing their chicks. (As I witnessed earlier).

I had no backup (wings), and didn't feel alpha enough to barge in on mixed groups, so the night fizzled out. The odds were poor anyway considering I was out for nothing less than a lay.

A few teenage girls on the street were very interested in us but I have morals. My desperate friend suggested going back to them though :rolleyes:

On the walk home we nearly got into a fight with a drunk. He started sleazing up on a poor girl whose male companion continued to walk ahead without confronting the prick. Finally I'd had enough so I told him that I didn't think he was having any luck.

Thankfully this took his focus off the girl and he started talking to us (the freind who didn't wing keep walking again), but he was very agressive in a drunk type of way, and calling us queers for not trying to chase pu$$y. He got 1 inch from my face, braething his pathetic alcohol breath in my face, but I stood my ground. DJ training allowed me to stare him right in the eye and 'smurf' him. It was satisfying when he gave in to me and left in disgust.

So anyway, the night ended a little distastefully but it was fun nonetheless


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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You flew all the way back to Holland from the United States to party on New Years? Dayum, man! :) I would love to party it up in Amsterdam or Berlin on New Years. :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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LOL, Jake. No. The party I would've had had I stayed in America would have been so unbelievably better. I'll put it this way, my super-loaded friends pull mad strings to throw 2 weeks of super-loaded partying in a decked out multimillion dollar private resort cabin. I went to Holland because my dad was turning 50 and I wanted to surprise him. My uncle drove me to his place and opened the door, I just sat on the bed and woke him up (he had no idea I was coming). He was surprised as hell. Anyway, it was good either way and my friends throw many more parties, so I wouldn't trade this experience. But Jake, I know you didn't stay home and watch a soap opera on New Year's. What've you been up to? (others welcome to contribute too)

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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An invitation to boast? Splendid!

Please bear in mind that I don't see the passing of one more year an occasion to celebrate. Now, if we can find a way to stop it from passing, now that's something I could drink to with much anticipation.

However, I'm no stick in the mud. I love life and one of the many things I love about it is Ouzo. Very much like Christmas, with its 12 days and my birthday, with it's 5 days of celebration, the New Year's eve festivities had three days of preparation partying to get everybody geared up for it.

I'm off school until the 12th, so there is no curfew. On the first night, I'd been a bit down because I had to next myself from a certain sexy barmaid with an incontinent, bratty, yet overall good kid. However, I am in control of how I feel and the public arena is no place for any pity parties.

On Monday, the 29th, it just seems like there's something electric in the air. I have arrived at just the right time. Two idiots are squaring off in the parking lot, no doubt over some girl. I park the car, get out and jump right in the middle before any blows are exchanged. I put a stop to it and tell them that I will be the judge jury and executioner.This is my playground and I won't have the cops come in and chase away all the honeys. (some are under the ripe age of 21)

As I leave the two idiots to go their seperate ways, I am greeted right away like kids to a father coming home from work after a long day. This greeting comes from three girls who have already tried to sample my goods before, and I've found them lacking in maturity. But, they bring a fourth with them, who seems to have eyes that capture mine for a second too long. She sees it, I know I've expressed too much interest already. But, that's life. I can't help it if she looks good enough to eat.

Amazing how celebrity status affects them. I mean, I'm really nobody, just a graduate student who checks ID as a favor to the owner for some cheap brew. Yes, I'm funny, maybe a 6 or 7 on the looks scale, but sheesh! Let's just chalk it up to experience, as I've got plenty of that.

I greet the ladies, always making sure not to speak unless spoken to, among those I've met before. I see a few of my friends, press the flesh, so to speak and make my way towards the bar.


Man, that's way too much detail !

In a nutshell, I partied my cheese off for three days. I got rejected, completely blown of 5 times, made plans with two other honeys and had one "instant date" with another honey. (We left for a challenging game of air hockey. I kicked her a**!)

The actual stroke of midnight was anticlimactic as the band was still singing. I didn't get a New Years kiss. At least not at midnight. I got several after midnight.

If you want full detail, I'll write ya a nice e-novel.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
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Hooked up with a married chick all night at the club....I'm pretty sure at one point her friend slapped me lightly in the face....Chick wanted the young meat...Didn't seal the deal though....


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Big Pappy
Please bear in mind that I don't see the passing of one more year an occasion to celebrate. Now, if we can find a way to stop it from passing, now that's something I could drink to with much anticipation.
I'm with you on that one. If you make it happen, I'll bring the champaign, and we'll hit the up the clubs and give these cats a field report to remember.

Anyway, any more FR: New Year's?


New Member
Nov 6, 2003
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Aurora, CO
Dec 31st at 10:30pm

Got drunk, passed out, and had to be carried home from the club. never got to see the new year


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2003
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Location - 4 hours drive from where i live, on the coast.

Drinking vodka on the balcony of the hotel, overlooking the beach - introduced myself to ladies passing by, didn't manage to pull any of them up to my room.

Went walking around town round 10:30, had a group of ladies start yelling 'hey, thats that guy from xx - happy new year!" ....had a limited convo with them as they were on the other side of the road heading in the opposite direction. Still don't know who they were, some ladies from my home town obviously.

Headed back to the hotel to grab a beer, noticed this hunnyyyy checking me out as i walked by. I needed to take a piss so i didn't stop at this time. Got back up to the hotel room, grabbed a beer and did my deed... went out to the balcony and started dancing like a clown (there was some g@y 70's film clip on TV i was imitating).
Then i hear a voice calling out to me, notice a hot tanned blonde HB down below dressed in some tight, elegant black dress. So i do the standard fluff talk and tell her ill be 'going downstairs shortly so she better be prepared' got her laughing and she seemed pretty switched on so i headed downstairs...Had a great convo with her, moved in for Kino but 2 of her cokblocking friends interrupted. I didn't bother trying to close, night was young and i live too far away to waist time on anything more than a ONS, got some advice on clubbing in the area & said my goodbyes.

Went out to see if the hunny that was eyeing me earlier was still around (she was & was sitting with 2 females and one male) made the necessary introductions - but she was pretty shy when trying to get a convo going. I kept at it though, built up a decent convo & then she invited me (us) to a club/bar at a nearby beach - they were waiting for a taxi. I stated we would catch up with them there later in the night - we didn't.

Headed for town round 11:30, noticed a classy looking lady (early 30's i'd say) she was smoking (big turn off for me, but ok for my mate as he smokes occasionally). I introduce & ask whether she has any 'decent' cigarettes - she does, my mate gets one & we get the fluff going and then i push my buddy in there & get them talking. She's a psychologist from a small town about 45 minutes from where we live - she bores the sh1t out of me, i phaze out and check the area out for other potentials. The convo fades a little so my mate comes back and joins me..we head into town.

Watch the fireworks at 12pm blah blah...drink too much.

Get into the club, hunny's grabbing onto me wishing me a happy new years - i was too drunk to turn their openess into anything more - damnit.

Did a lap of the club and bump into an EX from my home town!!! (she cheated on me when i was an AFC) so i give her a brief smile and go to work on befriending her boyfriend. We talked for a bit, i could tell my ex was fuming / feeling awkward in the background, it was bloody amusing :)

Start dancing with the hotties on stage & do a few minor approaches. Make some new friends with some of the local's (guys & gal's) but nothing major. Head back to my mate who's too shy to get up and dance - he wants to head back to the hotel...bahhh, so we head back. I make a few minor approaches on the way but most of them seemed a little young for my liking.

2 nights after new years eve i head out again - but this time alone, hit the clubs and pick up a 34 year old. Looked HOT as in clothes but man, i took her bra off and those things were saggy. Only 'older' woman i have actually been with and it was pretty average -Do most chick's this age have saggy tits ??

Not a bad new years although i had expected better after last years.

All the best for the new year fella's!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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The opposite of dehydration is drowning. Btw., the New Year's dive is attended by about 3,000 to 4,000 each year (who participate).


That sucks, homie. I decided not to drink New Year's (one or two glasses, no more) because it would be a looong night. Self-restraint, homie. New Year's is the best time for pimping IMO.


Sounds like you've had a cool New Year. Too bad about the older woman. I hear (haven't had em, I stick to 18-25) that chicks around 30 are at the height of their sexual maturity. But I don't know.