once in a lifetime opportunity?


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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Theres this one girl that has been on my mind for about 3 weeks but i never came up with the balls to talk to her, i can imagine it making my high school life much better. Because i suck at math (still in geometry as a junior), and shes in my math class. everything just isn't right..im lazy and barely socialize with people other than a group of guys outside of class..live far from school, so many problems i hate myself!! I only fear the worse when it comes down when i get to know her is that she is with someone else..only person that i found attractive and not one of those *****y people and has the best smile EVER period.

Just kills me whenever think about my future would be like with her and i believe she is "The One" or a soul mate :rolleyes: for me. Even though that i truely believe that i shouldnt waste my time being shy and life is short, I am beginning to see that i shouldnt care what other people thinking of me and live my life to the fullest. Only time i see her is in class and after that class when she leaves class for lunchtime.

I would just like to get to know her and be friends first because she seems nice and i never felt this way to any other girl i have seen in my life and maybe i can ask her for math tutoring :). Im not looking for anything serious, just a really close friend i can relate to in the opposite sex and be there for me cause i've never had this weird feeling that i need someone and ironically it has to be a girl. I've never had any "girl" friends before due to my shyness and yeah.

So do you guys think i should just go up to her and say hi and what else? sucks that i dont sit next to her. Im new here so dont flame me or anything without reading the articles and using the search button cause its late and i just found this website and i would like some input on this situation.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
First, I would suggest taking her off of the pedestal. I'm sure she's beautiful and everything but she's no better than anyone else. She's just a regular person, not some goddess. And if you want to get to know her, then you must go approach her and get to know her. If you don't approach her the chances of getting to know her are extremely slim, and I only say that cause I don't like to say that anything is for certain. But, if you go and talk to her and get to know her then maybe she will like you, or maybe she will reject you, but your chances of sucess are far greater. Either way you may lose, but if you try at least you'll have a chance.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Don't waste time; go talk to her the next time you see her. Life is short. High school is even shorter. You don't want to live the rest of your life wondering what could have happened if you talked to her.

And BTW, you say "I hate myself." Ask yourself 'why?' What don't you like about yourself? Find out what you hate and work out how to change it, that's your first step. If you don't like yourself, do you think she will like you?


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
I am beginning to see that i shouldnt care what other people thinking of me and live my life to the fullest.
There ya go. Solution to 99.9% of problems and the holy grail of life. Follow this by heart.

So do you guys think i should just go up to her and say hi and what else?
Never ask this again. You know what you want, therefore you know the answer.

Im new here so dont flame me or anything without reading the articles and using the search button cause its late and i just found this website and i would like some input on this situation.
If you're reading this, it probably isn't late, and you're probably not tired, so get your lazy ass off to the search button and read the bible.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
If you hate yourself, how is this girl going to like you? First of all, you have to love yourself. You might have an accent, you might be of a different color, you might be shorter than everyone else, but you're are the best damn you you can be. She will like you a helluva lot more if she feels like you are a confident and proud man. Wouldn't you want to hang around with people like that? The same goes for your object of desire.

Your future with her? Your soul mate? Whoa....slow down there, fella; you haven't even asked her out yet. Don't even deny this: you are putting her on the pedestal. In my opinion, this is the most important DJ rule of them all.

You are HER object of desire....she has to fight for YOUR love and approval.

Im not looking for anything serious, just a really close friend i can relate to in the opposite sex and be there for me cause i've never had this weird feeling that i need someone and ironically it has to be a girl.
That's a lie. You just said it yourself: "She's the one".

[slaps paradox88 on the back of his head]
Is she off your pedestal now??
[slaps him again]
How about now??

She ain't the one, and she ain't your soul mate. She's just one of billions of women on this particle of dirt we call Earth.

If you never had the balls to talk to her, she probably doesn't know your name or, even worse, doesn't know you exist. Go up to her and introduce yourself....or, if you can't be that direct, initiate some small talk and after she feels comfortable, introduce yourself. 9 times out of 10, she's follow that up by telling you her name. Even if she doesn't, a simple, "and your name is?" will suffice.

Get your name out there and then get back to us. After all this, by all means, ASK HER OUT! If her answer is yes, if her answer is no, it doesn't matter.

When all is said and done, come back to SoSuave.com and read the DJ Bible. It ain't bathroom reading....it's some high-quality stuff.

If you have anymore questions, PM me. You remind me of myself before I stumbled on this site....normally I would just say, "READ THE BIBLE!"


Don Juan
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kansas City
That's a lie. You just said it yourself: "She's the one".[slaps paradox88 on the back of his head]
Is she off your pedestal now??
[slaps him again]
How about now??
Damn that's some awesome tough love